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By Susan McGillPublished 3 years ago 25 min read

An Introduction to Healing Circles

I first began doing healing circles after I attended a Native American Sun Dance and met an Elder who taught me his ways of healing through his Ceremonies and Sweats. I have found my circles to be very powerful in many different ways and must trust they will never be used in vain! Therefore, all of my healing circles are going to contain only words used for good and cannot be used in anyway other than good by anybody involved! Please be prepared when doing my circles there are certain things that must be done to avoid illness or hardship.

Note: my circles are not a game to be played with, thank you!


Welcome to my book of healing circles and meditations, gathered personally from my own journey's in my cycle of life. I encourage you to enjoy your life to it's fullest potential and learn your lessons in life so you can move forward with life. One of my main goals is to show you balance between your physical being and your spiritual being, keeping yourself healthy, happy and alive.

First and foremost, always do a circle when you are happy and content, have a positive attitude and positive thoughs at all times. If you offer others to enter your circle, please prepare them as well, to contain any aftermath. Always have less or more than four people in a cirle to avoid opening a vortex! Always ground circles to Mother Earth. Be very careful of your wording when doing circles, they are taken by direct meanings!

Only give Angels and Guardian Angels one thing to do at a time. A healing circle is here to help you release your old pain and suffering, shed the fears you may have, giving freedom to enjoy your journey in life.

The Dark Godess is who we will be calling on in the circles to help you come to terms with your past pain. She in not from the dark side rather she understands what part of you that could be bad and shares that knowledge with you. So, you can accept your entire self and grow with your wisdom to a higher level in not only menally but spiritually as well. Always, always eat a feast of real food after a circle or meditation in a circle!!

Thoughts are heard within a circle, this is a very important leasson to learn as you may be the only one to hear these thoughts and must use them accordingly. When calling your Gatekeepers and Watchtowers be sure to make your circle in a square setting so your guard has a corner to sit on. As you become stronger you will be able to visualize this square, I have done my circles in a basement room, my living room, in my backyard or just outside in a field.

Colors of candles will give forth the Celtic directions. East is purple and red, South is white, West is blue and green and North is black. Native directions are: East is black, South is red, West is yellow and North is white. I lean more towards Native then Celtic. Even though I am a White Woman with a Celtic background! Be sure to always have a feast of real, healthy foods, after any circle as a way to replenish your body and soul!

There are certain items I like to use in my circles, but one must remember that these items are only symbols and do not, I repeat, do not carry any abilities as all abilities are carried by you! If you are the type of person to put your energy into an object, my healing circles are NOT for you! Please do not do them, I am sorry I only do prayers, not spells.

Reminder: Doing my circles is not a game to be played with. Thank you!



My experinece begins with me being at work, a truck stop during the third month of Covid19, and two customers walk through the front doors. One is sick, a female and the second is a male, both native, neither wearing a mask, as they are making their way to the deli where I am wearing my mask and working as a cashier standing behind my sneeze shield smiling and waiting for them to make their way to the counter.

They come through my work about every third day doing the same routine. The male stands behind the female letting her decide what it is she is wanting to eat; he orders and pays for it and they leave. The second week they came through I noticed the female is getting sicker, so I start talking with her as a way of maybe picking her spirits up, calling her my friend by this time, chatting with her, and she was now allowing herself to smile once in a while.

The third week they came through my place of work my friend is barely moving, dragging her feet, her arms hung low and just swung by her side like they were not apart of her anymore, and she held her head down so low, it was as if it had become a major effort to hold it high. She was dying, I could see it, I could feel it! I had been where she now stands, on the edge of death. I had to do something!

So, this time during our short chat I asked her if she had cancer, which she did! I told my new friend that I too am a cancer survivor and asked if she would be alright with me saying a prayer for her. At this point she lifted her head and told me, she was more than thrilled, adivising me that no other had offered to pray over her and asked me to please pray over her.

So, I leaned down under the sneeze shield and said a short prayer, part of my prayer was advising my new friend that I would be there for her on either end of the spectrum. If she found it was her time to crossover, I would be there to help her find the light, and if she was wanting to fight for her life I would be there to support her either way. It was the first time I had seen her smile, a real smile, as she thanked me, and they left.

