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My Journey of Hair Growth After Chemo: How Red Light Therapy Helped Me

Gracie Smith

By Healthy FunPublished 9 months ago 6 min read

I was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 32 years old. It was a shock to me and my family, and I had to undergo surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy to fight the disease. I was grateful for the medical care and support I received, but I also had to face some difficult side effects from the treatments.

One of the most noticeable and upsetting side effects was hair loss. I had always loved my long, brown hair, and it was a big part of my identity and femininity. When I started chemotherapy, I knew that I would lose my hair, but I was not prepared for how hard it would be. I felt like I was losing a part of myself, and I became self-conscious and insecure about my appearance.

I decided to cut my hair short before starting chemotherapy, hoping that it would make the transition easier. However, it did not help much. Within a few weeks of starting treatment, I noticed clumps of hair falling out in the shower and on my pillow. It was heartbreaking to see my hair thinning and disappearing day by day. I tried to cover my head with wigs, hats, scarves, and turbans, but none of them felt comfortable or natural. I felt like I was wearing a mask, hiding who I really was.

I also felt alone and isolated in my struggle. Although I had supportive friends and family who tried to cheer me up and compliment me on how I looked, I felt like they did not understand what I was going through. They did not know how it felt to look in the mirror and not recognize yourself, or to be stared at by strangers who wondered what was wrong with you. They did not know how it felt to lose your confidence and self-esteem along with your hair.

I tried to stay positive and focus on the fact that hair loss from chemotherapy was temporary, and that my hair would grow back after treatment. However, I did not know what to expect from hair growth after chemo, or how long it would take. I searched online for information and stories from other people who had experienced hair loss from chemo, but I found conflicting and confusing answers. Some people said that their hair started to grow back within a few weeks of finishing treatment, while others said that it took months or even years. Some people said that their hair grew back the same as before, while others said that it changed in color, texture, or curliness.

I also wondered if there was anything I could do to speed up the process of hair growth after chemo, or to improve the quality of my new hair. I read about various products and treatments that claimed to stimulate hair growth, such as shampoos, supplements, oils, massages, lasers, etc. However, I was skeptical about their effectiveness and safety, especially since some of them were expensive or had potential side effects.

One treatment that caught my attention was red light therapy. Red light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses low-level red and near-infrared light to stimulate cellular activity and promote healing. Red light therapy has been shown to have various benefits for skin health, wound healing, pain relief, and inflammation reduction.

Red light therapy can also help stimulate hair growth by increasing blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles. Red light therapy can also activate the mitochondria in the cells, which are responsible for producing energy. This can enhance the metabolic processes in the hair follicles and increase the production of proteins that are essential for hair growth.

Several studies have shown that red light therapy can improve hair density, thickness, and coverage in people with different types of hair loss . Red light therapy is safe, painless, and has no adverse side effects. It can be used at home with a device such as a hair growth hat or a best red light for hair growth device that emits red light at a specific wavelength and intensity.

I decided to give red light therapy a try after reading some positive reviews from other people who had used it for hair growth after chemo. I bought a hair growth hat online that had 80 LEDs that emitted red light at 650 nm wavelength. The hat came with a rechargeable battery pack and a timer that allowed me to set the duration of each session.

I started using the hat about four weeks after finishing chemotherapy. The instructions said to use it for 20 minutes every other day for at least three months. The hat was easy to use and comfortable to wear. It did not feel hot or painful on my scalp. It just felt like wearing a normal hat.

After using the hat for about two months, I noticed some changes in my scalp. I saw some thin, fuzzy hairs growing on my bald spots. They were very fine and soft at first, but they gradually became thicker and stronger. They were also darker than my original hair color, which was surprising to me. I wondered if they would change color later, or if they would stay that way.

After using the hat for about four months, I saw more significant results. My hair had grown about an inch long, and it covered most of my scalp. It was still different from my original hair, as it was darker and curlier, but I did not mind. I was happy to see that I had hair again, and that it looked healthy and shiny. I felt more confident and attractive, and I received many compliments from my friends and family on how I looked.

I continued to use the hat for another two months, until my hair reached a length that I was satisfied with. I then stopped using the hat, as I did not want to overstimulate my hair follicles or cause any unwanted side effects. I was curious to see how my hair would grow naturally without the hat, and if it would change in any way.

It has been six months since I stopped using the hat, and my hair has grown about six inches long. It has also changed in color and texture over time. It is now lighter and straighter than before, more similar to my original hair. However, it still has some differences, such as being thicker and more voluminous. I like how my hair looks now, and I enjoy styling it in different ways.

I am very grateful for red light therapy and how it helped me with hair growth after chemo. It made the process faster and easier, and it improved the quality of my new hair. It also boosted my mood and self-esteem, and made me feel more like myself again.

If you have experienced hair loss from chemotherapy, or any other cause, I highly recommend that you try red light therapy for hair growth. It is a safe and effective treatment that can be done at home with a simple device such as a hair growth hat or a best red light for hair growth device. You may be surprised by how much it can help you restore your hair and confidence.

Have you tried red light therapy for hair growth? What was your experience? Share your story in the comments below. I would love to hear from you!


About the Creator

Healthy Fun

After years of exploration, I believe that health is the secret to happiness.

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