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Creating some Zen in our every day lives.

Inspiration to transform your space and daily routine into something more sacred.

By Lauren ElizabethPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

We as humans, now more than ever, are living busy lives in a fast-paced society and it is no surprise that we are burnt out and in need of some real relaxation! However, we needn’t wait until we have finally organised a holiday for leisure and rest to take place. In fact, if we can prioritise incorporating some Zen into our everyday lives, we will create a more solid foundation from which to respond to all of our experiences. Here are some simple, effective, self-loving suggestions for creating harmony both within and all around you, keeping in mind that we are always aiming for improvement and never perfection!

1. De-clutter your home. The state of our space impacts our state of mind, as well as our energetic body. Our living space is both a reflection of and an influence on our state of consciousness. We do not need to obsess over maintaining a perfect home, but what we will notice when we create a ‘refreshed’ environment is that we feel more grounded, centred, and clear (this is of course much more difficult to maintain when we have children!). So… do what you can and follow what feels right for you. An effective and productive approach may be to simply get rid of the things you don’t absolutely need. Donate them, give them away, recycle them… let them go to create physical and energetic space for new, more aligned energies to enter your life. For when we cling to inanimate objects that we do not really value, for the sake of having “stuff”, we not only clutter our homes but ourselves on an inner level as well. What can you let go of so to create space for new energy and greater inner (and outer) peace?

2. Uplift your home. This is a great way to replenish the energy in your personal space once you have decluttered the things you don’t truly need or value, and perhaps cleared some dust & cobwebs from areas which you may have been avoiding or resisting (yes, a metaphor for whatever may be lurking under the surface of your consciousness which has manifested into form in your home). Some consecrated items that you might like to revitalise your space with could include an essential oil diffuser to infuse your home with the therapeutic and detoxifying benefits of aromatherapy, a Himalayan salt lamp to promote negative ion production and neutralise electromagnetic pollution (great to place near wifi modems), a collection of indoor plants to purify the air in your home and bestow some healing greenery on your environment, and some high-vibrational music such as classical symphonies or solfeggio frequencies to re-tune the energy in your home as well as within your own auric field. If you suspect there may be some stagnancy or even negative residue residing in your home, music can be a wonderful tool for clearing; however very high frequencies should be opted for. Alternatively, you might like to purchase a singing bowl or tuning fork to cleanse your home and/or yourself with.

3. Create a wellbeing garden. Gardening is a very grounding practice as it enables direct and intentional contact with Mother Earth. You might like to plant some of your favourite herbs to use in your cooking if you are a culinary guru. Perhaps you might like to grow some sacred herbs and flowers to use in your own personal rituals - such as lavender, rosemary, calendula, chamomile or lemon balm. These healing plants can be added to a magnesium bath, infused into coconut oil and used for self-massage or steeped and consumed as a nurturing cup of tea. Weeding your garden is also a wonderful subliminal activity for clearing and organising your headspace.

4. Create a weekly self-care ritual. Reserving time for connecting with yourself and gifting yourself some form of loving commitment is a powerful restorative practice which will guarantee to fill your cup. This may involve setting aside some time every week for a detoxifying bath, going for a run, attending a yoga class, taking a walk on the beach, meditating before bed or even indulging in some sensual pleasure! Let your intuition guide you to whatever your body and soul need most, and always be realistic about what you can achieve. Even the simplest practice can be powerfully effective.

5. Schedule a solo date somewhere beautiful. This will probably feel much more sacred (and possibly less attainable) if you have children… however time alone, often out of the house if you live with others, is not only beneficial but essential if we are to accurately restore ourselves. Getting out of the house for some alone time is a delightful opportunity to gift yourself something sweet, like a decadent lunch for one, a massage or even just a drive somewhere scenic with a picnic packed. The more we learn to enjoy our own company and make time to prioritise self-connection, the more we will honour our highest self and continue to show up as him or her!

6. Rise with the sun. This is an abundant way to start your day on the right foot and charge your batteries to full (so long as you have gotten a decent night sleep), as it is at dawn that our bodies are in yang time and that we are best able to harness this powerful and ample energy to kick-start our day. This is often also a time of quiet and stillness where you are likely guaranteed to get some sacred time alone before you embark on your daily agenda – perfect for yoga and meditation.

Get creative and follow your heart’s guidance to create an inspired routine, humble abode and inner sanctum that represents self-care and divinity. Love & Light on your journey to greater wellness!


About the Creator

Lauren Elizabeth

I am a student naturopath, blogger, intuitive healer, mother and passionate creative! My zest is for all things health & wellness - with holistic therapy, nutrition, emotional wellbeing, motherhood and spirituality being my focal points.

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