As the next week went by, between 3:15 pm and 4 pm, every day I worked, I encountered the most confusing situation. No matter what I was doing and only at work, I would hear this person, come running up from behind me! I could feel them grabbing my arms, now in front of me, and a female voice starts yelling my name right in my face as if trying to get my attention, while holding onto me for dear life! Whom ever this female was, was so very desperate and was not going to let go of me no matter what! But I couldn't see anybody in front of me!

Each time this happened, I would ask which ever co-worker was around if they had said my name receiving the answer 'NO' every time. By the fifth day there was only a customer there when that female voice showed up again, yelling out my name. When I turned around my customer was ghost white, so I smiled and asked, you heard that, right?

All she would say was, I will pay for my food and leave now thanks. That was enough to tell me she had heard everything and had seen who knows what. Then on the seventh day I heard either a bye Sue, or hey Sue and the voice was heading out the door! She was tranquil, calm and happy to be where ever it was she was heading to.

When getting home that night and heading to bed I put a prayer into the Universe to tell me who it was that had held onto me for the past week and what happed to them. The next morning, I woke with the thoughts of how I had not seen my new friend in over a week and I was beginning to wonder if she was the one!

So that night I put another prayer in the Universe and asked for the gentleman who was with her to come in and let me know if she had crossed over or if she was alright. I also asked that if she was able to come visit me or her family, to please do so and tell me what is happening with her.


The next day at work, between 3:15 pm and 4 pm, my new friend came in with a huge smile on her face and almost dancing her way over to me. She looked so healthy and extremely happy and full of energy! The nice gentleman, her daughter, son and their partners were also with her. It was amazing! I couldn't believe how healthy she was, how much energy she had and what she told me!

My new friend might as well have been dancing all the way to me and almost singing, "Thank you, thank you, Sue for saving my Life! I felt like I just needed to come and tell you I'm alive and its all because of you!

I was some what confused and showed her how the hair on my arms were standing straight up! I asked her if she was calling out to me over a weeks time. She then explained it all to me and all those around us at the time, it went something like this:

My new found friend and I in conversation:

My new found friend, "I had my surgery a week or so ago and was told I wouldn't live! So, since I didn't know who else to pray to for help and you were the only one willing to pray over me, I prayed to you. I asked for you to hold on to me because I didn't want to die, and I was so scared!"

Me, "Wow, are you kidding me! For a week I heard you calling out to me and holding on to me for dear life. Where did you see me?" trying so hard not to cry during any of your conversation!

My new found friend, "Right here, at your work. I prayed to you for everthing that week, going in for surgery I grabbed onto you and held on tight. Each treatment, I called out for you, and you were always right there for me. Again, I thank you!"

Me, "This is just so amazing. I am so thrilled that you are doing so very well, this is just amazing!"

My new found friend, "Yes, you are just amazing! Look see, they removed both of them and I felt no pain. Thank you! You took my pain away for me too!"

She had showed me her chest at this point, allowing me to see how they had removed both her breasts! So sad, yet she carried so much strength. To this day I still have tears form in my eyes just reading my experience, no matter thinking about it! At this point I had noticed that her daughter did not look that well either, as a matter of fact this day she had looked worse than her Mom, but not close to death.

So, I continued, "Your daughter doesn't look to good, should I say a prayer for her too?"

Before my new friend could answer her daugher had said, "She isn't even an Indain Mom!"

My new friend responded instantly, "I don't think that matters, look at me! Do you really think it matters?"

So, to keep things in the good, I commented to my new friend, "If she doesn't want me to pray for her that is alright I will do a prayer anyways and if she isn't interested that is all good. No worries my friend. If there wasn't any Covid19 right now, I would come around my till and give you a huge hug. If only to share some of my positive healing energies with you."


I was very surprised when she reached down under the sneeze shield and grabbed my hands and again thanked me for saving her life! At that point, I asked my new found friend what her name was as I had only ever called her my friend. At that point I found out my new friends name is Cynthia. Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful lady, sharing such an amazing moment in time with me.

My boss of all people, was standing right there behind me when Cynthia left. I thought oh shit I am in trouble spending too much time with just one customer.... my boss said only one comment to me that day, "If I ever need someone to pray for me, I am going to ask you!"

So always remember, if you say a prayer, be willing to follow through with it, by always saying it with a pure heart and true intintions! I have never seen Cynthia since our precious moment in time....

A MOMENT IN TIME IS ALL IT TAKES photo by Ashley Patrick


Now if you are ready to begin a circle you will need salt, candle, sage, matches, a cloth and small thin rope. Depending on what kind of circle you are doing will depend on what type of herbs you might want to use during the circle. such as bear root, cedar, sage, dragons blood and sweat grass. If you are doing a water cleansing bring in a jug of water as well.

