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How to honor your own Inner Temple

Loving tips for restoring yourself and filling your cup

By Lauren ElizabethPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Often in our societal way of life we rely too heavily on our rational minds and disregard the innate intelligence that is our own inner wisdom. This wisdom can only be felt and cannot be made sense of by the logical mind. We live in a culture riddled with anxiety & rat-racing, and if only we learned to detach from the illusionary chaos that takes us over when we cannot get out of our own heads, we would see the world with greater clarity and each other with unconditional compassion. We would stop taking life so seriously, when really it is just a ride, and we would be more divinely guided in fulfilling our heart’s desires.

Our Inner Temple represents the commitment we create for ourselves to nourish and nurture. Prioritising self-care is highly beneficial in enabling us to let go of what we no longer need and get grounded so that we are able to harness the new beginnings that await.

How can you devote to your own Inner Temple this month to nourish and nurture your best self?

Perhaps you could set aside 15 minutes each day for meditation – exchanging deep, intentional, fulfilling breaths; and imagining that with each in-breath you are drawing cleansing, healing and protective light into your body; and with each out-breath you are releasing any stagnant, unsupportive and outdated energy that is no longer serving you. Imagining as you draw in this high-vibrational light that every cell in your body becomes soothed and activated by this golden force, and visualising this energy enveloping your entire body until you have become encased in a bright bubble of beautiful light. Stay within this space for as long as feels right for you – it may only be a few minutes, or you may like to spend a while here in contemplative stillness. Set the intention that while you are in this light bubble, you are being deeply restored. It is safe for your heart to open in this space so that you may release all resistance and call in the divine blessings that absolutely want to make their way to you. You are healed, protected, and so very loved & supported by Source. Always take your time coming out of a meditative or healing practice so to ground your energy back into the physical realm. Open your eyes slowly, wiggle your fingers and toes, return to your breath, and affirm that you have completed your work & remain protected by healing light as you continue with your day or night.

Another way you might like to honor your Inner Temple could be a visit to your favourite natural setting – perhaps this is a secluded beach, a bush walk, or simply a quiet spot in your backyard or garden if available. Locations in nature; particularly those which contain a natural, running water source and/or a lot of plant life, are an abundant source of negative ions. For the purpose of comparison, we often see positive ion production in areas of dense pollution, toxic chemical residue, and exhaust fumes & cigarette smoke. Research has shown that negative ion exposure may have air-purification effects as well as direct effects on our own wellbeing including immune stimulation and serotonin regulation. Spending time alone in nature is therefore a wonderful way to nourish your nervous system and restore on all levels. If you do not have ease of access to a natural setting, do not underestimate the power of visualisation to harmonise your energy field!

Other soul-satisfying ways to strengthen the sanctuary within might include a candle-lit bath with magnesium salts and your favourite essential oils, a massage or reiki session with a local practitioner, and of course replenishing your physical temple with plenty of fresh organic vegetables, herbal teas, wholesome protein sources (which serve to keep us energetically grounded) and let us not forget the power of a good night’s sleep! Adequate rest is imperative for our health & longevity and should be treated as an utmost priority no matter who you are and what your schedule looks like.

Another personal favourite activity of mine to reset your vibe – putting on some positive, uplifting music and having a good dance!

Nurturing your Inner Temple is a deeply supportive practice for recalibrating yourself on all levels; if this is not something you are accustomed to then now is the perfect time to explore how you might be able to expand on your self-care regime. We cannot pour from an empty cup, yet we live in a society that idealises burning the candle at both ends for the purpose of “over-achievement” – when really all we are achieving is depletion, fragmentation, and potential long-term health repercussions. It is time to soften and allow ourselves the time, space and loving care that we absolutely need and deserve. Give yourself a little sacred worship – your worth it!


About the Creator

Lauren Elizabeth

I am a student naturopath, blogger, intuitive healer, mother and passionate creative! My zest is for all things health & wellness - with holistic therapy, nutrition, emotional wellbeing, motherhood and spirituality being my focal points.

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