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Know About Heart Stroke

Causes and factors of Heart Attack

By MayaPublished about a year ago 6 min read

In today's run-of-the-mill life, we are not able to take care of our heart as well, as a result we fall prey to many heart diseases like coronary heart disease, diabetes, hole in the heart, heart attack or heart attack etc. Heart problems have become so common in India that the number of deaths due to heart stroke has increased four times and almost three times more deaths occur than in western countries.

You might not believe but the number of deaths due to heart attacks and heart diseases in India is almost three times the number of deaths due to diabetes as compared to western countries. To reduce these statistics, it is necessary that we know how these diseases (heart attack and other heart related diseases) occur. Let us know more about the symptoms due to heart attack and how it can be avoided.

Heart Stroke

Our heart is a very important organ for our body, whose failure can lead to immediate death. This is the reason why heart disease comes first among all the causes of death of people. The coronary arteries carry our blood to the heart, which gives it the power to function. A heart attack, also known as myocardial infarction, occurs when a blockage develops in the coronary arteries and does not allow blood flow to the heart. Blockage in these arteries occurs when fat, cholesterol, and other substances build up in the blood vessels as waste products called plaques build up. This plaque can get damaged over time and can cause platelets to drop. If once a heart attack comes to a person, So the chances of a heart attack later on increase significantly. Cardiac arrest is often misdiagnosed as a heart attack. However, cardiac arrest occurs when the heart suddenly stops working. So here we can say that both cardiac arrest and heart attack are different diseases.

Causes and factors of Heart attack

In most cases, our life and lifestyle do not contribute to the health of the cardiovascular system. The reason for this is constant stress, poor nutrition, and poor lifestyle. But the following habits contribute most to an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease and heart attack: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Apart from this, there are some other factors which contribute to the development of Heart attack:

high blood cholesterol


arterial hypertension

Hormonal disorders (in particular, a lack of thyroid hormones)

excess weight

Staphylococcal and streptococcal infections

heavy smoking

rheumatism of the heart

excessive physical activity

stress, and neurosis

Due to Heart attack

Some signs may indicate blockage in the heart which may lead to heart attack, it is necessary to identify these reasons and save yourself from heart attack in time. Following are some signs of a heart attack:


swelling of feet and hands

bleeding gums

left shoulder pain

shortness of breath, especially after physical exertion

frequent headaches

frequent nocturnal urination

Some people are more susceptible to heart attacks . Common causes include:

high blood pressure

obesity or being overweight

poor nutrition

low levels of physical activity

tobacco and smoking

older age

diabetes or high blood sugar


Heart attack symptoms

If we talk about the symptoms of heart attack, often there is severe pain in the chest during heart attack, which sometimes becomes unbearable. Some people get slight chest pain, while in some cases it does not happen at all, especially in women, elderly and diabetic patients. In addition, typical symptoms of a heart attack include the following:

sharp left side chest pain

Shortness of breath

weakness, dizziness, the appearance of sticky sweat

sense of fear, attacks

Heart rhythm disorders (extrasystole, atrial fibrillation)

feeling lightheaded or dizzy


to be restless

Sometimes these symptoms of heart attack can also be seen in the patient:

nausea and vomiting

drop in blood pressure

whooping cough

Chest pain occurs with extremely high intensity in a heart attack. Many people who have experienced a heart attack describe the pain as the most intense they have ever experienced in their lives. In addition, the pain usually lasts for a long time. The pain may have a recurring nature, which means that it will come and go.

Signs of Heart attack in women:

In women and men, most of the signs of a heart attack are similar. In particular, different traits may occur with different frequencies in different sexes. Symptoms of a heart attack in women are often nonspecific, that is, women do not feel acute pain in the heart. Instead, pain may appear in the left arm, under the shoulder, in the left shoulder joint, in the upper chest, even in the groin and lower jaw area.

What to do if you have symptoms of Heart attack?

If the patient feels the symptoms described above, he should immediately provide emergency help! The sooner assistance is provided for a heart attack, the more likely it is that the outcome of the disease will not be fatal.

First aid is to give the patient three 0.5 mg nitroglycerin tablets at 15-minute intervals (even if this does not help to relieve the pain), with the patient lying on a bed. However, before this, the blood pressure should be measured. If the systolic (upper) pressure is less than 100 mm, do not take nitroglycerin.

If the patient is not alone, another person should help him – give medicine, calm him down, put him to bed if necessary, open a window to let fresh air into the room. And it must be remembered that it is necessary to wait for the arrival of the doctor, even if the patient suddenly feels better.

Heart attack treatment

All heart attacks require immediate medical attention. The type of treatment used will depend on the type of coronary artery disease.

In most cases your doctor will give immediate treatment without determining the type or severity of the heart attack.

These treatments include the following:

aspirin to reduce blood clotting

oxygen therapy

Nitroglycerin to maintain blood flow

efforts to reduce chest pain

Once the doctor has determined the type of heart attack, more treatment is needed to stimulate blood flow. When the underlying coronary artery disease is less severe, this may be treated using medication, such as:

Clot busters: Also called thrombolytic drugs, which help dissolve blood clots that are causing a blockage.

Blood thinners: Also called anticoagulants, which prevent blood from clotting.

Blood pressure medications: such as ACE inhibitors, which help maintain healthy blood flow and lower blood pressure.

Statins: which can lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Beta-blockers: which can reduce the workload of the heart and chest pain.

Doctors can also perform a percutaneous coronary intervention. In this, a thin tube or rod (called a catheter) is inserted into the patient's blocked coronary artery. The end of this tube is inflated, making more room in the artery so that more blood can reach the heart.

Surgery: Surgery is also required in very severe cases. The most common type for this is a coronary artery bypass, which involves diverting blood to a blocked artery from elsewhere in the body. The connected vessel will allow blood to flow around the blockage and reach the heart.


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