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Natural Ways to Treat Skin Hyperpigmentation: Home Remedies That Work

Understanding Skin Pigmentation: Causes and Types of Dark Spots

By HealthHivePublished about a year ago 5 min read
Natural Ways to Treat Skin Hyperpigmentation: Home Remedies That Work
Photo by Daniil Lebedev on Unsplash

Dark spots, also known as age spots, are part of the natural aging process. It is usually harmless but affects the aesthetics of people with this condition. The cause of these dark spots is mainly regular exposure to the sun. It is possible to fade these dark spots with home remedies. However, after applying these methods without success, you should see a dermatologist for advice and more effective treatment.

1. Skin Hyperpigmentation Overview

Hyperpigmentation is a condition that causes your skin to darken. This can affect patches of skin or the entire body. Dark spots on the skin, also known as liver spots, are a common type of hyperpigmentation.

Hyperpigmentation is usually harmless but sometimes it can be caused by an underlying medical condition. Moreover, some drugs during use can also cause skin to darken. This condition affects almost everyone cosmetically.

Take control of your skin's appearance and regain your confidence

2. What causes melasma?

Sun damage is the most common cause of skin hyperpigmentation. In particular, this effect often affects the parts that are regularly exposed to direct sunlight.

By Brian Garcia on Unsplash

In addition, there are a number of other causes of melasma, such as: use of drugs including chemotherapy drugs, hormonal changes such as during pregnancy, endocrine diseases such as Addison's disease, melasma, insulin resistance, or skin irritants as well as trauma problems of the skin.

Direct sun exposure is the most common cause of Presentation

3. Treatment of melasma at home

Some of the home remedies that can be used to treat melasma include:

3.1. Apple Cider Vinegar

By Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid. According to research results, it has a lightening effect on skin pigmentation. How to use apple cider vinegar for melasma: mix apple cider vinegar and water with a ratio of 1:1. Next, apply the solution to the dark patches of skin and hold it for 2 to 3 minutes. Then, wash your face with warm water. Repeat twice daily until desired results are achieved.

3.2. Vera

According to a 2012 study, aloe vera, also known as aloe vera, contains aloin, which is a natural discolorant that has been shown to lighten skin while also working effectively as a treatment for hyperpigmentation. toxic.

How to use aloe vera: apply pure aloe vera gel to the pigmented areas before going to bed. Wash your face with warm water the next morning. Repeat daily until skin tone improves.

3.3. Red onions

Red onion extract - Allium cepa - is an ingredient found in some skin lightening and scar treatment creams. Some studies have found that the dry skin of red onions can effectively lighten the skin. Therefore, in the process of skin care should look for melasma creams containing Allium cepa and use under the guidance of a specialist or a dermatologist.

Red onion contains skin lightening and scar treatment ingredients

3.4. Green Tea Extract

By Matcha & CO on Unsplash

Reliable research sources show that green tea extract can have a mattifying effect when applied to the skin. Therefore, you can use green tea extract to overcome skin darkening.

Some websites suggest applying green tea bags to dark patches for a lightening effect. Although, there is still no concrete evidence for this hypothesis.

If you want to give it a try you can follow the steps:

Soak the tea bags in boiled water for about 3 to 5 minutes. Then, take out the tea bag and let it cool.

Rub tea bags on dark patches of skin

Repeat the test twice a day until the results are felt.

3.5. Black tea water

Animal research published in 2011 showed that black tea water lightens dark spots on guinea pigs. To test the melasma effect of black tea water, add a tablespoon of leaves. fresh black tea and a cup of boiled water. Then, keep it for two hours and remove all the tea leaves. Soak the cotton pads in the black tea solution. Then, place the soaked cotton pads on the dark skin. Apply this method twice a day and repeat for about 4 weeks to see its effect.

3.6. Licorice Extract

Licorice extract contains active ingredients that have been shown to reduce skin pigmentation caused by melasma and sun exposure. Topical creams containing licorice extract are commercially available. When using, consult a dermatologist or skin care professional.

Licorice extract can help reduce skin pigmentation caused by melasma and sun Explorer

3.7. Milk

Milk, buttermilk, and even yogurt have all been shown to be very effective at lightening the skin. Due to its composition it contains lactic acid - which is one of the ingredients responsible for the skin lightening effect.

To use one of these products during a pigmentation treatment should: soak cotton pads in a milky solution, then place cotton pads soaked in milk over dark patches of skin. Do it twice a day. Repeat daily until you see improvement.

3.8. Tomato paste

Research published in the Journal of Dermatology in 2011 indicates that tomato powder is rich in lycopene, which is a substance that has the ability to protect the skin against factors that affect both short and long term skin. Participants in this study were given 55 grams of tomato paste along with olive oil for 12 weeks.

3.9. Orchid Extract

According to reliable research sources, orchid extract is as effective as vitamin C hyperpigmentation treatments. Applying orchid extract to the skin for 8 weeks can improve the size and appearance of the skin. Dark patches appear on the skin.

Or you can buy skin care products that contain extracts of this flower, including masks, creams, and scrubs. For best results, use as directed by a skin care Professional

3.10. Red lentils

By Angshu Purkait on Unsplash

Red lentil masks are quite popular in the treatment of hyperpigmentation. Although, there is still no concrete evidence to support these claims, but red lentils are rich in antioxidants that are known to be very good for the skin.

How to use red lentil mask:

Soak 50 grams of red lentils overnight in warm water

Use a blender or food processor to make a puree.

Apply this mixture evenly on your face and keep it for 20 minutes.

Rinse with cold water and blot with a dry cotton towel.

Red lentils

Antioxidant-rich red lentils are great for skin card

4. Treatment of melasma

Depending on the cause of the hyperpigmentation, treatment for melasma may involve resolving some underlying medical condition or discontinuing the medication. There are several options for treatment if home remedies for melasma are not giving the desired effect, such as:

Use chemical masks

Aesthetic treatment with facial spray of crystals to exfoliate skin and remove dead epidermal cells

Uses intense pulsed light (IPL)

Laser outsourcing

Take control of your skin's appearance and regain your confidence

Hyperpigmentation is often a concern because it is more of a cosmetic issue than a medical condition. There are a number of home remedies that can limit the hyperpigmentation that causes melasma. However, if you are concerned about skin pigmentation and skin effects, you should talk to a dermatologist for advice and effective treatment.

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