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Juicing and More Juicing?

My Personal Experience!

By Alyssa HolleyPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

I'm pretty sure you've seen the "juicing" trend that has been going around the internet for a couple years now. Supposedly it's the best thing since sliced bread and can significantly help when it comes to weight loss.

Now, I heard of this when my sister, Sia, told me about the Netflix show, Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. So, of course, I watched it. If you haven't watched it, I highly suggest you do! For one, it's an awesome way to get motivated to lose weight. Secondly, it gives you great information on juicing AND things to do so that you don't end up fat, sick, and nearly dead!

So I watched this documentary and immediately felt motivated to lose weight and to try this juicing stuff, 'cause I mean... who doesn't like juice?

So I got out and buy this massive juicer. I go out and buy all this fresh produce. If it could make juice, I bought it. So I'm throwing everything in to this juicer, right? Well, obviously you need to have some type of recipe 'cause some stuff just doesn't mix well with others. So after drinking that god awful mixture of juice I sat down and really did some research to find better, more appealing flavor mixes.

I set out for my 7 day complete juice fast and I lost a total of 5 lbs. I know some if not all was water weight but I was intrigued but never really did it again, sadly.


I saw something a couple of weeks ago on Pinterest about a juice that helps with headaches/migraines. Now, as a person with chronic headaches and migraines, I said why not? I already knew it would help me lose weight. I'm sure it probably would help me with my migraines and it DID!

I've start drinking a cup of juice every morning and I haven't had a single headache! I've even lost a few pounds while at it! (;

If drinking this simple drink that gives you so much energy and all the antioxidants you need and helps fight off headaches AND fat, why wouldn't you try it.

There are soo many different recipes all over the internet right now that help for so many different things. Weight loss, pains, headaches, lack of energy, ANYTHING! Some of them are so delicious though, but like I said earlier not all flavors mix well, so if you do use recipes for ingredients, FOLLOW IT! But also don't hesitate to try your OWN mix of fruits and veggies!

I personally love juicing and the benefits that simply come with drinking a glass of freshly "squeezed" produce? Sign me up!

If you are wanting to lose weight or even just want to be a little bit healthier, I'd recommend juicing. If you get chronic headaches like me, JUICE!

When it comes to buying the actual juicer itself you don't have to go out and buy the most expensive one! Mine only cost $60 but there are some that go up to a whopping $1,000 OR MORE!! (You really do not have to spend that much!)

Another thing is: "Well I heard juicing cost to much!"

Well, yes. It isn't the cheapest thing around as buying fresh fruits and veggies can be quite pricey! BUT! Just getting a small to medium sized "haul" of F&V's lasted me almost two weeks and that was with juicing EVERY DAY!

So go out there and give juicing a try! It's not a bad option to help! Check out Pinterest if you wanna see some AWESOME and delicious juicing ideas to help get things going!


About the Creator

Alyssa Holley

I love writing! I wanna be able to share my experiences with anyone and everyone and maybe help some people along the way!

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