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Nature As Art for Art's Sake

Exploring the processional nature of self-realization

By Joseph EspositoPublished 4 years ago 2 min read

Life is composed of a series of events that arise only to collapse. Nature is a perpetual work in progress – a process of infinite change. The rate at which change precipitates is beyond our brain’s capacity to calculate.

Art is an appreciation for the process of bringing subtle intent into temporal form. The aesthetic to any art form is defined through the artist’s attempt to re-create the experience felt in the moment which is continually fleeing.

Every human being is both an artist and an art form at the same time - residing at the event horizon of momentary experience.

Fear indicates resistance to change - bringing us out of harmony with source potential in the now. Any attempt to remain fixated on a temporal experience creates suffering. Fear may also provide insight into where we are withholding. It is within this space the artist chooses to explore. Through the creative process, the artist holds an intention to discover a resolve to their cognitive dissonance.

Peace is achieved when we let the events of our lives unfold effortlessly like a flower. This is how we create good art. Your state of being is that of allowing. This is the generative principle of the universe.

We may also attempt to fix others instead of assessing our own problems. This is how we mask our own discontent for the way we feel inside. When we let ourselves go, we realize that life occurs naturally without our logical intervention.

Meditation increases our state of allowance, encouraging us to develop a relationship with the source of our consciousness. We may also become more attuned to our true state of being that always resides at the event horizon of momentary experience, regardless of how we idealize who we are as a person in society.

The stillness we experience in our meditations is the fulcrum from which all creation springs forth as an expression of infinite potential in motion. When we continually practice we intend to increase our presence of what is, regardless of our limited perspective of how we believe things should be.

Within this neutral presence we encounter unconscious aspects of ourselves. Our predominant, evolved brainstem may classify these thought forms and associated sensations as threatening. Through self-realization, we may approach these feelings with openness and allow the unknown to permeate our senses as they pass.

With a deeper respect for ourselves we may begin to willfully extend this understanding with least resistance to others through compassionate service.

The wrap-up..

Nature is a temporal reflection of infinite procession.

Art is an appreciation for process.

Every human being is both an artist and an art form at the same time.

Every form begins as a feeling.

New forms encourage feelings to arise.

Sensations are temporal.

The emotion of fear is resistance to change.

The emotion of love is acceptance of your processional nature.

Allowance is the generative force that provides the space for change to flow.

Meditation is a practice that increases your ability to allow.

We we are able to express vulnerability, we increase our capacity to encourage others to embrace their true self.

- Joseph Esposito


About the Creator

Joseph Esposito

Conscious evolution is my primary focus of study. Through vulnerable expression of my own experiences, I present practical information with the intention of inspiring others to cultivate peace through self-awareness.

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