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Personal Experiences...

By Susan McGillPublished 3 years ago 26 min read

Hi everybody, glad you made your way into the Bonus round. I have been doing Healing Circles for many years and have learned many lessons while doing them. I will be sharing with you a handful of Circles I have performed over the years. So you have a better understand of how they work and how to set them up.

I remember when I first started doing circles, I was all nervious and really didn’t know what I was doing, yet those around me seemed to carry belief in me. That alone I found to be a personal challenge as I didn't share the same belief with my peers. At this time that wasn't where my beliefs stood. I was lost, confused, didn't know what the hell was happening to me, but I knew I believed in God and if I believed in him, I too had to believe in the Devil! Yet, I was not Christian, not Catholic, not Presbyterian nor any of all those other religions!

They just didn't suit me right. Wiccan wasn't right either, but it was getting closer, pegan, nope that was quit right either. I just couldn't put my finger on it! Then one day there I was with a friend of mine in an Aware House Book Store and I was so drawn to a book that caught my eye, I completely forgot I was even in a store, as I stood there reading a book about being a Druid! That's when my World changed! But that's another story!

I thought I would start this Bonus section with an example of a circle while using a wand or prayer stick to make your circle rather than using salt.

When using a wand or prayer stick to make your circle, you are making it around yourself. Be sure to have your alter ready to be used once circle is made. Start setting up your circle with your alter in the center of the circle. You will be placing four stones in each of the directions, or posts: north, south, east and west. Then you will continue with placing another stone half way between the first four stones, giving total of eight stones, while grounding the circle you are making around you. This will be explained below.

You and those with you will need to be seated before starting. Yes, you will still enter from the south avoiding any stones and walk clockwise around in a circle before sitting in front of your alter, allowing others to find their place to sit as well. Then you will proceed as written below. The circle I am using is made through the name of Bridget. Her circle is very strong relating to healing waters and purifying the soul. As you do different circles you will find their strengths and how to best use them for goodness and life.

This example of a healing circle is the one I did for my friend who was diagnosed with TB (tuberculosis) and we did a circle to cleanse her entire being, body and soul. She was suffering with sores forming on her body especially her arms and face. This circle was amazing for her, as her healing progressed rapidly over a few months with full recovery. The second Circle of Bridget’s healing waters was to be used for drinking and healing the physical body from the inside, out. When doing this circle there was an amazing experience attached within the circle itself.

Using a Wand or Prayer Stick to make a circle

I make this circle around us in the name of Bridget, May the Sea Dragon allow knowledge from healing waters. I make this circle around us in the name of Bridget, May the Earth Dragon share fire knowledge. I make this circle around us in the name of Bridget, May the Sky Dragon bring forth cosmic inspiration. In the name of Bridget the circle is made. This circle is grounded to Mother Earth. I ask permission from Bridget for giving entry into her circle, this circle is now made.

With the power invested with in me I call my gatekeepers and watchers, please take your proper post now, stand your ground, so no evil may lurk around. May the circle begin. I now say a prayer to the: guardians and watchers, You who surrounds us, Our Guardians, Our Watchers. The dead we were, who we are, and the unborn. Help us, Guide us, Bless us For we are at one and one, In spirit and in life. Blessed be

From the East bring us the power of Air. From the South bring us the tongue of Fire. From the West bring us the singing of the Waters. From the North bring us the wisdom of the Earth. So be it

Blessing of the Healing Waters in Circle

We ask the Great Devine to bless this Sea Salt Water placed here before you. For this we offer our thanks. I now ask Bridget permission to use this blessed water to represent her healing well. I take this blue veil and place it in your healing waters Bridget, allowing pure cleansing to commence. I take this veil and wrap it around the aura of (use name of person you are helping) example, yourself or who ever it is you are wanting to heal.

Literally begin wiping away all bad medicine collected within or around this persons aura. Take this veil and place it safely back in Bridget’s healing waters for pure cleansing. Continue saying, through this cleansing we ask that of which has been used against this person (add name here) to be returned back to where is came from, never to used against another again. Only positiveness is now allowed to linger near or on this person’s (add name here) aura from now until eternity. Blessed be, so be it

Note: When doing this prayer I suggest repeating it on your self as well. To avoid carrying any resuide from the cleansing on yourself when cleansing another.

