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Let's Talk About Stress

With Caspian

By Caspian CordeliaPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Stress, a silent killer, a robber of time and peace of mind. Everyone at some point in their lives have felt stress and had reaped the benefits of what it does to the body. We also know there are a million different ways documented to deal with stress. Candle lit baths, yoga, meditation, medication, working out, reading a book, the list goes on and on. Now in this article I won’t give you the cure all for stress but I pose to give a different perspective on the subject. For me I am in a constant state of stress because of how I grew up, sadly due to growing up this way my mind does not recognize stress properly and my body has to tell me when I am under too much stress. I get eczema breakouts, I get acne, canker sores, I will lose my appetite, I won't sleep, etc. I do have something things that help calm me down when I notice my body giving me these signs but they don’t always work. We all have heard that lavender is supposed to help greatly with stress and anxiety and it does but for me I find sandalwood to be far more relaxing. I have a favorite tea blend that helps calm my nerves, a hiking trail, friends to talk to, and a work out routine. Sometimes these things work well to help relieve stress but then there's the times when it doesn’t work at all. Everything we do and everything we are is energy. Love, hate, sadness, anxiety, and stress is all energy. It is energy sent, received, and stored.

How much do you know about chakras? We have seven chakras and each one has a corresponding stone, element, oil, and place on the body where they can be found. Our chakras are how we connect with others and the universe around us. Chakras are our central energy sending and receiving hubs. Your first chakra going from head to toes goes as follows; The crown chakra, the third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root chakra. Your crown chakra connects you with the universe and sits on the crown of your head, on new born babies this area is usually soft. Your third eye chakra sits between your eyes and is supposed to connect you with the astral plane it also is your knowledge hub, and helps with intuition. Your throat chakra sits right in your sternal notch on our neck, this is your ability to speak. Your heart chakra is on your heart and this is where you love, feel, and care from. Your solar plexus is located at the end of your sternum just above your stomach but under the bone, this is where creativity, courage, and part of your intuition comes from. Your sacral chakra is located above our pelvic bone below your naval, this is your sensuality. Last but not least is your root chakra, this is located in the pelvic area deep within your pelvic girdle. This chakra connects you to your roots wherever and whatever they may be. Your core beliefs are sitting in this chakra along with other things that keep you grounded.

I personally work solely out of solar plexus chakra, so with work, school, or creative projects that is where I work from. Everyone is different and some people work from their heart, throat, root, crown, etc. However, since we all we are is energy and all we do is energy being passed from one person to the next, what if I told you that you’re holding onto stress and not even realizing it? I believe we can not effectively get rid of stress because we can not locate where we are storing it. Of course there are sources of stress but we take and we store stress. Work, school, family, significant others, all of it has a corresponding chakra with which we receive that energy and store it instead of releasing it. You can not clear a blockage that you do not know is there, if you don't know where that stress is sitting within you, you can not get rid of it. It’s a work in progress and it always will be, but perhaps we can do a little better if we know where to look.

- Caspian Cordelia


About the Creator

Caspian Cordelia

I'm just your friendly neighborhood witch. I write poems, stories, and articles about the craft or my views on the craft.

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