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Siblings Shenanigans & Babysitting Dilemma


By StaringalePublished 7 months ago 3 min read

The grandfather clock on the wall was showing 2:00 pm. The quiet and stillness in the air that used to make the sound of 'dong' echo in the room was absent. Today, the atmosphere in the house was lively and there was mischievous anticipation hanging in the air.

My younger siblings got off a lot early today from their colleges. Usually, they come at 8:00 pm and the interactions between us are minimal since they are dead tired, but today they came in even before me. I remember mom telling me at the door when I came back that the younger ones are back and they are planning on a prank. I thanked my mother for the heads up.

Why did I have to get pranksters as siblings? Why didn't I get those nice quiet siblings that respect and adore their elder siblings? Instead, I get a childish prankster and a sarcastic prankster for siblings. Currently, I was sitting in the lounge watching my siblings like a hawk. The said two were playing a video game and their eyes were glued to the screen.

From the corner of my eye, I saw someone waving from the window. Turning my head, I saw Mrs. Potts from the neighbourhood coming in our front way with her 2 kids. Having a pretty good idea what she was coming for, I waved back. Just in time, I heard the doorbell ring followed by mom asking my brother to check it out.

I watched the irritation cross his face and the glee of triumph on my sister's face. Glaring at her, he got up and went to the door. I could clearly hear the conversation from here and suddenly he was back with the two toddlers. The defeat was clear in his eyes. He was asked to babysit them for the afternoon. Taking pity on him, I told him I will help with the snack only, that is as far as my generosity will go.

He gladly accepted that and went to beg my little sister for help. I went to the kitchen to prepare some snacks, squeezing out some fresh orange juice and put it in the plastic kiddy cups. Next, I took some cookies from my mom's freshly baked batch and finally, cheese sandwiches completed the snack. I put it on the table and covered it and then headed out. Telling my brother about the prepared snacks, I headed to my room. These kids were in no way polite, they were rowdy toddlers and I was pretty sure they would make a mess in which I want to have no part.

Hearing the screams, laughs, giggling, running, and a crash, I was pretty sure they broke something. Glad that I was not out there. Here I was, laying on the bed with a book, letting all the chaos fade into the background. Quite some time had passed and now there was stillness and silence. Getting up and peeking my head out of the door, I saw a clear hallway.

Striding out into the lounge, I saw the little monsters sleeping on the sofa. Hearing the whispers from the kitchen, I went there and saw my sister cleaning a broken pot that must have been the crash I heard. My brother, on the other hand, had just thrown away the snack paper plates and cups and was now going to take a bath and wash his shirt, which was wet with juice.

Laughing quietly to myself, I saw my mom giving me a thumbs up for making a good decision, telling me in her own way that she saw the whole thing. Now, I am pretty sure that's where my siblings get their mischief gene from. Now lying here going to sleep I am glad that with all that happened today my siblings forgot about the prank and went to sleep maybe those kids were angels in disguise sent to help me.


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Comments (1)

  • Doc Sherwood7 months ago

    Donald never had such trouble with Huey, Dewy and Louie, nor Popeye with Swee'Pea and co...! It's really interesting to learn more about your family here. I myself am actually the youngest of mine, but my best friend is an eldest sibling, and your story has helped me put myself in his perspective, not to mention my brother's. For as much as I like to imagine I've always been an absolute delight, the latter does tell a different story about when we were growing up...! In fact, just as you do here, he always used to lament his not having ended up with a worshipful respectful little brother of the kind you see on coming-of-age movies. I suspect I was not above pranks - it's a tendency to which little brothers are prone! Not to mention little sisters, and the thought of yours is intriguing! I'm so used to beautiful poetic writing from you, on tranquil subjects of inner peace and nature's joys, that it's bizarre to picture a mischievous teen version of you who plays computer games and is generally noisy! You may be right about the toddlers too, and from the photo they do look (deceptively) like a pair of angels. I think you were right to stay out of it, which is just what I'd have done! Thank you for this very entertaining tale to start my morning on!

SWritten by Staringale

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