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How to prevent brain atrophy?

When the brain begins to "shrink", the body may have 4 kinds of reaction

By Diane DoraPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

If the brain is damaged, although it may not be fatal to us, we will have some problems with our behavior and thoughts. At the same time, it will affect part of our physical abilities and our ability to perceive the outside world.

It can seriously affect our health and daily life. The impression is that brain diseases are generally cerebrovascular diseases. However, there is another brain disease that can seriously affect our life, and that is brain atrophy.


What is cerebral atrophy?

Brain atrophy generally refers to the acquired brain tissue volume becoming smaller, the brain sulcus deepening, and the gap in the brain cranial cavity being found to increase. In contrast to congenital infancy, congenital atrophy of the brain is called cerebral hypoplasia.

Brain atrophy is most often seen in normal healthy people who have reached middle age and may be detected by CT or MRI. This phenomenon may be accompanied by cognitive decline, which is called dementia of old age.

It is not certain that you have dementia once you have brain atrophy, but people with dementia usually have brain atrophy. Therefore, a case like this does not indicate that it is caused by cerebellar atrophy, which can be diagnosed by a CT examination or MRI.

Other organic diseases can aggravate the process of cerebral atrophy, mainly including traumatic brain injury, stroke, cerebrovascular stenosis or malformation, encephalitis, brain tumor, recurrent epilepsy, poisoning, genetics, malnutrition, etc.


What can cause brain atrophy?

1. Inflammatory factors

Various causes of encephalitis and meningitis, are due to pathogens or toxins invading nerve cells and interfering with nerve cell metabolism. Perivascular lymphocyte infiltration, vascular endothelial cell proliferation, thrombosis, and impaired blood circulation.

The powerful reaction of neural tissue to pathogen antigens, white matter demyelination changes, and vascular and perivascular destructive lesions. It leads to limited or diffuse edema, softening or necrosis of brain tissue, and brain atrophy.

2. Irrational diet

Patients with brain atrophy should pay attention to a light diet, and should not eat food with high sugar content. Because too much sugar, especially too much-refined sugar intake, easy to make the brain function such as neurosensitivity or neurasthenia and other disorders. This is a common cause of brain atrophy.

3. Climate factors

It is also a common cause of cerebral atrophy. A prolonged cold climate will lead to the atrophy of human blood vessels, which will result in insufficient blood supply to the brain. A prolonged lack of blood supply to the brain is what causes brain atrophy to appear. Therefore, keeping the body warm is also a necessary factor.

4. Psychological factors

Many older people have been in leadership positions all their lives, but the years are not for the faint of heart, once retired, it is inevitable that there is some discomfort in the heart.

It has always been the case that everyone has to listen to him, but now that he has to listen to others, he can't listen to them, which is why the condition is delayed and continues to worsen.


When the brain begins to "shrink", the body or have 4 kinds of reactions, to pay attention to observe

1. Memory and thinking ability decline

Brain atrophy is mostly caused by meningitis, cerebrovascular malformation, brain tumors, malnutrition, and other conditions, there are signals issued in the early stages.

If there is a situation such as memory ability and a significant decline in thinking ability, the disease can be suspected. Under normal circumstances, the brain remains young and healthy, functions normally, and memory, thinking response, etc. are normal.

However, if the speed of forgetting things is accelerated, there is a memory impairment of this condition, always losing things, and forgetting many common things. Even the name of a friend can not be called, this situation mostly suggests a disease. It is necessary to have an early examination to understand the cause of the disease and then deal with it.

2. Change in personality and behavior

One of the early symptoms of brain atrophy is a change in personality and behavior. Patients usually become depressed, do not like to interact with others, and have no desire.

Lack of affection for children and relatives, life habits become stereotypical and strange, impatient personality, and increased speech. Or Rosso is repetitive, suspicious, selfish, and will get entangled in small matters.

Personality behavior change

3. Decreased quality of sleep, headache

For example, the quality of sleep decreases, frequent dizziness and headache, tingling of hands and feet, and self-talk. Severe ones are damaged to some extent, and their ability to judge and calculate things is reduced, all of which may be caused by brain atrophy.

If you feel that you are in this state, but did not feel this way some time ago, please go to the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible.

4. Emotional indifference

Patients with brain atrophy tend to become emotionally indifferent and selfish due to the decline of brain nervous system function. The main manifestations are reluctance to communicate with others, loss of initiative in interaction, and even becoming disgusted and irritable in the face of things they used to like.

These are the manifestations of cerebral atrophy. If you find that the old people around you suddenly become like a different person, such as a warm and kind old man suddenly becomes cold and mean. This may be a symptom of cerebral atrophy, which requires timely examination and treatment.


Extension: How to prevent cerebral atrophy?

1. The right amount of physical exercise

Exercise is beneficial to the human body. Performing the right amount of exercise can improve the body's immunity. Enhance the blood supply to the brain and strengthen the vitality of brain cells, which can reduce the probability of brain atrophy.

In particular, do more fine hand exercises, or hand-brain exercises. For example, the Internet rumor that playing mahjong can prevent Alzheimer's disease is such a reason.

2. Adjust the diet

In the daily diet, you should pay attention to a reasonable combination of nutrition, eat more protein, vitamins, fiber, and other foods, mainly light, and do not eat greasy, spicy, stimulating food.

In addition, smoking, drinking, and other bad habits must also be given up, because these may lead to the further development of brain atrophy.

3. Active prevention and treatment of vascular diseases

In particular, diseases affecting human vascular health, such as diabetes hyperlipidemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc., must be detected and diagnosed early. And to pay attention to the work of treatment, thus delaying the patient's condition, but also reducing the complication rate of brain atrophy.

4. Quit smoking and alcohol as soon as possible

Patients with cerebral atrophy need to quit smoking and drinking because smoking and drinking will lead to aggravation of the patient's condition and will affect the nerves in the brain.

Therefore, patients with brain atrophy should promptly change some bad habits, and can properly supplement some high-quality protein, with a light diet.

5. Drug conditioning

Generally, people may have health problems when they reach the age of 50 or above. In particular, people with a family history of brain atrophy can undergo regular checkups at this critical point.

And, under the guidance of a professional doctor, you can take some drugs to improve the condition of aging brain cells.


About the Creator

Diane Dora

man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make it drink.

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