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Tarot Reading for February 7, 2023

Guidance and wisdom for today

By Jason Almirez-TaglianettiPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Hello again friends. This morning as I woke up from my deep sleep, I remembered a conversation with a friend from 20 years ago. I remember telling him I played guitar, and he asked me if I was a guitarist or a guitar player. Now this question seemed absurd to me because I play guitar. That would make me a guitar player. As I thought about this, he continued by saying that if you’re serious about your instrument, you’re a guitarist. If not, then you’re a player. That memory resonated a bit with me this morning as I started to think about today’s reading. And I realize that the message is that rather than saying, “I’m learning to read tarot cards,” I should say that I am a tarot reader.

This may seem strange to talk about in a post for a daily tarot reading, but I also want to include a little bit of my journey as I learn more about the tarot. And I want to clarify that I’m not a tarot expert, just like I’m not a guitar expert. Sure, I’ve been playing it for 35 years, and I teach people to play it, but even I don’t know everything there is to know about it. And I don’t want to know everything either. The same is true for tarot. There will always be more to learn about the cards. They will always teach me something. It would be silly to think that I have learned all there is about it. And if I ever said that or felt that way, that would be the moment when the cards stopped working with me. I don’t want that. So no, I’m not an expert. Anyway… on with the reading!

As I shuffled and meditated, I thought about today’s date as I always do, but I also asked the cards for guidance and wisdom. Here’s what I was given.

The High Priestess sits on her throne between two pillars, one black, the other white. She wears a crown with a moon, and the crescent moon is at her feet. Behind her is a curtain with images of pomegranates, and behind the curtain is a vast body of water. The pillars could be a kind of gate that she is guarding. And the symbolism here is that she I guarding an enormous body of knowledge. She will decide if you are worthy enough to have the knowledge she protects. She is a strong woman but also fair. She also represents secrets, mystery, intuition, and trusting yourself and your instincts.

In my three card readings, our first card represents our situation or query. In this case, The High Priestess is telling us about today and our request for guidance and wisdom. I find it fascinating that a card about intuition and trusting that intuition would come up. She’s telling us that we should trust our intuition rather than relying on the cards to tell us everything we want to know. Perhaps that are some things we might not need to know yet.

Our next card is the Queen of Cups. In this card, we see a Queen sitting on her throne. She holds a very ornate cup in her hand. There are all kinds of religious symbology on the cup. You can see a cross on top and two angels on either side of the cup. She appears to be concentrating intensely on the cup. Perhaps she is meditating or communicating with the heavens. Maybe this cup is a divining instrument of some kind. What does she see? What message is she receiving? There is also a fair amount of water at her feet, and she wears a white and blue robe that flows down around her as if it were water. At first glance at this card, the thing that stood out to me were the children depicted on her throne. But after looking at the card for a bit, I see them as little angels or cherubs. We are again suggesting that she communicates with angels and the heavens. So this is our action card telling us to meditate further on things we must intuit for ourselves and what today means.

Our takeaway card is the Three of Cups. On the card, we see three women in celebration of some kind. They hold their cups in the air as if in a toast. They also appear to be dancing and having a great deal of fun. Each woman wears a different color robe; red symbolizes love and passion, white for purity and innocence, and yellow for hope and optimism. There is a lot of yellow on this card. The cups are all about emotions and our minds, our thoughts, and mental activity. Three represents community and coming together—a group working towards a common goal.

So what I see in today’s reading is that we can use our intuition to discover the guidance and wisdom we seek today. We should meditate further and seek answers through our own practices, whatever they are—tarot, pendulums, runes, tea leaves, bibliomancy, meditation, navel-gazing… etc. Whatever method you use to connect with your inner voice, do that today. You will find the answers you seek. And then don’t forget to have fun as well. Life should be enjoyed with friends and the people you love. We shouldn’t spend all our time seeking answers to our questions; take the time to celebrate. Have dinner with friends, see a movie, and enjoy a libation with friends. Just have fun!

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this or if it resonated with you, please let me know in the comments. If it didn’t resonate with you, perhaps you know someone who might benefit from this message today. Please share it with a friend. Thanks again, and have a great day!


About the Creator

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti

I'm an intuituve tarot reader studying the tarot and writing about my journey. To purchase readings please visit my livelogue site.

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