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Is Chronic Prostatitis The Same As Kidney Deficiency?

Chronic Prostatitis and Kidney Deficiency

By Amanda ChouPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Is Chronic Prostatitis The Same As Kidney Deficiency?
Photo by Tim Bogdanov on Unsplash

In the outpatient department, we often meet some patients with prostatitis. They repeatedly ask, "am I kidney deficiency, can I get better from this disease, and do you want to take some kidney tonic?" Some patients worry about whether kidney deficiency will cause changes in renal function and so on.

Indeed, some people with little knowledge of the disease often equate prostatitis with the "kidney deficiency" of traditional Chinese medicine and usually spend a lot of money to take some tonics to tonify the kidney. Sometimes the disease gets worse instead of better. Or cause a lot of ideological burdens. Prostatitis is not equal to kidney deficiency.

1. The relationship between prostatitis and "kidney": the theories of TCM and Western medicine are different

First, the kidney has different concepts in western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. The "kidney" in western medicine mainly refers to the human urinary system organs, whose function is the generation and excretion of urine. The kidney removes metabolites from the blood and regulates the concentration of liquid and solute inside and outside the cells to maintain the internal environment's stability.

Kidney diseases include nephritis, nephropathy, renal failure (uremia), urinary tract infection in internal medicine; Surgical renal congenital malformations, tumors, and stones.

The "kidney" in TCM covers the urinary system function of Western medicine and includes the role of the human reproductive system. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine says that "the kidney stores essence, mainly develops reproduction; mainly water metabolism; generates marrow, connects the brain and bones, its beauty is in the hair, opens the eyes to the ears and connects the two Yin."

In short, the kidney is the innate foundation of the human body. Therefore, the kidney in traditional Chinese medicine has a broad meaning. Chronic prostatitis is a disease of the urogenital system. Its symptoms include abnormal urination, perineal and peripheral pain. There may be different degrees of sexual dysfunction and systemic neurasthenia in severe cases.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the prostate is located in the kidney and bladder, closely related to the kidney. Some patients with chronic prostatitis will have the syndrome of "kidney deficiency," but most patients do not have "kidney deficiency," so people can't equate the two.

2. Traditional Chinese medicine distinguishes between deficiency and excess: damp-heat lower body or kidney deficiency

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that any disease has "Yin and Yang outside and inside, cold and heat, deficiency and excess." It means that the same condition, specific to different individuals, has a particular category. For example, prostatitis needs to distinguish whether the patient is based on "actual disease" or "deficiency disease," which is related to whether the treatment is "deficiency is tonic" or "reality is diarrhea." If it is reversed, "deficiency is more virtual" and "excess is more excess."

Generally speaking, chronic prostatitis is divided into two categories. The damp-heat type shows symptoms such as frequent micturition, urinary pain, urinary waiting, residual urine, perineal and surrounding pain, damp scrotum, etc. It is more common in people with short illness time and good physical quality. They have no symptoms of kidney deficiency.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the disease is caused by excessive dampness and heat in the body and accumulated in the kidney and bladder. In treatment, it is necessary to clear away heat and dampness, dredge waterways, remove silt and dredge orifices, and the disease can gradually get better. If the treatment is to tonify the kidney, it will be deeply pathogenic and sticky.

The other is the kidney deficiency type (deficiency syndrome). In addition to the symptoms of poor urination, some patients also have weak waist and knees, cold limbs, dry mouth, empty annoyance and dreams, hot hands, feet and heart, and abnormal sexual function. It is more common in those ill for a long time or with weak pheromones.

Men should tonify the kidney (specifically, distinguish tonifying kidney yin or Tonifying Kidney Yang). Of course, at the same time, they should still use drugs to clear and benefit the orifices. The more compelling is the traditional Chinese medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. It can eliminate all kinds of symptoms caused by prostatitis.

3. Kidney deficiency is not terrible: disorderly supplement and treatment will worsen it

Some prostatitis patients with kidney deficiency think they are very ill and have significant psychological pressure. They think about their disease all day and have no spirit to do anything. They often take some symptoms and sit down with themselves. It's not necessary. Some patients have no kidney deficiency at all, but they always think they have deficiency syndrome and take medicine indiscriminately.

Although chronic prostatitis is more challenging to treat, it still has an excellent curative effect as long as you concentrate on treating it according to the principle of syndrome differentiation and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine.

Another critical point is that in addition to taking medicine, men should notice their daily life and eating habits. If they combine treatment with maintenance, the disease will gradually improve and even recover.


About the Creator

Amanda Chou

Looking to restore your life troubled by prostatitis, epididymitis, seminal vesiculitis and other male reproductive system diseases? Here are the resource to help you in this endeavor.

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