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Thai Amulet Stories

Thai Amulet Store Stories

By Janet DarbeyPublished 7 years ago 2 min read
Thai Street Market

Before I left Thailand, I decided to buy a number of amulets to give to friends as gifts. I chose a variety of amulets and takruts according to the blessings they would bestow on the owner of them. Takruts are a kind of talisman or amulet, usually in the form of a tube of metal or a piece of lead which bears magical symbols.

The amulets offered such blessings as long life, good fortune, protection, and improvements in business and health. I returned to the UK with them safely packed in my hand luggage.

I knew they were all genuine, as they had been purchased from the temples and monks who produced them. You cannot be too careful with where you purchase them from, as many dealers and markets sell fake amulets.

Thai amulet stores sell genuine amulets that they know are the real deal.

The first of the amulets was given to my best friend for protection and to bring good will from others. She was delighted with it and I advised that she place it where she could see it every day, but where other people would not be tempted to pick it up or touch it.

She placed it in the corner of a shelf in a high, dark wood bookcase, behind some large crystals that she had collected. I then followed her into the kitchen while she made our lunch and then we ate lunch together at the table.

As we returned to the lounge to drink our post-lunch coffee, she asked me why I had moved the amulet, which she had placed so carefully in the corner of the shelf. I denied moving it and walked across to have a look for myself.

The amulet was now in the centre of the shelf, on full display, and away from all the crystals. There was no one else in the flat to move it. We could only assume that it moved to a more auspicious place for it to be, as it has not moved since that time.

The second amulet was given to someone who needed strong healing. Well, not given exactly. He had cancer of the kidney and I used the amulet to bring healing forces to him without him knowing. He does not believe in such things and would have rejected the idea of receiving healing from the Thai amulet. I used it for the good, to bring long life and healing to this wonderful man.

As he did not believe in such things, I placed that amulet close to the armchair where he relaxed every night before going to bed. I visited with his daughter a few days later after explaining everything, but the amulet was gone when we looked for it on top of the unused speaker where I had placed it.

No one had moved the amulet and he was still unaware of its presence in the house or its use. After searching for a while, we found it right next to his chair on a level with his kidneys and back. He is continuing to do well and his health and energy are improving all the time. The amulet is still in the same position by the chair.

Why do the amulets move? How do they move? Who knows? But they definitely work in mysterious ways to bring blessings to those who deserve them.


About the Creator

Janet Darbey

I have been a writer and photographer for over thirty years. I love to travel and share stories with the world.

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