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By G13Published 3 years ago 29 min read

The number two gives an expression of unity between yin-yang and balance. The symbolization of co-operation and co-creation and ultimately partnership. The true power lies in unlocking the third eye of the heart, Alchemy, at its root, is the transformation of the self into ONE, the pairing of self with soul. You are not tired, you are full of life, however, your soul energy needs to be aligned and recharged. The body is telling you it’s time to learn to rest and be still, find the balance needed to move forward. One of the greatest skills in life. Ram Dass American spiritual teacher, once quoted, “The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can’t be organized or regulated. It is true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth.”

How does one begin to deal with the challenge of finding a “moral compass” in a world in which we must: “make sense of the senseless”; do the right thing on a daily basis to deal with short-term needs while not understanding the long-term consequences. May we Now search for some “universal” truths to assist moral judgments. The fundamental cause to why we are crushing our true nature is because we divide everyone into groups whether it be your gender, religion, nationality, height, shape, sexual preference, class status, marital status, color of skin, career choice, or political concepts. We need to learn to balance our ethical values. Do you believe in love and in the value of helping others? The Indian mystic Osho gave us food for thought when he said, “The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death”.

We need to believe in the things we cannot see, we need to make our dreams a reality, to push past fears by leaving our comfort zone. Our soul is hungry for more life and more love. Only when we let go of old un-serving limiting beliefs, and decide once and for all that we can create the life we deserve. As challenging as it may sound, it’s nowhere near as brutal as waking up feeling crushed under your current daily lives with the realization that your life is racing with no real meaning of what it is to be you. If we want to live that life we can't stop dreaming about then we need to level up and challenge ourselves in exploring the things we’ve never done before.

To follow your fiery heart, going against expectations Don't allow society's expectations of you to lose the true you. Only become content and agreeable with the image of yourself that’s free from the limits of the ego. Only the soul will satisfy you and be able to define the nature of who you really are. There is no pyramid of hierarchy that exists in the spiritual world. There’s just this circle where the first becomes the last, and the last becomes the first. Fall in love with the process of becoming your highest self on a daily basis.

We all have a source of light within us that awaits our request for help in guiding us in the rule of free will. This source of ONENESS moves effortlessly through space-time as wavelengths in our multi-dimensional infinite consciousness (The Wheel of light). Its only aim is to heighten its evolution according to the divine plan, so we may rise from spiritual sleepwalking. We experience this comic pure energy as a magnetic broadcast of abundance, through calming the mind and listening to your heart. May we always remember to be thankful for our friends that turned into Family, through their loyalty always welcomed us with open arms, no judgment, just love.

If we instead learn to naturally quiet ourselves, we allow ourselves to manage our emotional reaction, causing it to lose its power. Rising above this, we all need to discover enlightenment that dwells within all of us. It is a blissful state of wholeness, of being “at one” resulting in peace. Incredible liberation soon unfolds, a break away from all the frightful enslavement of incessant thinking. When the knowledge of being, your true self, becomes so powerful it adds to the collective mind, its energy is stored, waiting for those soul seekers wishing to find eternal truth. Just visualize tuning into the vibration of inspiration. This of course is the thought pattern of the knowledge of self-love. A ripple effect occurs, a term coined the hundredth monkey syndrome by scientists have discovered that once a critical mass within a species learns something new. Then suddenly the rest of that species can do it without being shown, purely by instinct

“Many of us wish we were more creative. Many of us sense we are more creative, but unable to effectively tap that creativity…Our lives somehow flat. Often, we have great ideas, wonderful dreams, but are unable to actualize them for ourselves. Sometimes we have specific creative longings we would love to be able to fulfill-learning to play the piano, painting, taking an acting class, or writing…We hunger for what might be called creative living- an expanded sense of creativity in our lives…Remember that in order to recover as an artist, you must be willing to be a bad artist. Give yourself permission to be a beginner.”-Julia Cameron.

Take the time to realize with visualization who you truly want to be in life. set yourself goals, use affirmations to guide you. Your competition is your procrastination, it is the negative behavior you are nurturing resulting in blockage of a creative life. Add in all the unhealthy food and you’re consuming, the knowledge you neglect. The content of your character is your choice and your responsibility. When a question about a certain topic pops up, google, it, find books, and watch documentaries. When something sparks your interest, take notice, focus, and apply your full attention to how to achieve that goal. Studying stimulates your brain. Don’t rely on the broken school system that favors. exam scores above all, educate yourself to ask the right questions in life. The gateway from beauty to inner beauty lies just beyond the inquisitive mind. Your integrity is your destiny. Heraclitus Ephesus an Ancient Greek philosopher who once said, “To find yourself, think for yourself.”

