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Experts explain why it's so difficult to reduce stubborn abdominal fat.

By Hashan chamaraPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

Losing abdominal fat might be difficult, but knowing why can help you achieve your health objectives. "There are two forms of fat in the body: the softer sort that's immediately beneath the surface is called'subcutaneous fat,'" explains Dr. Sherry Ross, MD, OB/GYN and Women's Health Expert at Providence Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, CA. This is the type that can be pinched. Then there's visceral fat, which is difficult to get rid of because it's stored deeper in your abdomen and wraps around organs. The type of fat you should be concerned about is visceral fat, which has been linked to a plethora of health issues including insulin resistance, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and an increased risk of cancer.

It's Important What You Eat

Dr. Sepehr Lalezari, a Dignity Health St. Mary in Long Beach surgeon and weight loss specialist, notes, "The majority of patients have trouble losing weight. Weight loss is complicated and influenced by a variety of factors. A person's genetics, metabolic rate, level of activity, and nutrition all play a role. The things we eat have a significant impact on our weight gain and loss. Increased belly fat and insulin resistance are common side effects of high-carbohydrate diets. This eventually develops to type 2 diabetes. You can lose belly fat by avoiding simply processed sweets. Don't drink your calories, I always remind my patients. Avoid high fructose corn syrup, which is commonly found in sodas."

Being inactive

Dr. Lalezari claims that "It is critical to enhance your level of physical exercise. The American Heart Association advises 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of strong aerobic activity each week, or a combination of the two. I recommend that my patients begin with 30 minutes three times a week and work their way up. Any continuous activity, including walking, is beneficial. The most crucial aspect is to get started!"


Healthy Crunch Founder/CEO Julie Bednarski MHSc, PHEc, RD states, "Stress, anxiety, sadness, and weariness are all factors that can lead to weight gain and make losing weight more difficult. When you are stressed, whether at work or at home, your body stores fat. Finding techniques to handle stress via mindfulness and meditation can help you lose weight and enhance your mental health."

It's ineffective to focus on just one part of your body.

According to Dr. Ross, "You can't spot reduce, as much as we wish that were true, but you can make changes to get to a healthier weight. Reduce the number of processed foods you eat each day and increase the amount of whole fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich meals you consume. Experts also agree that seeing benefits requires a combination of nutrition and exercise, so start moving your body for at least 30 minutes every day. There's plenty of evidence that strength training can help you get more out of your workout, but the most essential factor is consistency, so choose something you can stick with."

Hormone Concentrations

"As women progress from perimenopause to menopause, hormone levels that previously helped them maintain a healthy weight begin to change," explains Dr. Ross. "Visceral fat tends to grow, and weight gain in the abdomen and mid-section is more likely, when combined with a gradual loss of muscle mass." As a result, many women become pear-shaped rather than apple-shaped during this time unless they take proactive measures to counteract weight gain before it becomes out of hand.


We are all aware of the hazards of smoking. According to one study, it causes an increase in abdominal and visceral fat. So, if you needed another excuse to give up, now you have it.

You're Exercising in the Wrong Way

Those sit-ups aren't going to cut it. To gain muscle, you must also engage in weight training. The more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn. If you just have time for one workout, pick aerobic exercise (like walking or running). It is most effective for fat burning. Make it a habit, and gradually increase the intensity to achieve the desired outcomes.

You Appreciate Beer

That beer belly is caused by more than just beer and beer carbs. All alcoholic beverages have calories. You'll gain weight if you consume too many calories, especially if you're not exercising and eating properly. Remember to drink in moderation if you do.

Fill Your Fridge with Sports and Energy Drinks

Sugar can be found in a variety of sports beverages. This adds calories to the equation. If you consume too many of these, you're putting yourself at risk of gaining weight around your waistline. Reduce your intake of sugary, high-calorie beverages. That includes non-diet sodas and energy drinks.

weight loss

About the Creator

Hashan chamara

In Sri Lanka's best fitness club, I work as a fitness trainer. As a result, I can provide you with the skills and assistance you need to achieve your health and fitness goals.

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