SWEET GRASS photo by Susan McGill

Here are reasons for using some types of herbs, sweat grass will attract positive energies it will remind us of the feminine and that earth provides everything we need, Sage is used for healing, cedar is used for prtection you can use it to cleanse a new home, and lavender is used to invite a spirit. Dragon's blood is used for the Dark Goddess circle, this circle is very strong and allows you to see yourself from all sides and not be judged. On the same token one must be ready to take on all that she will open up to you, for you to see and deal with.

DRAGONS BLOOD photo by Susan McGill

A few more herbs and their uses are, copal is the sap (blood) of a tree used as an offering as an enormous gift to the God's. Frankincense is used to ease depression and promote clairvoyance. Myrrh is used to maintain a enlightened state of mind. It will also connect you to your youth and clear the path of what stands in your way to the truth.

When smudging most times, I only use my hands to cup the smoke and cleanse my aura with it, but is also good to use a bird feather. If you do decide to use a feather, be sure to use the underside of the feather to wash the smoke over the person or object. It will be its underside of the birds wings that face Mother Earth and it is that surface of the feather the blessing is offered with.

When doing a circle, I setup my alter in the center of the circle, so I am facing North when sitting in front of alter. I have a small box I turn upside down and place my cloth over. I like to use a blue cloth, but you can pick any color you like. Depending on the circle will depend on which color of candles I will use, I always use two white candles along with whatever other candle(s) I may choose. I will burn sage and most times I will also burn incense as well, but these are burnt during the prayers.


Now that you have your alter setup make your way out of the circle. have anyone who is joining you in the circle walking behind you as you walk clockwise in a circle pouring salt on the ground saying the entry prayer; others will need to repeat after you, say this prayer three times. You then enter the circle stepping over the salt walking clockwise around the circle and sitting in front of your alter, allow others to walk clockwise around the circle and sit where they feel comfortable.

You then enter the circle stepping over the salt allowing others to walk clockwise around the circle and sit where they feel comfortable. You then begin by lighting your candles, sage, and incense. Pick from the list which circle you want to make and do the opening prayer. In order, do the grounding of your circle, call on your Gatekeepers and call on your Watchers. Feel free to do your own circles as well....

Your circle begins, at this time do the tying of the rope and then a meditation. Next will be your prayers, giving thanks, returning of the Gatekeepers and Watchers, and closing the circle. Breaking it so no other will be able to use it.

Below is a list of differnet circles and prayers you can try. I have added some examples of ones I have done over the years, and will be sharing some experiences with you in a bonus section in the near further. I figure that way you would have something to compare some of your own circles to, Enjoy and don't forget, my circles are not a game to play with! Thank You! Be sure to eat a feast after any and all circles.


I make this circle for love's protection, and in the power of the Dark Goddess. I make this circle to join us together, in the power of the Dark Goddess. I make this circle that is endless in the reverence for the name of the Dark Goddess. In the name of the Dark Goddess the circle is made.


I make this circle around us in the name of God, May Earth Dragon share fire knowledge. I make this circle around us in the name of the Great Devine, May the Sky Dragon bring forth cosmic inspiration. I ask permission from you, creator of all, may we enter Your (put your name here) circle for purity and blessings.


I make this circle around us in the name of Bridget, May the Sea Dragon allow knowledge from healing waters. I make this circle around us in the name of Bridget, May the Earth Dragon share fire knowledge. I make this circle around us in the name of Bridget May the Sky Dragon bring forth Cosmic inspiration.


I make this circle for loves protection and in the power of the first name of the Goddess. I make this circle to join us together, in the power of the second name of the Goddess. I make this circle that is endless in reverence for the third name of the Goddess.


I make this circle with love's protection in the name of the Great Devine. I make this circle joining us together, in the power of the Great Devine. I make this circle that is endless in the power of the Creator.


I make this circle in the name of Atlantis, May the Sea Dragon express Knowledge of healing waters. I make this circle in the name of Druid, May the Earth Dragon share fire knowlege. I make this circle in the name of Sylph, May the Sky Dragon bring forth cosmic inspiration.


Every circle will start with the Entry Prayer. When doing your entry prayer you will either use salt or a wand/prayer stick while saying the prayer.