Finally, you have decided to take a leap in manifesting how to massively improve your outlook on life. This path is not easy it's like going through withdrawal symptoms of addiction. Your ego will attempt to sabotage this journey on more than one occasion. You’re hacking up all this nasty crap, riding your body of toxins, shaking, sweating, puking, wondering why on Earth you thought this was a good idea. We need to be firm in our vision and to keep the momentum moving forward into the unknown. Self-perception of who you thought you were, is a zoo we are choosing to free ourselves from. American writer Victoria Erickson once said, “Transformation isn’t sweet and bright. It’s a dark and murky, painful pushing. An unraveling of the untruths you’ve carried in your body. A practice in facing your own created demons. A complete uprooting before becoming.”

This process is like one of the biggest and scariest roller coasters you will ever be on. Do not look back in anger, or forward in fear, but around in awareness. Time is not linear, it is a manmade 3D construct. Everything happens it is simultaneous, the past and future are all happening right now. “Realise deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”-Eckhart Tolle. But just know that you can only truly start over when you choose with all your heart to begin the new journey that best serves you. An effort is key, please keep moving forward. You are your own rehabilitation center, all things are difficult before they become easy. When you choose to better yourself will be the moment you begin to align with the universe and your soul's purpose

Aleister Crowley was an English occultist gave solid advice regarding self-discovery, “One must find out for oneself, and make sure beyond doubt, who one is, what one is, why one is ...Being thus conscious of the proper course to pursue, the next thing is to understand the conditions necessary to following it out. After that, one must eliminate from oneself every element alien or hostile to success, and develop those parts of oneself which are especially needed to control the aforesaid conditions.”

The bridge we seek Self-love. Your freedom is uniquely personal to you. True freedom means having the power to define what being free means in your life. It starts with the heart, focusing our attention on being drawn to it. This bridge is a direct means of stilling the natural turbulence of thoughts and restlessness of the body that prevents us from knowing what we really are. Listen to the silence the universe will answer all your questions. In solitude, the silence will give you the answers you seek, that is where the healing begins. We need to peak to our soulful selves. To listen and bear witness to your heart, you need to intentionally focus your awareness on yourself, not on others.

Imagine you are free of boundaries and become conscious of everything, at all times and in all places, then we would realise that everything is first mentally createdSteve Jobs American business magnate once said, Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your inner voice”. Ask yourself why did you seek help and thus found this book. Was it due to the fact that criticizing yourself for years hasn’t worked? Instead, if you learn to accept yourself the magic will shine through your experiences. So it times to shine your light, let us rise for the sun, moon, and the stars. May we all find strength from within. Always be mindful of your self-talk, as it is the seed we create a clear and direct conversation with the universe.

You are the lion with more courage than you think. Free yourself from all ties or limitations. It’s better to disappoint people with your truth than live a life of inauthenticity. What you want requires you to be real with yourself. When things aren’t exactly your way, take it as an opportunity to be grateful for the present moment and that will give you the hope to keep moving forward. There are so many great things for you and so many blessings to look forward to. It's’ all going to be okay, trust yourself and your path.

Today’s Top Tip. Taking care of yourself first is not selfish. And if you’ve been trading more than you get in return in any of your relationships all you’ve been doing is feeding the selfishness of the other person. It’s time to take your power back and make sure your own cup is getting filled up in return. This is possibly the most difficult thing you’ll ever do in your life. But, once you feel what it feels like to have a full cup again you’ll be glad you took the leap. Think of social media as your personal vision board. Be aware of the accounts you give your energy tondo only allow in your digital space what will uplift your spirit and thoughts, educate you and push you towards your goals. If you are serious about changing your life for good then you need to start withdrawing courage from your personal power within. Remember ego judges and punishes and love forgives and heals. Be proud of how you’ve been handling the last year. The silent battles you’ve fought, celebrate your strength.