We call on the seer of the Great Devine may you grant us all needed sight and honesty. Be it in a vision, meditation or a dream. We pray for understanding from thee. We seek spiritual healing may you allow us strength and courage needed for us to walk the path set before us. Blessed be

We pray to the Dark Goddess may you walk with us as we shed fears from our past. We understand our journey is one of self knowledge and self understanding. Through you Dark Goddess we ask for the strength needed to accept ourselves for who we are; allowing the healing needed for us to continue our circle of life. Blessed be

Through fire we will learn to use Mother Earth accordingly. For this we give thanks. Given allowance to cleanse with Bridget’s healing waters. For this we give deepest thanks. The air spirits who provided entrance way to knowledge. For this we give our special thanks. So be it

Please show me the right way, a sign, a dream, a vision, just something that helps me to see. A big welcome to the spirits who speak with me now. To Bridget, the Dark Goddess and the Great Devine, we give thanks for the strength needed to gather our tools needed for healing in the circle, may we carry them with us always. Blessed be

I close this circle around us in the name of Bridget, Thank you Sea Dragon. Aura healing obtained through waters, I close this circle around us in the name of Bridget. Thank you Earth Dragon, Fire gives forth knowledge through flames. I close this circle around us in the name of Bridget, Thank you Sky Dragon. Inspiration found with in Thy Self.

We thank you gatekeepers for standing your ground and allowing no evil to enter here. You may now return back to where you came from. We thank you watchers and you too may return back to where you came from. Leaving behind no harm. Blessed be

This circle is now closed, I break this circle not to be used by any other!!!

DRUID EGG STONE photo by Susan McGill

Healing and Wisdom Circle

I make this circle around us in the name of in the name of Atlantis, May the Sea Dragon express knowledge of healing waters. Make this circle around us in the name of Druid, May the Earth Dragon share fire knowledge. I make this circle around us in the name of the Dark Goddess, May the Sky Dragon bring forth Cosmic Inspiration. May the circle begin

Through the power of the Moon, and the strength of the Sun, I conjure this circle in the name of the Dark Goddess. May you give us strength for self discovery. Please show us that which lies beneath social persona, ego and the conditional self. I call on my Gate Keepers, come and stand your ground no evil shall enter through your gateways. Only pure wisdom and healing shall find its way through. Blessed be

Tying of the Rope

While tying the rope, say this prayer three times in total, third time is when you are tying the ends together. When tying of the rope fold it in half; first person ties center knot then next person right of knot, next left of rope and you (leader) ties the ends together.

The North, the Earth. The plants, the gnomes. I call to the positive forces within this loom. The East, the Air. The Sylph, the Wind. Positive Forces I call you in. The South, the Fire. Spirits of the flames, my Kin. Positive Forces I call you in. The West, the Waters. The Undines, the Seas. Positive Forces, Please come to me. And back to the North again. As above, so below. I tie this rope to carry the energies held with in our circle of life. Blessed Be, so be it

During our time of need I call on the seer, of the Great Devine. May you grant us, sight and harmony shown only through pure honesty. Be it in a vision, meditations or in a dream, we seek this understanding, from Thee. May you find your way to each of us within this circle. Blessed be

You who surrounds us, Guardian Angels, Watchers, the dead we were, and are and the unborn. Help us, guide and bless us, for we are, at one and one in spirit and in life.

From the East please share with us, the power of Air. From the South please share with us, the power of Fire. From the West, please share with us, the power of singing of Water. From the North, please share with us, the wisdom of Mother Earth. Blessed be, so be it

I ask you Bridget to please Bless this water I offer you as a symbol of your Healing Waters. I pray that you may open your well of Healing Waters. As we may drink fully from your Cauldron of Life.

By descending, to the transformation fires of our dark side, you shed the dead aspects of ourselves as Mother Earth does when she renews herself during the winter seasons.

Each of us carries our own reason for healing, and we understand that we must shed the pain and suffering from our past to open the doorway to our future pathways in life.

As we achieve these goals before us we see how healing ourselves we are also helping to heal the whole, as we are all one. Blessed be, so be it

I could see how the water now carried almost a blue glow to it, and my mouth just ached to feel the cool water rush through body and replenish very part of my being.


