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How to break bad habits

Why you need to break bad habits

By Mayur Published 2 years ago 3 min read
How to break bad habits
Photo by Tobias Tullius on Unsplash

Bad habits are bad for us but sometimes we grow complacent and don’t even realize it. Successful people tend not to be complacent so let’s keep our eyes peeled for those things in our lives that might be holding us back without us even knowing it. If you plan ahead, set goals, and want to improve your life, it may very well be that some of your bad habits are keeping you from achieving whatever goals you may have set aside for yourself!

Your Choices can have a Dramatic Effect on your Life

During the course of your difficult journey through life, you may come across a fork in the road. Each road leads to a different destination but it’s up to you to choose which road to take. Most of these are small decisions but some will have an overarching effect on your life. These big decisions that we make can stem from both a good and bad place but either way, we always tend to lean towards the stereotypical actions driven by emotional responses rather than comprehend what our brains are telling us. But here’s the catch: remember when we told you that habits can help you achieve your goals? Well turns out they can also be your downfall, because one can form habits that lead us down the wrong path so if you’re not careful, this habit may end up being looped into another habit until eventually (oh no!).

Developing Bad Habits to Escape from Reality

A lot of people tend to develop bad habits in order to avoid reality. If a person is suffering in their personal life, they may try to form certain habits such as over-exposure to social media or watching meaningless television series.

One example is a bad habit called Comfort Eating. When people are under a lot of pressure, they might turn to eating food that’s unhealthy when really they don’t need it. A lot of things can put us under stress like bills and relationship problems, but while we’re working through them it can be easy to reach for foods that are bad for us like ice cream or chocolate cake because we think they’ll help out in the short term even though they’ll make our problem worse in the long run. Before you know it, this bad habit appears and becomes part of your daily life! One reason why folks indulge in comfort eating is a bad habit called Procrastination, which many of us have done ourselves at one time or another. The longer that you put off doing things or tackle them only at the last minute the stronger this “bad” habit gets and before you know it, you’ve got two habits to avoid instead if one!

Breaking Bad Habits can Save you Time

Time is a very precious resource. So why spend it on results that you don’t get to come back to because of your laziness or ignorance? Get rid of bad habits like procrastination — it can cripple you unless you learn to recognize your mistakes and fix them. Use time efficiently and make the best out of it by adopting good habits like having a system for keeping track of all tasks, files, email correspondences, contributions and communication via social software. A lot of people take time for granted and there is always an excuse: “there won’t be enough time” or “I’ll do it later”. But two things you need to remember right now are: 1) You can never get back lost time 2) Time spent on perfectionism just means that something is not quite finished yet.

Every day people complain that there’s a lack of time and opportunity. For some the remedy for their situation would be to simply get rid of their habits that waste much-needed time.

Bad Habits can Negatively Impact your Relationships

Humans are social by nature but it’s easy to develop bad habits that prevent us from forming solid relationships. At the extreme end of the scale are addictions such as alcohol and drugs which can be toxic for your career and personal relationships.

But other habits can also hold you back. For example, being a procrastinator can prevent both you and your business from making new friendships, partnerships and even finding success with that special someone in life.

If you have a negativity habit and are always complaining about everything then this will drive people away who could be good friends and help you in your life. Instead of attracting you more positive friends, your negativity may just attract other negative people too which means your problems will only worsen over time. If it’s time to change things up, we recommend choosing to focus on the good in your life and the bright future ahead of you. Don’t forget there are plenty of things in life to be happy about!


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