Now is the time to step forward and take the necessary steps to become that version of yourself you can’t stop dreaming about. To do this you will need to empower yourself with visions of who you want to be, that best version of yourself that will serve you better and not who society thinks you should be. Vex King author and philanthropist seals the deal when he said, “There are going to be times when you have to mute all the other voices so you can listen to your own. Your soul knows what’s best for you. Walk the path it chooses, not the one others tell you to.”…Opinions don’t define your reality.”

The authenticity of your inner self is not a brand, not an image but a way of life. It is free from the conditioning of death, a momentum of our focused habitual perseverance, our quest for striving for the virtue of body, speech, and mind in our life. The Purification process is through natural liberation only, may we enter the undistracted gateway of study, reflection, and meditation to benefit our beautiful souls. The destination is all the same, yet our journey is individual. What serves you is the key, relax and be still, reconnect to the natural flow of life. A life above strife will present itself to you. So let us NOW Shine like a star in knowing that all life is Art brought into existence to train and intensify the faculties of sight, hearing, and rhythm, form the foundation of art, is beauty, and true beauty is love. The sooner you grasp that everything is infinite the sooner you find joy in each moment. Therefore, everything you seek and want is already yours and is seeking you in return. The secret is simply being more aware of what you already possess. The most simple and profound wisdom is that Your life has a purpose, your story is important. You were born to make an impact. your voice matters, you carry powerful energy and light. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

Imagine you were in Ancient times crossing the Egyptian desert and you have gone days without water. Despair arises on your journey, will you make it out alive. Then suddenly your gaze turns upwards to the night sky, one star stands out with its luminosity it is the Dog Star Sirius. You suddenly know now to follow in the direction of the star. Your destination is plentiful in water, song, laughter, and celebration. Your dream got upgraded and you were head to the path of joy a never-ending source that quenches your soul.

So what do you dream of? Allow Sirus to give you an opportunity to break away from what limits you, have faith in the universe and in yourself, and step forward into a more positive life. Take a chance and remain patient and listen, your intuition will guide you. The star aligns with the energy of 7 to make all things possible, and to show what lies beyond the surface, observe as your dreams shine from within.

Action brings clarity and moves energy faster. You manifest faster when you feel strong emotions. You are a magnet for whatever emotion you are emitting. You can’t manifest things you feel unworthy of having. The truth about healing is that it is messy, it is difficult. This is okay, and it is how the journey is supposed to be. We are human. We get angry, we get sad, we get irritated, and we get upset. There is nothing wrong with having emotions as long as they are expressed in a healthy way. Strength lies within your self-mastery of calmness. In order to achieve heightened conscious presence, we need to hold our gaze inwards. If we learn to retrain our minds’ to be stronger than our emotions or else we will lose ourselves every time.

We need to seek and find ourselves, and the only way to do this is by building upon a solid foundation by focusing on self-awareness. That is by shedding light upon your own insights into your personality, thinking process, and relationships. American author Jen Sincero said, “Once we become aware of our thought patterns and behaviors, we can consciously change them. Free yourself from the dramatized mindset that your current version of yourself is the truth. There are two types of people, puppets and actors. The first simply react to each outside stimulus and are therefore slaves of their environment, and even of their own minds and emotions. They are puppets in the hands of karma. The other I call actors. Although they can’t control what happens to them, they do their best to adapt and gain something purposeful in their lives. Not just proving victims of their circumstances. The moment we become aware of our triggers, we have the power to heal them.

Napoleon Hill American self-help author summed up the quest ahead when he said, “Life is a do-it-yourself project.” We must now learn to trust our intuition so we may tap deeper into more subtle levels of awareness if we want to solve the enigmas of life- Who am I? Why am I here? How do I realize Truth? American mathematician and philosopher Norbert Wiener once said, “We have modified our environment (physical and abstract) so radically that we must now modify ourselves in order to exist in this new environment.”

The story of Isis and Osiris is about how we came to be born and live in the material world for a certain limited time. Osiris was the Egyptian god of regeneration. Because of him the human spirit would become deeply immersed in the material world for the interval of time on Earth. Because of Osiris, the tasks the human spirit faced would run deeper and become more exacting, more individual, than they could be for any free-floating spirit. This is at the very heart of what it means to be a human being. We must take the risk to go beyond a certain point is no return and enter the Event Horizon. Isis was a major goddess she resurrects the slain Osiris, after which conceives and gives birth to his son Horus the new Egyptian heir. Isis aided in guiding ordinary people to prepare to enter the afterlife as she had helped Osiris.

