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Boost My Hair with Sunlight and Red Light

By Diana Collins

By CureZonePublished 11 months ago 6 min read

I used to have thick and shiny hair, but then I started losing it. Here’s how I found out the cause and the solution, and how you can do it too.

I have always been proud of my hair. It was long, thick, and shiny, and I loved to style it in different ways. I got a lot of compliments on my hair, and it made me feel good about myself.

But then, something changed. I noticed that my hair was getting thinner and duller. I saw more hair on my pillow, in my shower drain, and on my brush. I panicked and tried to find out what was wrong.

I went to see a doctor, who did some blood tests and told me that I had a vitamin D deficiency. He explained that vitamin D is a nutrient that is essential for many functions in the body, including hair growth. He said that vitamin D stimulates the hair follicles to produce new hairs, and that without enough vitamin D, the hair follicles become inactive and fall out.

He asked me about my lifestyle, and I realized that I had been spending too much time indoors, working on my computer, watching TV, or reading books. I rarely went outside, especially in the winter, when it was cold and dark. I also didn’t eat much fish, eggs, cheese, or other foods that contain vitamin D.

He prescribed me some vitamin D supplements and advised me to get more sunlight exposure and eat more vitamin D-rich foods. He said that this would help me restore my vitamin D levels and reverse my hair loss.

I followed his advice and started taking the supplements every day. I also made an effort to go outside more often, even if it was just for a walk around the block or a picnic in the park. I also added more fish, eggs, cheese, and fortified cereals to my diet.

After a few weeks, I noticed some improvement in my hair. It looked healthier and shinier, and I saw less hair falling out. I was happy with the results, but I wanted more. I wanted to regrow my hair faster and thicker.

That’s when I discovered red light therapy.

What Is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy is a treatment that uses low-level laser or LED light to stimulate cellular activity and promote healing in various tissues. It has been used for decades to treat various skin conditions, such as acne, wrinkles, scars, and wounds.

More recently, it has also been shown to be effective for hair growth.

Red light therapy works for hair growth by delivering light energy to your scalp and hair follicles. The light energy is absorbed by the mitochondria, which are the powerhouses of your cells. This boosts the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the fuel that your cells need to function properly. As a result, your hair follicles become more active and produce more hairs.

Red light therapy also increases blood circulation and oxygen delivery to your scalp, which further nourishes your hair follicles and prevents inflammation and infection. Additionally, red light therapy may help to balance your hormones and reduce the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a hormone that causes hair loss in some people.

How Did Red Light Therapy Help Me?

I decided to give red light therapy a try after reading some articles and reviews online. I bought a device that looked like a hat with built-in diodes that emitted red light. It was FDA-approved and designed specifically for hair growth.

I started using it every day for 10 minutes per session. It was very easy and convenient to use. I just put it on my head like a normal hat and turned it on with a remote control. The device would automatically turn off after 10 minutes.

It didn’t hurt or feel hot at all. In fact, it felt quite relaxing and soothing.

After a few weeks of using red light therapy, I noticed a big difference in my hair. It was growing faster and thicker than before. I saw new hairs sprouting from my scalp where there were none before. My hair looked fuller and more voluminous.

I was amazed by the results. Red light therapy really worked for me!

What Are the Benefits of Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy has many benefits for hair growth, such as:

It is safe and natural. Unlike some medications or surgeries that can have serious side effects or complications, red light therapy is very safe and has no known adverse effects. It does not cause any pain, heat, or damage to your skin or hair. It is also suitable for all skin types and hair colors.

It is effective and proven. Many studies have shown that red light therapy can significantly increase hair density, thickness, and coverage in people with various types of hair loss. Some studies have also reported improvements in hair quality, texture, and color.

It is convenient and easy to use. You can use red light therapy at home with a device that fits over your head like a hat or a cap. You only need to use it for a few minutes per day, depending on the instructions of the device. You can also use it while doing other activities, such as reading, watching TV, or working on your computer.

How Can You Get Started with Red Light Therapy?

If you are interested in trying red light therapy for hair growth, you need to get a device that is FDA-approved and designed specifically for this purpose. There are many devices on the market that claim to offer red light therapy, but not all of them are effective or safe. You need to look for a device that has the following features:

It uses the right wavelength of light. The optimal wavelength for hair growth is between 630 and 670 nanometers (nm), which is in the red spectrum of visible light. This wavelength can penetrate deep into your scalp and reach your hair follicles without causing any harm.

It has enough power output. The power output of the device determines how much light energy it can deliver to your scalp. The higher the power output, the more effective the device is. However, too much power can also be harmful or uncomfortable. The ideal power output for hair growth is between 3 and 6 milliwatts per square centimeter (mW/cm2).

It covers your entire scalp. The device should have enough diodes or LEDs to cover your entire scalp area where you want to grow more hair. This ensures that all your hair follicles receive equal exposure to the light energy.

One example of a device that meets these criteria is the red light therapy hat. This is a wearable device that looks like a regular hat or cap but has built-in diodes or LEDs that emit red light. You can wear it on your head like a normal hat and turn it on with a switch or a remote control. The device will automatically turn off after a set time period.

Another example of a device that works well for hair growth is the red light therapy head cap. This is a flexible device that wraps around your head like a bandana or a turban but has embedded diodes or LEDs that produce red light. You can adjust it to fit snugly on your head and secure it with Velcro straps. The device will also shut off automatically after a preset duration.


I am so happy that I found out the cause and the solution for my hair loss. Vitamin D deficiency was the main culprit, and I was able to reverse it by getting more sunlight exposure, eating more vitamin D-rich foods, and taking supplements. Red light therapy was the icing on the cake, as it boosted my hair growth even more and made my hair look amazing.

If you are suffering from hair loss, I highly recommend you to check your vitamin D levels and try red light therapy. You might be surprised by how much difference it can make for your hair health and appearance.

Have you ever tried red light therapy for hair growth? What was your experience like? Do you have any questions or tips to share? Let me know in the comments below! I would love to hear from you!


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Adrenaline-fueled blog with weight loss secrets, mind-blowing hair growth remedies, energizing pain relief techniques, and elevated overall well-being. Thrilling transformation awaits!

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