-while drinking water- repeat three times

I drink fully from your healing waters, I feel the healing waters replenishing my physical being. Energizing my spiritual being, each particle of water contains each energy needed to replenish my personal energy. I feel being replenished as your healing waters travel through every part of my body -cell by cell- I am now healthier and my energy is replenished. Blessed be

~When drinking the healing waters, I could feel it touching every part of my being and healing it immediately. It was as if the water knew exactly where it needed to go and raced there and then on to the next placed that needed healing. Through my entire body from head to toe, every part was now rejuvenated and thankful. ~

We welcome the Great Spirits, We accept your offerings and are thankful for their abundance. Oh Mother Earth how you now hold Our ancestors so closely in your Arms, safely bound. Your crystal of inspiration now shines through. You, Mother Earth, show us what to create from that which surrounds us. Blessed be

I pray to the Dark Goddess that she may walk with us as we shed fears from our past. We know this journey is one of self knowledge and understanding through the Dark Goddess we ask for the strength needed to accept ourselves for who we are, allowing the healing needed for us to continue our circle of Life.

Through fire we will learn to use Mother Earth accordingly. For this we all give thanks. Allowance to drink from the healing waters. For this we give special thanks to Bridget. The air spirits who provided entrance way to knowledge. For this we give our deepest thanks. Blessed be, so be it

To the Dark Goddess we give thanks for the strength needed to gather our tools needed for healing in this circle; may we carry them with us always. Blessed be

I close this circle around us, in the name of Atlantis, Thank you Sea Dragon, healing drank through water. I close this circle around us in the name of Druid. Thank you Earth Dragon, fire gives forth Knowledge through flames. I close this circle around us, in the name of Dark Goddess. Thank you Sky Dragon, Inspiration found within. Blessed be, so be it.

My Gatekeepers and watchers you have my deepest Thanks for standing your ground you may now return back to where you came from! Blessed be, so be it

FREEDOM IS A CHOICE photo by Susan McGill

My next example of a circle is when I found a bleeding candle in my personal items and I didn’t own it, yet knew I needed to take it into a circle to help a soul find its way to the other side. This Circle I called Wolfe, as it was his soul reaching out to me for help. The back ground on this is a friend of mine owned a house and had rented it out. To his horror, those who had rented from him tortured and killed a young man within his rental house and he was convinced this young mans spirit was still in the house. So he had asked me to go and bless his rental house. This was very confusing for me as, I am a white woman and my friend making request is a native male! In the end I did go to assist my friend with blessing his home. What an experience to say to least.

This experience was very unnerving for me, I am a white woman and he is a native man and the young male victim was also native. I found it odd to have a native person want me, a white person to bless their home, but I was more than willing to help him out. It was the middle of winter in Canada, frozen ground and very, very cold, Halloween time too boot!

I knew by this time I was empathic and able to feel that of what another is feeling. But I was not ready for this encounter of a tortured soul. I made sure I was prepared to cleanse his house in the same way I had when I was being chanted on by Devil worshippers. I brought my white candle, sage, wooden matches, a can to burn it in and a plate to put it all on. As well as a spoon to dig a hole and bury the ashes when all was over and done.

I agreed to meet my friend at his rental house to do a blessing and as soon as I stepped in the back door I had the urge to go to the basement. I took the stairs heading downstairs instead of the ones heading to the main floor of the house. Instantly I had a sense of this young man wanting to show me what had happened to him. How he had been tortured, yet I was unable to visualize or hear what he was so desperately trying to tell and/or show me.

PEACE IS FOUND FROM WITHIN photo by Terri Portras

I was able to get a sense of that of what I thought I should be seeing or hearing from the young man and it was horrific! I could sense how he was hung from the ceiling and they burnt his eyes out, then he was stuffed in a crawl space under the stairs with a couch pushed up against it to stop him from getting out while being left to die between torture sessions.

At this point I had been praying for him to be released and allowed to crossover. As I had this deep inner feeling his soul was being tethered to this world in some way. And that was really starting to bother me. I made my way through the basement feeling the torture this poor soul was enduring to the point I was able to tell he had left his body as a way to cope with the pain.

When making my way up stairs I encounter a second spirit, a very angry spirit, one that didn’t want me, my friend or the young male spirit in his house. My candle went out, the plate and can went bitter cold and my sage went out. Over and above that, my matches would not light! All in all just not a good situation!

So I asked my friend, “Was there a second person who died here? Male? An older male, from many years ago?”

His answer was, “Yes, a man from previous to me owning the house.”

Well at that point, I found myself in yet another situation I wasn’t sure how to deal with. I asked the second spirit permission to enter his domain to help release the younger spirit from his home. To my surprise I am very pleased to say we were allowed into the main level of the house and I was able to continue blessing the house.