Despite our current lack of intimacy with our true selves, what remains is a driving force urging us to understand its mystery. Are we able to comprehend that it is a way that the universe has evolved as a means through which it inexperiences itself? If only we all realized that we are all gifted. But some of us will never open our care package of self-love. We are like a rare treasure with more jewels inside us than our imagination can comprehend. We are all significant in our own unique way. We all have our own unique perspective, our own unique reality and we are all welcome to sit on the throne of self-realization, we are all solely ourselves responsible. As long as we can observe and tame the ego-mind and set aside distractions we will progress forward on the path of self-discovery. You don’t need eyes to see you need vision. Aristotle beautifully wrote, “it is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”

Is it for you to ascertain your truth by right practice and by exercising your intuition. We all need to start switching things up by doing things we love. You can do this however you see fit, others may consider your techniques unconventional, but if it works for you then so be it. American football player Jason Hairston once said.“Being considered crazy by those who are still victims of cultural conditioning is a compliment.” The people we meet are simply either reflection of a repeated cycle or guides towards a new start, know the difference. Ernest Hemingway American novelist gave great advice when he said, “When people talk listen completely. Don’t be thinking about what you’re going to say. Most people never listen. Nor do they observe.”

Once we stop seeing ourselves as a reflection of the boxes society fits us into. You build up your courage each time that you choose a new experience over fear. It’s time to push ourselves out of our comfort zones, we need to lean into the uncomfortable unknown because that is where the biggest growth happens. Best-selling author Michael Alan Singer showcased a great lesson we must all learn, “To maintain honest relations with others we must be true to ourselves.” Honestly, our spiritual quest is not a refined choice but it is our natural longing to evolve consciously as a whole. What will comes alight, is an amazing sense of the depth of freshness and wonder (like the excitement of a child on Christmas morning, or an adult on a well-deserved holiday, kind of glow).

We all need to understand that once we strip everything back to its true nature we will learn to love ourselves as a whole. Hina Hashmi an Intuitive Empowerment Coach claimed that “When you appreciate what you have, and feel enthusiasm for life, you move in the direction of your natural state i.e happy and peaceful.” As a result, our imagination becomes magical and creates endless experiences and feelings of peace of mind or even pure bliss with daily practice. We need to place vital importance on our intentions and effort into evolving inwards. The aim is for us to capture those finer moments and hold them close to our heart, then for us to go and invent our own Great Story, starting with great thoughts, great words, and great deeds.

Those who repeat experiences with no new insight, without choosing either the path of love or the path of control, are considered to be in “the sinkhole of indifference: or in a state of “true helplessness.” These choices appear each time we move through a cycle-of pleasure or pain, joy or despair, love or fear, boom or bust, happiness and agony, forgiveness and judgment, trust and betrayal, strength and weakness. As we will see, this cycle is written into every movie, every tv show, every great story told throughout the ages of mythology. The story of Life and its never-ending ups and downs and twists and turns. It is a great story we all go through. We instinctively recognize this story-and the choices we can make within it. As the lights dim in the theatre, our defense mechanisms are pulled down and we surrender ourselves into the childlike wonder of the story.

Until this great jewel of ageless wisdom is truly discovered and appreciated for what it is, we will continue to suffer through endless cycles go joy and disaster, the cyclic wheel of Karma. Children think that adults know life, uneducated think that educated people know it, poor think rich know it, subjects think that the rulers know it. The truth is that everyone is equally clueless in the unconscious state. Your circumstances, your purpose, your imperfections, your journey, it's holding you. It’s all connected. Authenticity is not a brand, not one image, it is a way of life. Express your true style, you're the only one that can.

When it comes to the very highest points of human experience, what the American psychologist Abraham Maslow called ‘peak experiences”, even finer balances are necessary. At each stage of our life there comes a great turning point when we will need to make choices. If we exercise patience and humility by trusting the guidance of our heart we will figure out the right direction to take. we try to work out what is the right thing to do with our hearts. To arrive at our destination successfully your chosen course of action will probably require all the willpower you can conjure up. This is the right at the core of what it means to experience life as a human being. The secrets of the universe will be revealed to those courageous souls who dare follow their hearts.

