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Brown sugar water, should I drink it when I have my period or after it's over?

Fruits suitable for women during menstruation

By Diane DoraPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Brown Sugar

A cup of brown sugar water as a child is a happy and sweet thing for many girls. A cup of warm brown sugar water has solved more than a few girls' worries as they enter their ignorant teenage years.

When the physiological period comes, usually women will have uncomfortable feelings. However, the difference in the degree of discomfort or pain is related to a woman's metabolism and hormone secretion level, and also indirectly reflects whether there are abnormalities or lesions in a woman's reproductive system.

Brown Sugar

When the discomfort of the physiological period occurs, many women will use some measures to relieve it, such as drinking brown sugar water, which can make the pain and discomfort to be reduced. For many women, brown sugar water is a good helper for themselves.


About brown sugar (water)

【Brown sugar ingredients】.

1. A variety of monosaccharides and polysaccharide energy substances such as glucose and fructose. Brown sugar contains about 95% sucrose, which retains more of the nutrients of sugar cane and is more easily digested and absorbed by the body.

2. Contains folic acid, and trace substances.

3. Contains some vitamins and electrolytes.

4. A variety of vitamins and antioxidant substances.

5. Amino acids, cellulose, and other substances.

Brown Sugar

The benefits of brown sugar water for women]

1. nourish the qi and blood

Brown sugar is a good tonic to maintain the blood, which contains a certain amount of iron, for women with a weak constitution or low menstrual flow, drinking brown sugar water in moderation during menstruation, has a certain effect on the blood. In addition, if maternal blood loss or anemia women, can also drink some brown sugar water.

2. Anti-aging

Brown sugar water contains some antioxidant substances, and drinking brown sugar water can be anti-aging. No woman does not care about her appearance.

More and more girls will use a lot of cosmetics to make themselves more youthful and beautiful. To make yourself more youthful, it is necessary to have a cup of brown sugar water usually.

3. Help metabolism

There is a special ingredient in brown sugar that has a certain detoxifying effect, which can expel the excess melanin from the body and stop the production of melanin in the body. In addition, it contains glucose, carotene, and niacin, which have strong antioxidant power.

4. Strengthen the spleen and stomach

Brown sugar is mild, contains most of the ingredients of sucrose, and contains many vitamins and trace elements, which can play a role in warming the stomach and protecting it.

At the same time, brown sugar also has a certain role in strengthening the spleen and helping digestion, for women of all ages with a weak spleen and stomach, you can drink brown sugar water once or twice a week.

How to identify the authenticity of brown sugar]

1. look at the color, the color of brown sugar is red-black with white dots, and the color of brown sugar is brown-red, brown without black dots.

2. test feels, brown sugar is powdered, easy to lump, and lump after a light break open, brown sugar is granular, not easy to lump, but the lump is difficult to break open.

3. Taste, brown sugar has a medicinal taste, bitter, and red sugar has no medicinal taste.

4. with boiling water brown sugar will have a lot of bubbles up, forming a layer of white foam on the surface, with no floating impurities, and no sink residue, brewing brown sugar is not white foam up.

5. When buying brown sugar, pay attention to the ingredients list. Choose the ingredient list only sugar cane.


Women drink brown sugar water, is it to drink during the period or after the period is over? Many people are drinking the wrong

Generally speaking, doctors recommend that brown sugar water be drunk on the 1st to 2nd day of menstruation, that is, during menstruation.

During menstruation, many women experience stomach pain and lumbago, and these symptoms occur on days 1-2 of menstruation. Because the first two days the amount of menstrual blood secretion is more, and women's discomfort symptoms will also be serious, such as lumbar discomfort and menstrual cramps.

Brown Sugar

Drinking brown sugar water at this time will have a very good relief effect and also give the body energy to speed up the discharge of menstrual blood. Avoiding the phenomenon of menstrual blood stasis is more conducive to physical recovery, and is helpful to the body.

But brown sugar water is also not recommended to drink every day, brown sugar water if you drink too much will have the effect of activating blood, which in turn will affect the amount of menstruation, so that more toxins accumulate in the walls of the blood vessels or the uterus. So, just drink it properly 1-2 times on the 1st-2nd days of menstruation.


Women should also pay attention to the following during menstruation

1. Diet

During menstruation diet must be careful, too spicy food to eat less, eat should not be too cold, you can drink more plain water. If your stomach hurts a little, you can drink some brown sugar water.

The body will be a little weak during menstruation, you can eat more nutritious food. Junk food should be eaten less, especially take-out or stall food.

2. No strenuous exercise

During menstruation, be careful not to do strenuous exercise. Strenuous exercise can easily lead to increased menstruation, dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorders, and other symptoms.

However, during menstruation, you should not lie still in bed all the time, you can do appropriate exercise. It helps to promote blood circulation and reduce the pain in the abdomen.

3. Do not touch cold water

Women should not touch cold water when they are menstruating, women's body resistance is relatively weak during menstruation. If you often touch cold water at this time, it will be easy to cause the uterus cold, but also easy to catch cold or other things.

4. Pay attention to hygiene

Pay attention to keeping your vulva clean during your menstrual period, change your sanitary napkins regularly, and wash your vulva with warm water once a day. It is recommended to use cotton sanitary napkins and ensure good local ventilation.


Extension: Fruits suitable for women during menstruation

1. Durian

Durian contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins, which can replenish the nutrients needed in the body. It can also prevent anemia caused by excessive bleeding during menstruation.

Durian is hot and eating it during menstruation can relieve women from menstrual cramps. It can improve women's cold constitution and also promote the discharge of blood stasis in the uterus.

2. Papaya

Menstruating women can also eat more papaya, papaya contains unique pectin, which can be considered a very good cleansing agent.

Appropriate eating more papaya can effectively reduce the accumulation of waste in the body. And papaya is mild, and will not affect the health of menstruating women.

3. Orange

In addition to papaya, you can also eat a little more oranges, and oranges are very suitable for women to eat when their period, not only to make up for vitamins, to help the body antioxidant, oranges can also unblock the meridians, improve the blood blockage so that the menstrual blood discharge more smoothly.


4. Apple

Apples are relatively rich in pectin, fiber, and organic acids. In addition, it also contains a lot of nutrients that the body needs.

It can play a role in stopping diarrhea and relaxing the bowels, which can not only relieve the appearance of menstrual constipation but also relieve the symptoms of poor appetite and lumbago during menstruation.


About the Creator

Diane Dora

man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make it drink.

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