Note: when doing a circle with salt, my entry prayer is said by making the circle in the name of... whereas, ones made with a wand/prayer stick says, make this circle around us in name of .... The entry prayer is said by you, the leader three times and repeated by those invited into your circle.

You will walk clockwise around your previously setup alter three times and enter your circle through the south entry. When using a wand or prayer stick to make a circle while doing this you will not be using salt and all can be sitting inside the circle to start with. I still enter from the south and walk clockwise around the circle before being seated.

You as the Leader will be placing stones in the four directions and another between either before sitting in front of your alter. Be sure to indulge in my Bonus section for my own personal experiences while doing my circles giving you something to compare your own too. Some got pretty intense to say the least! Please give me a like and share if you are enjoying my books. Thanks!



I make this circle in the name of Atlantis, May the Sea Dragon Express knowledge of healing waters. I make this circle in the name of Druid, may the Earth Dragon share fire knowledge. I make this circle in the name of Sylph, may the Sky Dragon bring forth cosmic inspiration.


All circles are follwed by grounding of circle with example of ground below:

Note: replace bold word with which ever type of circle you are making.

In the name of Atlantis the circle is made. This circle is grounded to Mother Earth. I ask permission from the Atlantis for giving entry into her circle.

Note: Every circle you will call your gatekeepers and watchers:


With the power invested within me, I call on my Gatekeepers, may you take your rightful place. No evil may pass freely with in my circle nor will evil be allowed entrance into my circle. Only pure honesty will walk freely here...


You who surround us, Guardian Angels, Watchers, the dead we were, and are and the unborn, help us, guide and bless us, for we are at one and one in spirit and in life. -face each direction- From the East please share with us the tongues of fire. From the West please share with us the singing of waters. From the North please bring to us the wisdom of Mother Earth.

Note: some circles begin with tying of the rope:


While tying the rope, say this prayer three times in total, third time is when you are tying the ends together. When tying of the rope fold it in half; first person ties center knot then next person right of knot, next left of rope and you (leader) ties the ends together.

The North, the Earth, the plants, the gnomes. I call to the postive forces, within this loom. The East, the Air, the Sylph the Wind. Positive Forces I call you in. The South, the Fire, Spirits of the flames, my Kin. Positive forces I call you in. The West, the Waters, the Undines, the Seas. Positive Forces, Please come to me, and back to the North again. As above, so below, I tie this rope to carry the energies held within our circle of life. Belssed Be, so be it

After tying the rope is when you can do a meditation I enjoy doing my three treasure meditation at this point of my healing circles. That can be found in Healing Circles & Meditation Part I if you are interested in checking into it. Next I have added a handful of different prayers I have used in my circles after my meditation.



We welcome the Great Spirits, we accept your offerings and are thankful for their abundance. Oh Mother Earth, how you now hold our ancestors so closely in your arms, safe yet may never be found. Mother Earh, how your crystal of inspriation shines through showing us what to create from that which surrounds us. Blessed be, so be it

Through fire we shall learn how to use Mother Earth accordingly. For this we give thanks. We give thanks as we drink from the healing waters of Bridget's cauldron. To the air spirits we give thanks for providing us entrance way to our knowledge and understanding of that which we believe to be unknown to us. Blessed be

We call on the seer, of the Great Devine may you grant us, sight and harmony shown only through, pure honesty. Expressed through a vision, meditation or in a dream, we pray for understanding, from Thee. May you find your way, to each of us with in this circle. Allow us strength needed to walk this path set here before us. Blessed be, so be it


Use this when there is someone dappling against you, it is for your own personal protection:

I call my gatekeepers, guard your rightful post, may nothing enter unless welcomed by myself. I call a fifth gatekeeper may you follow me Where every I may go. Protect me fully and may nothing or nobody Pass through my aura unless welcomed by me. You will all stand and guard your rightful post until otherwise requested from you (put your name here).


Tonight we pray to you Bridget, may you open your well of healing waters. So we may drink fully from the cauldron of life. By descending to the transforming forces of our dark side, the cauldron renews us. We shall shed the dead aspects of ourselves as Mother Earth does when she renews herself during winter.

Each of us carries our own reason for healing and we understand that we must shed the pain and suffering from our past to open the doorway to our future pathways in life.

As we achieve these goals before us, we see how healing ourselves we are also helping to heal the whole, as we are all one. Blessed be, so be it.