Reality is a much more mysterious place than many of us suspected, and a new open-mindedness will be necessary for our understanding to progress. We all need to be sincere in our aspirations, with matching determination to go further no matter how bad the ego reacts. Only those who can clearly identify between the two aspects of their nature, the true self, and the illusory ego-self, can work intelligently to becoming the best version of themselves. The English Poet William Blake sums it up perfectly when he said, “If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man sit is, infinite.” Invocation, beauty, and strength lie in simplicity. Love and intelligence are the wills of the universe. Albert Camus a French philosopher outlined said, “An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself.” It takes a wise person to decipher between the teachings of your true being that the false voice of ego. Humankind is entering the wilderness experience as we begin to relearn how little is required for a full living, true experience, and real happiness… freedom from material things, the liberation of ego delusions. When our true inner self is known and not simply felt, then and only then can we aspire into the initiation of becoming our authentic self, which carries with it its own beauty and reward.

Initiation is the collaboration of intuitive understanding through practical expression. It is about progressing forth into realms far beyond our current understanding of life. But just know that the effort you choose to exercise the mind along the line of abstract thought in order for you to grasp the concept of what you think might be unobtainable is ever of value. By placing our pure intention and effort into our awareness we will evidently overcome all the obstacles and lessons we have ever experienced in life. Once we reach the point where we choose to heal through self-love then we will cross the Trinity bridge bypassing fear. It is through individual choice that we evoke our free will to be a part of the conscious evolution, the process of awakening into our true selves. We will only then release ourselves from the glamour of illusion that the external world portrays. Our current reality dissolves into the vastness of mental space.

Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher gives great insight when he said, “The moment you start watching the thinker, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated. You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence. You also realize that all the things that truly matter-beauty, love creativity, joy, inner peace-arise from beyond the mind. You begin to awaken.” The observer then later evolves to become the artist of their own destiny.

If everyone focused just a little more on improving themselves rather than just pointing their finger to criticize others, it would result in a dramatic change and improvement, not just globally, but societally. The positive impact this would have on your personal relationships as well. We start this process by contemplating our current situation of how we have been choosing to live. Neither the outside world nor the ups and downs that occur in your life should affect your innermost spirituality and self-confidence. Take control, look beyond your current challenges and use them as the building blocks of experience to create success and fulfillment in your life. I believe you have the power to become great and shine your light for all to see.

American author Meggan Watterson said, “It’s the vision of a path that’s possible for all of us, inner transformation, the very real and formidable terrain we can cross in order to know who we really are. Lifts us up and out of the cages the ego would prefer for us to remain within.” This creation process of what we call consciousness is made up of all our individual interactions, these thought patterns are then gradually absorbed into the collective mind frequency of humanity as a whole. We give and we receive, a two-way street so to speak.

INow let's have a look at the relationships in our life. Our ideas around relationships are starting to shift. And it’s time you start to think about what you’re investing in and what you’re getting back. If you aren’t happy, it’s clear that your relationship isn’t a good trade. It’s time to look at the balance of your relationship and see if you’re trading more than you can afford. And if you are, it’s time to decide what you’re going to do about it. Gaining the courage to forgive and walk away from experiences or people that threaten your peace of mind is maturity. It means you are finally getting a grasp of self-respect, values, morals, and self-worth.

Mary Magdalene revealed Simply revolutionary. The famine has been submerged within our collective unconscious. Mary Magdalene misunderstood status. The small yet conscious effort toward reparation. Forgotten lineage. Inanna, Enheduanna, Isis, Quan yin, Miao Shan, Mother Mary, Sarah-La-Kali, Thecla, Perpetual, Joan of Arc, Marguerite port. The voices that were buried in the deserts, and caves, the ones that were burned at the stake. Pope Gregory's 33 interpretation of Mary as a prostitute. From the 1st century to the 21st century, women’s capacity to take on leadership roles. Emperor Constantine in 313, by a single edict, converted Christianity from this struggling persecuted and forbidden religion to a state redefined by men. In 325 Constantine called forth the council of Nicaea, where it was decided which scripture would become suppressed and destroyed. And here we are in the 21st century rife with all the statistics on the status of women the world over. The statistics of sexual assault, and abuse, unequal work wages, lack of opportunity or education, and forced marriages. Needs to switch up.