When entering the kitchen I could feel how they tortured this poor soul, using the top and inside of the stove and oven. Such torture would have been unbearable to any average human being. Again I said a prayer with hope of releasing his spirit from the house and cross over. When I was done doing the blessing it was time to bury the ashes. Out to the backyard we both went with spoon (tablespoon) in hand ready to do my prayers and bury the ashes.

Just as I am sitting on the ground, in a snow pile, and about to dig a hole I heard this really loud banging noise coming from across the back alley. When I turned around to look I witness the wooden garage doors of the neighbour slamming open and closed over and over again, getting louder each time.

That is when my friend tells me, “His body, the young man’s body, was taken over there to that garage and left there. They had put tobacco on his chest and laid him out like a cross.”

That alone sent shivers up and down my spine. My first thought was who ever killed him had also bound his soul to earth so he would never be able to soar free like an eagle after his death. My heart had dropped, right to the ground! Who where these people and what were they really planning to do to this poor young man.

A sixteen year old young man! Not only torture him here on Earth but in the after life as WELL!!!! It took all my strength to keep from filling with pure anger as I racked my brain on what I could possibily do to help this young man's soul!

I just couldn’t stop thinking that when he left his body, he was no longer connected body and soul therefore unable to crossover until he is one again with the universe. I held such a sadness for him and he was so very young. I wondered, how would he know how to connect himself together? Would he even know? What can I do to help him crossover?

THE UNKNOWN IS CAPTIVATING photo by Ashley Patrick

My friend had wanted me to go to the garage and bless it as well, but I had to explain how I cannot do that without permission from the owner, making it completely out of reach in that moment. Instead, I stood in the back alley between the house and the garage, put both hands up in the air and prayed that his soul and spirit may reconnect and be allowed to cross over and fly free like an eagle, as I joined my hands together, above my head. The banging of the garage doors stopped immediately and we went back into his yard to bury the ashes. For some reason the frozen ground in -30 ̊C (-22 ̊F) weather was still soft enough for me to dig a hole with a simple tablespoon and I buried the ashes.

When we were finished I placed the candle, can and plate on the front passenger seat and headed home. By the time I had arrived home, I noticed the candle was missing so I call my buddy and suggested we head back so someone doesn’t burn his house down next. I met him there but no matter where we looked the candle wasn’t in his yard or house.

Home I went again, putting a prayer out in the Universe that my white candle could not be used to harm another. By the time I returned home the candle was on my front passengers seat. I was so freaked out I left it there and never removed it for years!

Literally years, it wasn't until I totalled my car and took everything out of it before that white candle was removed from the seat. I even cleaned around it! I would even watch people sit on it, just to see if they would notice it there. Nobody ever noticed the white candle sitting on the passenger seat, never it was crazy.

So the day I found a red candle in my alter box I was quit surprised, as it was not mine and I was not sure where it had come from. Especially since I live alone! As soon as I touched the candle it would begin to bleed. At first I thought it was the color bleeding from the candle it’s self but no, when wiping my hands with a Kleenex you could tell it was blood. Yet, every time I set it down it would stop bleeding. Then I got a sense of a circle I would need to do for the young man Wolfe, using both the white candle in my car and this red candle that bleeds when I touch it.

This is the circle that came to me and the experience I had was amazing. But first I needed to find someone willing to carry my candle into a circle for me and I did. At my work. He was Wiccan and therefore understood what a circle may contain. Of course before even starting the circle I had put a meal of wild meat and veggies in the slow cooker to cook on the outside of the circle, while we did the circle.

There was just the two of us, I walked in a circle first and he followed behind me, while carrying the red candle on a blue cloth. I said the prayer below three times while pouring salt making a circle and entering in through the south gate.


A Circle for Wolfe

I make this circle in love’s protection. I make this circle to join us together. in the power of the Great Devine. I make this circle that is endless, in the power of the Creator.

I was able to ground the circle with stones before things starting going crazy and a bit scary for my Wiccan friend.

As I placed a stone in each corner and then between them for a total of eight stones I continued with, I ground this circle in the name of the Great Devine. This circle is now made. Next I sat in front of my alter and began to smudge everything sitting on the alter. As soon as I asked my friend to place the red candle in it’s holder and lite the white candle my alter went up in flames! First time EVER! YIKES!

