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How to be Unfit for the Rest of Your Life

13 Surefire Steps to Sabotage Your Health and Happiness Forever

By Ramona FernandezPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Here’s a quick guide on how to be Unfit for the rest of your life

Step 1

Step on the weighing scale first thing every morning. Get obsessed over the scale. Get stressed out about the fluctuating numbers. Now let that number determine your worth. Start your day angry.

Then look in the mirror and grab any extra fat that you have. Feel disgusted about the cellulite behind your thighs. Call yourself degrading names. Tell yourself you’ll never look like the fitness models on Instagram. Find something to blame. Blame your mom. Resign to the fact that your awful genetics will always hold you back. Then allow this self-talk to turn you exactly into this helpless unfit person you call yourself.

Step 2

Contemplate how you’ve been cursed in this life. It keeps throwing you curveballs every time you try to do something for yourself. What’s the point of trying?

Focus on all the things you don’t have in your life. Everyone is better off than you are. They don’t have to struggle as you do. Why do all the bad things only happen to you?

Hyperfocus on your so-called ‘imperfections’ like 'Hip Dips'. Spend hours on Google trying to find ways to fix them.

Step 3

Grab small snacks throughout the day because you don't have time to cook healthy meals. There’s so much to do and you’re already behind. People who plan their meals have so much more time than you do. Just wing it.

You’ll always find something to grab and go. Snacks are perfect, they help you stay on the binge cycle and rob you of energy! Keep your favorite snacks everywhere.

Because life’s pleasures are worth the consequences.

Prepare your environment to make it really hard to eat healthy. Spend massive amounts of mental energy battling your food choices. Then order takeout at night because you have nothing prepared and you’re too exhausted to cook.

Step 4

Plan your workout around the busiest part of your day, preferably as late as possible. You want to add obstacles in your path so you have excuses later for why you couldn’t do your workout.

Close to your workout time, start doing critical tasks like dusting the shelves. Then blame your busy life on why you missed yet another workout.

Step 5

Spend the majority of your day just scrolling through Social media. Especially 'fun' Reels to keep your brain hooked on nonsensical information.

Follow people whose lives seem unrealistically perfect. Tell yourself it’s for motivation, but secretly hate them for their perfect bodies.

Blame your bad genetics, or lack of time, or their use of steroids for you not being able to achieve what they have. Constantly compare your body to theirs.

Then go through the comment section and start arguments with random strangers to spend more time and mental energy.

Step 6

Take note of exactly what your favorite influencer eats from their ‘what I eat in a day posts’.

Because eating exactly like them is going to make you look like them.

Then spend more time working out exactly how you’re going to implement this. The key here is to spend as much time as possible planning. Taking action is uncomfortable. Be fearful of action. It only means more responsibility and time. You don't have that.

Stay in that planning phase!

Step 7

Sign up for an 8-week get fit quick workout plan. Go super hard, doubling up on workouts most days. More is always better. Punish your body for eating all those cookies.

Check your progress every day. Continue to obsess over your body and scale. Then get frustrated because your body hasn't changed after 2 entire weeks of effort. The scale is still going up, your clothes are still tight.

Convince yourself that you just picked the wrong plan. Then sign up for another 'get fit quick' plan. After all, you want to shock your body constantly with new plans so it never gets a chance to improve.

Even better, combine 2 plans to speed up your progress. Have a set time frame to quit every plan. 2 weeks is great.

Step 8

Hang out with friends who are exactly where you want to be in life. Friends who just wanna enjoy life. They eat out often. Bonus points for drinks! Instead of talking about boring topics like how to level up in life, they talk about how hard life is and speculate about other people's lives.

You are the sum of the 5 people you hang out with. So spend all your time with friends who celebrate when you skip your workouts and constantly sabotage your plans to be healthy. Friends who reinforce the notion that there is no point trying asº you are just not destined to be better. You don’t wanna upset your friends. It’s nice to be liked.

You could lose them if you chose yourself over them.

Step 9

Discuss the latest diet trends with these friends. The more extreme, the better. Look for trends that you’ve never heard of before. The basics can be so boring.

If Sarah says she lost 10 pounds in 1 week with this new diet… WASTE NO TIME! Jump on that bandwagon! This could be the one diet that changes the game for you, forever.

Stick to it for an entire week. Make sure you get so hungry with all the restrictions, That you eat back everything you missed so you can catch up on the weight you lost… and more.

Step 10

Always have a stack of ready excuses to use if someone gives you ideas on improving your fitness. Excuses like… "I don’t have time", "My period is coming up", or "I need to buy new workout clothes"… all work like a charm!

Close your mind to any possibility that your body could improve with consistent effort. Plans should offer quick results, preferably in 2 weeks, and they’ve always failed you. Stick to your guns.

Be a default no.

Step 11

Always make time for binge-watching your favorite shows. This is your ‘me’ time. Why read a book on improving your life instead, when you can stay exactly where you are in life. Stay up late to watch just one more episode. It’s okay, you can wake up later. You’ll fit your workout in somewhere.

Step 12

Blame your lack of motivation for not being able to stick with a plan. Subscribe to the idea that fit people have constant motivation. Rely on this motivation heavily each day.

Refuse to take action unless you are repeatedly pushed by someone or something. Like buying new workout gear or a new plan.

Then quit after your 2-week time frame and look for more motivation.

Step 13

Join fitness groups online and keep asking the same questions on "how to target fat loss from your arms, or belly". Create your own workout with only the most unique and hard-core exercise suggestions that make your abs and arms the main focus. Continue targeting these specific areas of your body. Then get frustrated only to watch them get bigger under a layer of fat.


The point of this video is to help you identify any negative behavioral patterns that you might have. I struggle with these behaviors myself!

Negative mental habits include chronic stress, negative self-talk, and a lack of motivation or drive to engage in healthy behaviors. This can lead to the release of stress hormones such as cortisol, which can contribute to inflammation and an increased risk of chronic diseases.

Furthermore, a lack of motivation or drive to engage in healthy behaviors such as exercise or healthy eating can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary choices, which can contribute to weight gain and other negative health outcomes.

Building healthy fitness habits is essential for achieving and maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle. To do this, you need to have a proven system that can help you form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results.

Atomic Habits, the number one New York Times bestseller by James Clear, provides a practical framework for building healthy habits that can help you achieve your fitness goals.

In Atomic Habits, Clear draws on the most proven ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand guide for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible. By following the strategies outlined in the book, you can learn how to make time for new habits, overcome a lack of motivation and willpower, design your environment to make success easier, get back on track when you fall off course, and much more.

Whether you're an individual looking to quit smoking, lose weight, reduce stress, or achieve any other fitness goal, Atomic Habits can help you transform your habits and reshape the way you think about progress and success. With over one million copies sold, this book has proven to be a valuable resource for anyone looking to build healthy habits and achieve their fitness goals.


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self caremental healthhealthfitness

About the Creator

Ramona Fernandez

Hello! I'm a Mom addicted to Fitness! Welcome to my World!

Find me on Fitnizfury on Social Media:

Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube and my Blog

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