While drinking the water from Bridget's well say, I drink fully from Bridget's healing waters, allowing these healing energies to enter my body, clear my mind and cleanse my spirit and soul. May I walk the pathway before me in pure health and honesty. Blessed be


We pray to the Dark Goddess that she may walk with us as we shed fears from our past. We know this journey is one of self knowledge and understanding. Through the Dark Goddess we ask for the strength needed to accept ourselves for who we are; allowing the healing needed for us to continue our circle of Life.

Through fire we will learn to use Mother Earth accordingly, for this we all give thanks. Allowance to drink from the healing waters, for this we give special thanks to Bridget. The air spirits who provided entrance way to knowledge, for this we give our deepest thanks. Blessed be

Note: We always need to give thanks to all involved in your circles!

We thank you Dark Goddess for the strength needed to gather our tools for healing in this circle, may we carry them with us always. We give thanks to the North, East, South and West Gatekeepers for standing your ground. You may return to where you came from. Leaving behind no harm. We thank the Watchers for keeping us safe, you too may return to where to you came from. Blessed be, so be it


I close this circle in the name of Atlantis, Thank you Sun Dragon healing absorbed in waters. I close this circle in the name of Druid, Thank you Earth Dragon fire gives forth knowledge through flames. I close this circle in the name of Sylph, Thank you Sky Dragon inspiration found!

Note: Always be sure to reference that your circle is closed when finishing by saying, "The circle is now closed, I break this circle (south side) same side you came in on, I break this circle, not to be used by another." While you are cutting your hand or foot through the salt; hence literally breaking the salt circle.


ROOT: these stones will stimulate your base, if there is a block in this chakra the other six chakra will be unable to achieve balance. Signs of blockage are depression, anemia, low blood pressure, digestive and bowel problems and anxiety. A list is found below of stones related to your Root Chakra:

Red Carnelain: light red to orange, historical reason for wearing this stone is for strength and courage. You will use it for cleansing and to activate.

Red Jasper: earthy red, this stone is known as, "ring bringer" stone. This stone will be used for cleansing and balance.

Bloodstone: dark green with red spots and is traditionally worn for promoting self-esteem and to repel negativity. You will use it for cleansing and balance.

Balck Tourmaline: black, this stone is used for spiritual grounding, it is also good for balance and cleansing.

Obsidian: black, this is a stone of protection and is good for both cleansing and balance.

RED JASPER STONE photo by Susan McGill

SACRAL: Citr Carnelain, Moonstone, Coral these stones will stimulate your Sacral which is tied to the moon so this color of stone can both sooth and overactive Chakra and open it as well giving needed balance.

MOON STONE photo by Susan McGill

SOLAR PLEXUS: if this Chakra falls out of balance you will become witness to a variety of different physical and non-physical signs. Over and above, being/feeling lethargic, emotionally unsteady and maybe even aggressive. You may experinece: Anxiety, eating disorders, hypoglycemia, respiratory issues, depression and digestive problems.

Reminder: keep a healthey diet and regular exercise to help maintain Chakra balance and keep your energy flowing. Below is a list of stones used for this Chakra, each containing its own meaning and purpose.

AMBER: yellowish orange, this stone is used for cleansing and balance with the ability to increase your mental clarity and promoting confidence.

CITRINE: pale yellow, this stone is used to cleanse and balance giving increased personal empowerment and confidence. Known as the, "success stone".

LEMON QUARTZ: yellow, this stone is used to cleanse, activate and balance your third energy center. Known as the stone of optimism.

YELLOW JASPER: yellow, this stone will activate and balance the solar plexus chakra. Known as the stone of protection.

YELLOW TOURMALINE: yellow, this stone is used for cleansing, activating and balance. It is know to be good for detoxifying the body.

TIGER'S EYE: golden brown, this stone is used for grounding, cleansing and balancing. It is known as the stone of protection.

CITRINE STONE photo by Susan McGill

HEART: Each of the stones used for the heart chakra carries its own meaning and purpose. See list of Heart Chakra stones below:

ROSE QUARTZ: open and heal sleeping aid, calm emotions, peace and diespels negative energies.

JADE: promotes emotional and physical healing of heart's ails.

GREEN CALCITE: balance and stimulate, use to absorb negativity and boost your physical immune system.

GREEN TOURMALINE: open and stimulate, a stone to rejuvenate bringing forth emotional stability and healing.