I could feel the panic in my friend as I advised him not to worry, I carry control in my circles no other. And whatever was playing in my circle would need to leave. Now!

I put the flames out and continued lights my candles. During which time I used a white candle to light the red candle, avoiding any contact with it by my own hands.

With all the power invested in me I call my gatekeepers to stand their ground, no evil may enter here. Blessed be

Thor I welcome you today and always, may the circle begin. Thor is the Spirit of the Elder who watches over me.

I take these two candles before me to represent the connection between the soul and spirit of Wolfe. I light these candles with pure thoughts and honest intentions may you find your way safely to the spiritual realm. We celebrate the awakening of this spirit and soul, may you roam freely within the worlds.

We pray to the Great Devine May you Bless and Watch over Wolfe and ourselves as he completes his journey. It’s time for you to follow the light there before you Wolfe. Blessed be, so be it

At which time my circle becomes even more interesting for me, I could tell that the prayer had worked for Wolfe and he was no longer grounded to Mother Earth. But neither was I! YIKES! OMG I didn't know what to do!

I had been grounded by an Elder years previous, didn't know what it meant, but I knew I had been grounded! That's yet another story for yet another book. Now, here I am in a circle and I wasn’t grounded anymore! My spirit was racing around the circle trying to find a way out!

I could feel her bouncing off the walls and very anxious to go heal people and she didn’t seem to care that she was not attached to me at all! I was not pleased with this idea. I knew if she didn't connect back with my physical being I was TOAST!!! I would literally die! No, if's but's or maybe's about it I would DIE!

I needed to have a chat with her and explain how I was in charge and she was not allowed to disconnect from my physical body ever! Yet I wasn’t sure what all my friend was seeing and if he was doing alright. When looking over at him I found him to be sitting closer and then much closer to me as the circle progressed carrying a look of amazement across his face. I reach out to the spirit of the Elder who helped me all those years previous.

I thank you Thor for watching over and protecting me as I walk my new found pathway. It’s been nice having you around. Tell me, do I need you here for the removal of my blinders. I feel you leaving me soon, a sadness and a happiness all wrapped up in one.

A sadness of you leaving and happiness of myself growing more spiritually independent. At this point I informed my Spirit, Sarah, she was not allowed to go anywhere without my permission, today and always. She listened instantly and was attached to my body ready to be told what to do. Thank GOD!!

Continue with prayers...


You who surrounds us, Our Guardians, Our Watchers. The dead we were, who we are and the unborn. Help us, guide us, bless us. For we are, at one, and one in spirit and in life. Blessed be

From the East bring us the power of air. From the South bring us the tongues of fire. From the West bring us the singing of waters. From the North bring us the wisdom of earth. So be it

We call on the seer of the Great Devine, may you grant us all needed sight and honesty. Expressed through harmony. Be it in a vision, mediation or a dream. We pray for understanding from Thee. We seek spiritual healing may you allow us strength and courage needed for us to walk the path set out before us. Blessed be

We pray to the Dark Goddess may you walk with us as we shed fears from our own pasts. We understand our journey is one of self knowledge and self understanding. Through you Dark Goddess we ask for the strength needed to accept ourselves for who we are, allowing the healing needed for us to continue our own circles of life. Blessed be

Through fire we learn to use Mother Earth accordingly. For this we give our thanks. Through water we learn how to bless and cleanse. For this we give special thanks. Through air spirits we learn, we are provided entry to knowledge for this we give our deepest thanks. Blessed be

I close this circle with loves protection, in the name of the Great Devine. I close this circle that joins us, in the name of the Great Devine. I close this circle which is endless, in the power of the Creator. My circle is now closed, not to be used by another. Break the salt circle and leave the circle. Blessed be


My lesson I learnt while doing this previous circle was to be prepared for the unknown. Trust in myself and always be sure to make my circle in the name of a powerful being! Make sure my circle is grounded and have all my guards ready at all times so they can to be called in an instant! Be smart and be safe at all times!

This is the one and only time my male Wiccan friend ever did a circle with me. His first comment after I broke my circle went something like this. Wow Sue, do you realize how powerful you are? For all the time we were in the circle I did not smell the food cooking at all and its sitting right next to us. I can smell it quit well now.

He continued to inform me that he was able to see two of me in the circle and it freaked him out! He didn't want to tell me anything more about what he saw once he realized I had not seen anything. Which I find sad, since I would have loved to hear what he witnessed. If only to learn from it.