Mary was Jesus' spiritual companion, his equal, this was a fundamental shift of what it means to be a man and to be a woman. They were bonded in a sacred human love of equal parts ego and soul (and therefore worthy of the same rights). Clearly, the sexes are different physically, essential differences for reproduction. Mary wanted us to know that we are body and soul. This human body is the soul's chase to be here. And this human body, whether male or female or anything in the spectrum between, does not delimit or determine what’s possible for us. To truly be able to Love is freedom. Love is kind, patient, hopeful, joy never envious or conceited. Its love expands when truth triumphs. Jesus said, “When you make the two into one, you will become children of humanity.”When the ego unities with the soul into one, there is no longer a division between us. The truth will free you from any illusions that power resides outside of you. The central teaching in Buddhism: form is emptiness and emptiness is form. The male and female forms have no intrinsic meanings other than what we ascribe to them.

At present, a majority of people remain as lost puppies from Mother Natures’s guiding hands of the ongoing creative evolution of life and mind. The unfoldment of Consciousness is a truth recognizing the inner quality of our minds as an extension of an intrinsic qualitative dimension of the universe as interconnected. In defining our fundamental identity, not as our thought and personal stories, but as that irreducible consciousness which experiences them, then at the core of who we are, we share in a single unified self.. The age-old saying, ‘we are one’ is more than a cliche, it increasingly looks to be a fundamental truth of the basic nature of things

Chief Seattle (c. 1786 – June 7, 1866) was a Suquamish and Duwamish chief who beautifully wrote, “Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” This is the nature of the transcendent Mind, that shines with Divine Consciousness, it is the Spiritual Essence, the Vortex in which everything originated. There are many names for the source of WISDOM. The One, God, Atum, Shiva, Krsna, The Absolute, The Divine Spirit, etc. But listen to me my darling, you can call the face of this experience whatever is true to you. Oneness is felt uniquely through each individual. It's your personal relationship, you can personalize it as you see fit.

If we treat ourselves as we would someone we love because when someone we love falls into a loop of bad habits, we help them out and find solutions for them. When we find ourselves acting on negative impulses and ruining our lives with bad habits we look for excuses. Find a way for yourself to get your life on track. American author Neil Strauss once wrote, “The thing you’re most scared of, might be the best thing to ever happen to you.” Learning how to trust your gut intuition. You will never get the best of yourself whilst giving the bare minimum. Never. Stop waiting for external validation, which, after all, happens rarely, as most people are preoccupied with themselves. Start loving and accepting yourself as you are now. In this way what you believe about yourself becomes less relevant and what you believe about yourself takes precedence. What matters is the ability to develop affirming beliefs about yourself, realizing this is the first step to improving your confidence.

One of the ways that we can help relate to ourselves with love and compassion is to imagine who we want to be, rather than who we think we are now. Then we can begin to become that person. Managing moods and not being swept up by our emotions is a core life skill. We can’t control when anger, annoyance pr disappointment descends, but we are responsible for how long the toxic feelings linger and how we process them. We know we’re saner and healthier when we don’t allow ourselves to be dragged down by worries and negativity, but indulging in a bad mood can be powerfully seductive. Life is a full thing you never know what’s in store, you just need to be in form and condition to haul ass at whatever comes your way.

August Wilson an American playwright said, “We are all growing into our higher selves… Confront the dark park of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength.” Remembering while you are on your journey through life, there is a powerful collective rooting for you.

The movement of energy only points toward a richer conception of nature that includes a place for the mind, but it may also shine a light on other deep mysteries in science and philosophy. If these intuitions are correct, and the mind truly reflects something intrinsic about the way reality is organized, this insight will undeniably change how we view ourselves, our relationship to the world, and other beings. It could turn out to have far-reaching implications to the values and ethics we live by, even to the way we structure our society and steer it into the future. This movement may not only lead to a deeper understanding of the nature of consciousness could reveal important and catalyzing insights for our species. In truth, we are taken a big step into the unknown.

Remember the lesson is not in the fabricated memory. It is only received when you become one with the Universal Mind. Be completely aware at the moment and see the glorious signs that are aimed at your heart. Become explosively radiant. You are loved, you have your own uniqueness, your very own story. This is the gift that experiences bring. I recommended practicing the healing flow of daily pages. A track and trace tool to help define your inner world. No are no rules so get creative. This simple activity aids in creating constructive changes by applying an objective way to balance our thoughts and actions. You can only take your best it was designed for you by making the choice to believe in yourself.

