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I Must Make the Changes...

I only have myself to Blame!

By Carol KilbyPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Lunch pre 2021...

We have all made New Year resolutions, I'm sure!

Well, not me this year! No New Year Resolution, no promises of losing weight and eating healthily, no dry January, or February, and definitely NO guarantees to be happier or loving a new career path.

Why? You may ask...

I know I always fail when I make the New Year Resolutions! I only have myself to blame and I'm tired of blaming myself for failing.

Instead of setting myself up to fail, I am gradually easing myself into the New Year by removing the bathroom scales as a first priority. Afterall, who cares what I weigh as long as my clothes fit nicely? I don't need the scales to tell me I am in my correct weight for height. My clothes are the best answer to whether I feel I need to lose a few lbs or kgs....lol! A look in the mirror is also the best indicator of whether my weight and appearance are acceptable to me. I know when I am happy with my appearance and when I am not...like right now as I write this story...I know I need to get busy and move my body in some form of exercise to shift those problem areas that have snuck up on me whilst I have wallowed in the "Too hard basket" for the last few years.

I only have myself to Blame!

I tried kidding myself that if I only ate "junk Food" on the odd occasion, it wouldn't matter, it would be OK. What I failed to realise was that the "odd Occasion" wasn't that odd. It became more frequent as I became lazy and less motivated to prepare meals for myself.

The television became a good source of escaping from the real world and the situation I found myself in. Alone, in a new town!

Exercise became a past event that I just didn't seem to have time for anymore. Any excuse to NOT ride my bike was a good one! It was too hot, it was too cold, there were Magpies swooping...

I kept using the excuse that because my partner and I were unable to visit, due to the Pandemic restrictions, (he lived in WA, I lived in QLD), it didn't matter how I looked or felt, as long as I continued to work and pay my bills, I would eventually get out of this slump. However, deep inside, I hated my appearance and my body was getting tired and lazier. I knew I had to do something as I am not a young person anymore!

I only have myself to Blame!

The first ray of hope came when my partner was able to move to QLD...but this also was a devastating realisation for me...I was NOT at all body confident, and totally ashamed of how I had allowed myself to gain weight and become so unfit!

As 2021 came around, I found myself looking for a new career path.

I was feeling miserable, fat, and lethargic, with No motivation at all... I discovered a book on my bookshelf, that I bought two years ago.

Awesome Recipes with Good Healthy Food!

I began reading the book, with a yeh whatever attitude, not feeling too positive about yet another Diet to try, and started created the Recipes included in the book.

Well...imagine my delight when these recipes became Restaurant quality meals before my very eyes! Bonus...partner loved them as well!

A terrific Boost to my confidence and the fantastic healthy food that I needed to get the body moving again. I continue to read the book with a renewed interest and I try to retain the knowledge it contains in regards to which foods do what and why we should eat them. I don't treat this as a "must-do" diet, rather as an opportunity to heal and strengthen my body and prolong old age and prevent illness in the future.

I only have myself to Blame!

Smoked Salmon Pasta with Chilli and Rocket.

New food options sorted...time to regulate and limit alcohol consumption.

This is not a big issue, as I am not a big drinker, but it is worth considering how alcohol makes you feel and what it does to your body.

Having had a session with a Naturopath that included a Detox, I now adhere to her recommendation of only drinking Gin and Tonic if I feel like having alcohol. For my stage in life, this is the best option that does not provide nasty side effects, as some alcohols do, due to their ingredients and processes to make. Mind you, I won't be over-indulging, but I will not totally restrict myself either. This gives me FREEDOM of Choice and I can willingly decide if I really need that alcoholic bevy or not!

I only have myself to Blame!

As I mentioned previously, 2021 is the year I look for work yet again.

I have been doing contract work, with each contract lasting a few months at a time. It is a hard slog continuously looking through Positions Vacant and applying for suitable roles, whilst you are trying to work in your current short term role. The highs of getting through to the interview, then the disheartening feelings of being rejected because someone else had more experience or better skill set than me. All you can do is pick yourself up, shake it off and search for the next opportunity.

Life is hard when there is no work available and your savings have become depleted because the bills still need to be paid. You have to turn to other means of receiving an income...from selling off things you no longer need, selling creations you have made, doing online surveys, and entering competitions. One of the most enjoyable things to try and win a dollar for is VOCAL....entering the Challenges! My favourite thing to do to boost my spirits and express myself, whereas, I would usually keep my thoughts and feelings to myself!

I only have myself to Blame!

A renewed sense of Positivity and taking control of my thoughts lead me to believe that I will go far in 2021. I am fighting within myself to prove I can become the person I desire to be, not the old me, (although I would love to have the younger, fitter body), but the Healthy, happy me that is inside, struggling to find a way to get out and live!

No more excuses! Just Do IT!

Finally, after weeks of waiting for answers, I have secured a permanent full- time job in an area that I will enjoy working in. I will make this the best job of my life and thrive within the working environment. This gives me hope and something to prepare for...exercise...here I come!

I have one week before starting this new role....one week to finish off the tasks I have set myself. Clean out the cupboards, get rid of excess, tidy up, start the exercise program, and of course....enjoy writing some more articles and stories!

Change is an amazing thing! Fresh changes to our lives help to keep us active, motivated and looking for more challenges. Change is difficult sometimes when you get set in your ways and habits that really are not so good for you. This is where I have let myself down over the years. I have allowed myself to think I am doing OK, I will do it tomorrow, I will start tomorrow....well..tomorrow is here!

If I don't embrace change and obtain my goals for some unknown reason...

I only have myself to Blame!


About the Creator

Carol Kilby

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