We did feast and all as well after the circle yet he would only tell me that he had never met anybody that was able to do what he had witnessed me do that day. To this day I still do not know what he had all witnessed, but it scared him enough he questioned being Wiccan and if he should continue dabbling in magic.

Here is a circle I made for healing and wisdom, it is a very strong circle and you will need to be open enough internally to see your own reality and deal with it so you may continue on with your journey in life. Be safe and enjoy.

Circle of Healing and Wisdom

I make this circle around us in the name of Atlantis, may the Sea Dragon Express knowledge of healing waters. I make this circle around us in the name of Druid, may the Earth Dragon share fire knowledge. I make this circle around us in the name of the Dark Goddess, may the Sky Dragon bring forth Cosmic Inspiration. May the circle begin. Blessed be

Through the powers of the Moon, and the strength of the Sun, I conjure this circle in the name of the Dark Goddess. May you give us strength for self discovery. Please show us that which lies beneath social persona, ego and the conditional self.

I call on my gate keepers, come and stand your ground. No evil shall enter through your gate ways. Only pure wisdom and healing shall find its way through. Blessed be

Tying of the Rope

The North, the Earth. The Plants, the Gnomes. I call to the positive forces with in the loom. The Earth, the Air, the Sylphs, the Wind. Positive forces I call you in. The South, the Fire. Spirits of the Flames, my kin. Positive forces, I call you in. The West, the Waters. The Undines, the Seas. Positive forces, Please come to me and back to the North again. As above, so below I tie this rope to carry the energies held with in our circle of life. Blessed be, so be it

From the East please share with me. The power of Air from the South, please share with me. The singing of waters from the North please share with me. The wisdom of Mother Earth. Blessed be, so be it

I ask Atlantis permission to enter your circle, this circle is now grounded in the name of Atlantis. Circle begins. Blessed be, so be it

I ask you Bridget to please Bless this water I offer you as a symbol of your healing waters. I pray that you may open your well of healing waters. As we may drink fully from your cauldron of life. By descending to the transforming fires of our dark-side, your cauldron now renews us. We shall shed the dead aspects of ourselves as Mother Earth does when she renews herself during the winter months.

Each of us carries our own reason for healing and we understand that we must shed the pain and suffering from our future pathways in life. As we achieve these goals before us we see how healing ourselves we are also helping to heal the whole, as we are all one. Blessed be

-While drinking the healing waters-

We drink fully from Bridget healing waters allowing these healing energies to enter our bodies, clearing our minds and cleansing our spirits and souls. May we walk our pathway before us in pure health and honesty. Blessed be, so be it

We welcome the Great Spirits we accept your offerings and are thankful for their abundance. Oh Mother Earth, how you now hold Our ancestors so closely in your arms, safely bound. Your crystal of inspiration now shines through you Mother Earth, showing us what to create from that of which surround us.

I pray to the Dark Goddess that she may walk with us as we shed fears from our past. We know this journey is one of self knowledge and understanding. Through the Dark Goddess we ask for the strength needed to accept ourselves for who we are, allowing the healing needed for us to continue our circle of Life. Through fire we will learn to use Mother Earth accordingly. For this we give thanks. Allowance to drink from the healing waters. For this we give special thanks to Bridget. The air spirits who provided entrance way to knowledge. For this we give our deepest thanks. Blessed be, so be it

To the Dark Goddess we give thanks for the strength needed to gather our tools needed for healing in this circle. May we carry them with us always. Blessed be, so be it

I close this circle around us in the name of Atlantis. Thank you Sea Dragon, healing drank through water. I close this circle around us in the name of Druid. Thank you Earth Dragon fire gives forth knowledge through flames I close this circle around us in the name of Dark Goddess. Thank you Sky Dragon. Inspiration found within. Blessed be

THE CYCLE OF LIFE photo by Ashley Patrick

Feel free to add in your own prayers for your personal circles and in no time you will be able to lead your own healing circles. Stay safe and be well. Continue smiling!

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All content has been written with good intentions and positive energies for you and those who attend your circle used to further your spiritual journey. Enjoy your adventures.

Don't forget to check out my ADVENTURE book called Decisions Opportunity or Fate! That is next to come out! Thanks for all your support! Thanks for Being You! Stay Safe and Smart!


About the Creator

Susan McGill

I am a Seer, a Druid, a Teacher, a Healer, an Empath, and I am very Spiritual most of all I am One with the Universe.

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