JADE STONE photo by Susan McGill

THROAT: these stones will stimulate your throat chakra and each of these stones carry their own meaning and purpose. Each stone, meaning and purpose is listed below:

AMAZONITE: green and turquoise-green, used to dispel and guard against negativity while it is restoring your emotional balance.

LAPIS LAZULI: blue, it will open, simulate and balance. This is the stone of truth and will restore your ability to effectively communicate.

TURQUOISE: blue, green-blue, it will stimulate and balance. It will also dispel negativity and will restore your confidence to both speak and express your thoughts effectively.

AQUAMARINE: light green-blue to blue, it will cleanse and stimulate. Offering you courage and promoting tolerance and compassion while dispelling your fears.

AMAZONITE STONE photo by Susan McGill

THIRD EYE: amethyst, Purple Fluorite, Black Obsidian these stones will stimulate your third eye chakra. Each stone has its own meaning and purpose see list below:

AMETHYST: purple of any shade will open, stimulate and balance. This a healing stone that will offer you wisdom, healing and protection from harm.

PURPLE FLUORITE: will stimulate and balance. This stone will dispel negativity as it promotes intuition and mental clarity as well as focus.

BLACK OBSIDIAN: will stimulate and balance. Obsidian is great for exspelling negativity and chakra blockages as it helps enhance your emotional control.

AMETHYST STONE photo by Susan McGill

CROWN: each one of the stones used for the Crown Chakra have their own meaning and purpose. See list of stones below:

SELENITE: relatively clear, this stone will open and activate the third eye, crown and soul star (six inches to two feet above your crown chakra). This stone will help with removing stagnation, lifts your awareness to a higher plane, compelling you to move forward. It will cleanse your auric field and congested energies.

CLEAR QUARTZ: clear crystalline, this stone will amplify your energies. it also has a memory and you can program it! It will bring you heightened spiritual awareness. Use this stone to open your Chakras, expand your consciousness and communicate with your guides. It will also encourage clarity, and amplify your psychic abilities. As well as, stimulating your nervous system and growth of both your hair and fingernails.

AMETHYST: purple, violet, this stone carries many meanings and purposes. It will help with communicating with your Angels and Guides, will facilitate meditations, and helps you understand the root cause of your imbalance or diseae. This stone will also help to reveal your own self destructive patterns of the ego. It will help to deal with an addictive behavior or patterns and to clarify your mind.

DIAMOND: clear, this stone will give you access to your divine energies. It will facititate connections with the higher domain and promote truth and vision. You can use this stone to clear energy fields and use it to supprt other minerals.

HEMATITE STONE photo by Susan McGill

REMINDER/DISCLAIMER: This book is not intended to be used as a substitute for any medical advice of physicians. You, the reader should regularly consult your doctor in matters relating to your health and particularly with respect to symptoms which might require diagnosis or medical attention. My book is here to help support those interested in healing circles and meditations only.


My Druid egg stone was given to me by my Uncle Steve, may he rest in peace and his son, my Cousin Paul! They were ocean stone pickers and I was the one chosen to carry this Druid egg stone found within the waters of the Pacific Ocean...

Don't forget! There is a Bonus Section book next for all of you wanting to see or better yet, witness the fun and excitement in a handful of circles I will share with you! Some were out right crazy! One can learn many things from doing circles. So have fun and let me know how things go for you!

Oh, hey! Since I have your attention could you hit that heart/like button and share my story so others may heal along with us! Thanks a bunch!

One more thing! I have a surprise for you all!!! I am also putting out a fiction pick your own adventure book. Where you are the main character and must make all the decisions through out the entire book. It starts with you getting dropped off at a haunted TB clinic to go camping for a week.

You get to do so many different things it crazy, go on ghost tours, meet some ghosts, get educated about the clinic who made it and why. You go to a Native SunDance, meet an Elder. Travel back in time. But there is a catch, well two of them actually. There is a slight difference between mine and those old ones, unlike the old adventure books, mine on the other hand has only two endings!

Either you make it or you Don't! So I dare you to come and check out! Oh, the other catch I will fill you in when I see you at the book called "Decisions, Opportunity or Fate!" See you all there! Thanks for Being You! Stay Safe and Smart! Love, Peace and Self Respect!


About the Creator

Susan McGill

I am a Seer, a Druid, a Teacher, a Healer, an Empath, and I am very Spiritual most of all I am One with the Universe.

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    Susan McGillWritten by Susan McGill

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