Create your own affirmations, the power of your own words, will take you to new heights. Archive success in the practice of your thoughts, words, and actions through self-perseverance. For at this singular opportunity, you could attain everlasting bliss. Reflection on death gives rise to impermanence, the cyclic wheel of existence. Be free from conceptual elaboration, resemble an illusion of past memories and future dreams. All we really have is the moment right now. You can’t turn off from life, you are life. Let go of the celestial city that the ego resides in. It is only a mere reflection of the moon in the water. The realization of the urgency for internal growth not only of our mindsets but of universal consciousness as well. May we as a whole be liberated from the wheel of the suffering of past, present, and future. I choose to manifest my alignment of self-love with the essential nature of ONE.“Higher states of vibration will help you attract greater things.”- VEX KING.

When the time is right and you will enter advanced stages of spiritual maturity, extraordinary capacities can begin to blossom- of love, vitality, personhood, bodily awareness, intuition, perception, communication, and volition. First step: to recognize they do exist. Practice the simple and most powerful art of staying hydrated, eating right, exercise, and mediating. Take long showers. Stretch and breathe. Read great books. Start a business. Love yourself. Infectious enthusiasm for what’s next in life. For inviting it in. For being in the new and wonder of what new experiences might yet be possible. Embrace your life and remember to always have fun.

I am ready for a transformation of my consciousness. Everything in my life has to lead me to the realization I must re-align with my soul’s purpose. We cannot be saved unless we want to be. We all have the power to overcome our negative behavior. It’s tough but not impossible! Or on the other hand, we can continue to imprison our spirit in a dark, lonely, and fearful place, and an anxiety-driven black hole. Let us Trust and follow with our hearts, let our true light unravel. Please know that love transcends so brightly even through the darkest of hours.

Our time on Earth in this life is to learn our true purpose on training the soul energy for Good and to become to know and love what connects us ALL. To live in the moment and watch how your focus on the little things in your life will be illuminated by a sense of magic in the air. So lighten up, dance, sing, and most of all do things that make you laugh. My aim is to improve the purity of my heart, step by step, day by day. I may fall but I will always rise up. I will continue to try to be honest out of necessity, and not out of revenge, and may the words I speak be in the kindest way possible. To achieve deep healing we need to ensure our inner intuition is on point by allowing our soul energy to flow effortlessly. Believe in yourself, you got this, just do your best. To remain vibrant, grounded, and connected. With daily practice, we will soon radiate a calm and relaxing presence drowning others towards you. The more challenging your circumstances is bigger the reward will reveal itself in your new reality. Just imagine how many graveyards are full of unfulfilled dreams of people who didn’t tap into their true potential.

As modern technologies continue to dramatically change human life, for better or worse, we’re also gaining the ability to change ourselves. Whether we embrace these new technologies or fear them, there seems to be no halting their advance. While our minds may differ vastly in their contents and organization, in their development toward the complexity of life’s rich diversity. In all cases, societies of minds evolve together through cooperation. It makes an almost cold economic sense for minds to pool their cognitive resources, wherever possible, to make better decisions. As species advance, such economies of insight will naturally emerge. The mind’s capacity for cooperation advances in step with its capacity to identify with the goals and intentions of other minds. In us, this involves the cultivation of boundary-dissolving and binding emotions, such as those we identify as empathy, love, and compassion.

If we don’t take action for what we want in life then I recommend do not cry for what we thought we lost. It was all but an illusion. However, if you are ready to move forward, then good luck my lovelies, and take care. Your love is powerful, and only the right people will be able to handle it. You will never be disappointed by doing everything with a good heart. May we unlearn what our conditioned mind has gathered since childhood because in this state of mind we cannot truly comprehend the infinite of reality.

The great miracle in life, the greatest wonder, is the beauty and complexity of our inner world. Once you understand the hidden design of the universe, you can begin mastering your experiences and immediately improve your quality of life. What are the things in this life that naturally bring a smile to your face? When you acknowledge the things in life that bring about pockets of happiness, this, in turn, contributes to realizing your soul's true purpose and passion. Conscious effort and awareness with each experience will create clarity on the direction you need to move forward in. This is the unique perspective we all have been gifted with. Self-knowledge comes into the light through direct experience. We all have the power to start over and to become born again in this life. We just have to want it with all our might and follow through with bravery in our hearts.


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