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Motivational Quotes to Help You Lose Weight

Step away from the refrigerator, put your sneakers on and let your weight loss journey become a successful one.

By Banji GanchrowPublished 8 years ago 5 min read

Losing weight is not easy. Those of us that have had a lifetime of struggling with our weight are fully aware of this fact. Ask any person with a weight issue what the first thing they do when they walk into a room is and, chances are, they will say, "Check out all of the fat people." Because that is what some of us do-we look around to see how many folks are bigger than we are. You may ask, "Why don't you just stop complaining and stop eating?" Good question. If only it were that simple.

Every year, when January begins to approach, new year's resolutions begin to swirl around. The top resolution is always losing weight. Diet companies, like Weight Watchers, try to capitalize on this. Commercials bombard us, our motivation is at an all time high and we think that this is going to be the year that we make the change. This will be the year that we lose the weight and keep it off. We are invincible. 10 pounds, 30 pounds... 100 pounds-we are going to accomplish our goal. And then, we don't. Just like before or we do, and then we gain it back, just like before. So what is the answer?

Some people have turned to weight loss surgery. In fact, those types of procedures are at an all time high. But, even with surgery, if you don't maintain a healthy life style and eat what you are supposed to, you can still gain the weight back. It is a great jump start to those who have 100 pounds or more to lose, but even that approach isn't a sure fire method.

Wouldn't it be great if someone could bottle motivation and sell it? It would fly off the shelves! Why do we have will power at some points in our journeys and then lose it? How can we take that strong motivation and have it stay with us all of the time? Studies have shown that when you make a public declaration of your weight loss goals, you have a better chance of sticking to your guns. After all, if you post something on social media-it is out there for all of your friends to see. You now have to answer to your adoring fans. Perhaps that works for you. You could also buy a bunch of motivational magnets and hang them on your refrigerator door.

Here are a series of motivational sayings to help keep you on your toes, keep you active and keep you on track so you can be the best you possible. Remember-slow and steady wins the race, nothing tastes as good as thin feels and remember to exercise in the morning before your brain figures out what you are doing.

Doctor Prescribed

There are many things you never want to hear your doctor say to you. One of them is that, "You must lose weight." When these words leave his or her mouth, the choice to lose weight is no longer optional. It means that you might be pre-diabetic, have joint pain because you are carrying too much weight around, signs of heart disease... the list goes on. The choice to be healthy is now no longer an option, it is a command. It is something you must do if you want to be healthier and live. That should be the greatest motivation of all. But if you have still not heard those words from your doctor, take control on your own. You can do it!

Change your Vocabulary

Just like you have to change your eating habits, you also have to change the way you think and speak. Always keep your statements about food positive. Instead of saying, "I will not eat chocolate. I will not eat potato chips. I will not eat anything at the party," change your vernacular to, "I will snack on frozen grapes. I will eat vegetables today. I will drink six glasses of water." When you take the negativity and punishment out of your relationship with food, eventually, your healthy and positive relationship will become second nature. You can eat at the party, you can have snacks, they just need to be the right ones. A man who had lost 75 pounds and maintained that loss throughout his entire life had said that if he tasted a cookie, he needed to eat all of the cookies, but if he ignored the cookie, it lost its power. You have the power. You have the choice. You can be successful.

Accept your Limitations

When it comes to body type, there are many types of people. There are skinny people who are just born lucky. They can eat whatever they want and they don't eat when they aren't hungry. Some exercise, some don't, they just have really good genes and look really good in jeans. The next category are the skinny people that are always hungry. They are skinny because they don't eat anything. And if they do eat, they are guaranteed to be at the gym to burn off the calories. Then there are the regular folks-up a few pounds, down a few pounds. They have will power when they need it. On the flip side, we have the obese individuals who have given up and spend their waking hours on the couch. The rest of us fall in the middle somewhere. Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to start exercising? There is no reason why you can't. Losing weight is science, it isn't magic. You eat less, move more and the weight will come off. In some of us it will take less time, in others, it will take longer, but it will happen. Just keep one foot in front of the other and don't give up. As they say in recovery, "One day at a time. It works if you work it."

Never Give Up!

You know you are gaining weight when you accuse your towels of shrinking. Be accountable. Get on that scale every day and check in. Weigh yourself the same time every day; Then you will know exactly why the towel doesn't fit around you. Thomas Jefferson once said, "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal, nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." Clearly this applies to women, but they are strong and truthful words nonetheless. Set short term goals-one pound at a time, one mile of walking at a time and the long term changes will become second nature. And when in doubt, the best mantra of all is, "I can and I will."


About the Creator

Banji Ganchrow

Self-proclaimed writer, masters in social work. Has driven 3 sons to 22 baseball stadiums. Hopes, because of this, they will never put her in a nursing home.

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