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At Home Hair Growth Solutions for The Social Distancing Adult

Avoiding Hair Loss During the COVID Pandemic

By Joe GilmorePublished 3 years ago 8 min read
At Home Hair Growth Solutions  for The Social Distancing Adult
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

It’s no secret that many of us are spending a lot more time at home these days. While it is a challenging time for many, there are some ways you can make the most of social distancing. As you know, hair loss can be embarrassing, and treating your hair loss publicly is not always ideal. So what better time than now to treat your hair loss in the privacy of your own home? We compiled a list of the best (and worst) at-home therapy to grow your hair. If you are just beginning on your journey to treating hair loss at home, here are some helpful tips and tricks to get started! 

At-Home Treating of Hair Loss

Typically, you could choose to get surgery or medication for your hair loss, however, with most clinics shutting down all elective procedures and doctors’ offices being cautious with patients, at-home treatment might be the best option for you. The good news is that at-home treatments are typically more effective and come with fewer side effects. There are several at-home therapy options to choose from and most of these options only require an online purchase. You don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home!

At-Home Hair Loss Therapy

There are several at-home treatment options for you to choose from. You can try supplements, Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), dieting, anti-fungal shampoos, and even exercise. Each of these at-home treatments can work well to help you restore your hair naturally and avoid any scary side effects or invasive medical treatment. 

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

Low-level laser therapy (commonly abbreviated as LLLT) is a safe and affordable option to stimulate hair growth. Low-level laser therapy has proven its effectiveness through research and clinical trials. In fact, “Controlled clinical trials demonstrated that LLLT stimulated hair growth in both men and women. Among various mechanisms, the main mechanism is hypothesized to be the stimulation of epidermal stem cells in the hair follicle bulge and shifting the follicles into the anagen phase.” The medical-grade laser in LLLT methods encourages your hair cells to move through the anagen phase of hair growth. The anagen phase is one of three stages your hair goes through when it is growing. The anagen phase is the active phase of hair growth and focuses on rapid cell division in your scalp. This process lasts from 2-6 years, and LLLT has been found to start the process in as little as four months! Laser caps use LLLT as a way to grow your hair naturally. Some laser caps such are affordable way to grow your hair from home. Low-level laser therapy has been proven to effectively stimulate hair growth without any harmful side-effects. LLLT is non-invasive, pain-free, and safe to use at home. 

As for how LLLT works on a cellular level, a great analogy is the humble plant cell. See, LLLT uses laser light to increase blood flow to your scalp while simultaneously activating your follicular mitochondria to start functioning again. Mitochondria (which most of us know as the “powerhouse of the cell”) is an organelle (a component within a cell that allows it to function). Mitochondria exist in a different form in plant cells. You may have heard of them: Chlorophyll! Chlorophyll are activated by sunlight and spurred into action, so it makes sense that low-level laser light activates its counterpart in the human in much the same way.

Anti-Fungal Shampoos

Anti-fungal shampoos are typically used to treat fungal infections on your scalp. Common ailments might include skin flaking, psoriasis, and inflammation of the skin. However, there have been some promising results for promoting hair growth. One popular option is ketoconazole. There are both over the counter and prescription options for this product available for you. Having a healthy scalp is essential to growing a healthy head of hair and anti-fungal shampoos are a great way to improve the health of your scalp. Relieving dryness allows the natural oils of your hair to moisturize your scalp and encourages hair growth. 


Are you surprised to see that exercise made the list? Don’t be! Exercise has many incredible benefits for your body and overall health, but it also helps with hair growth too. Good circulation to the scalp is an integral part of regrowing and retaining your hair. Much like low level laser therapy, exercise improves circulation and blood flow in the body. This stimulates the cells in your scalp and encourages the healthy growth of cells. Exercise also combats stress which is a major component to hair loss and a common part of everyday life.

The thing is, there are countless options to explore when it comes to exercise. For example, yoga is a great way to increase circulation in the body, destress, and improve your overall health. Find an exercise you love and just do that. Don’t try to start an extreme workout routine if you are not used to that type of activity, as this can add stress to the body and give the opposite effect.

Since most of us are stuck at home right now, not being able to go to the gym might have thrown off your workout routine a bit. That said there are still plenty of ways to work up a sweat from home. You can find several at-home workouts on YouTube (for free) and even download apps to get full-body routines, cardio workouts, yoga classes, and more. 

Nutrition & Dieting

It is no secret that eating a balanced and healthy diet is the foundation for optimal health. Getting your essential vitamins and minerals from food is a great way to ensure your body can run optimally and support hair growth. It is no surprise that many of us might be ordering a little more Postmates than usual and nutrition might not have been the main priority. However, a sudden unhealthy diet can encourage hair loss, so we are all about adding lots of nutritious foods to your plate. Some foods that are great for encouraging hair growth are: eggs, spinach, sweet peppers, berries, avocados, seafood, seeds, nuts, and even beans. Try to fill your plate with healthy, balanced options and add supplements when necessary.

However, proper nutrition isn’t always possible, which brings us to…


Hair growth supplements can be an extremely effective way to stimulate hair growth. Since nutrient deficiencies can cause hair loss and thinning, adding the right vitamins to your hair regimen can have promising effects. Some of the best vitamins to encourage hair growth are vitamins A, C, and E. It is also great to add some iron, biotin, and protein as well. If you opt to get a hair specific vitamin, you might find other helpful hair growth ingredients like l-cysteine, grape seed extract, and horsetail rush herb. There are several hair vitamins on the market, so it can be a little overwhelming to choose the best one for you. Fortunately, you can simplify your options with a supplement that contains everything you need in a single pill (something like Follicle FX).

Stress Management 

Did you know that stress and anxiety can cause hair loss? Not only does stress trigger hair loss, but it can also take up to four months after periods of stress to fall out. This phenomenon is also known as Telogen Effluvium and can cause you to lose up to 300 hairs a day. This is more than twice the average daily rate. Telogen Effluvium can be triggered by major stress, surgery, weight loss, changes in diet, and hormonal changes. Social distancing can easily cause stress, along with finances, job loss, and eating changes. We encourage you to focus on healthy ways to manage your stress. While we did mention exercise as a great way to destress, mediation and even breathing exercises are great ways to relax at home. You can use mediation apps like Calm and Headspace, or find free videos on YouTube. Also try to get outside, even if that just means planting a garden in your yard or going for a socially distanced walk in the park. Check-in with family and friends, and be sure to focus on self-care. Eating a nutritious diet is another way to help your bodies stress response and trying out some restorative yoga practices will regulate your central nervous system. 

Home Remedies to Avoid 

While we discussed the best home therapies for hair growth, there are some at-home therapies you should avoid. We do not recommend Rogaine, Propecia, or any other drug with potentially harmful side effects. Using these products could potentially cause medical complications that require medical intervention. Since most hospitals are busy, and it’s best to avoid waiting rooms during a pandemic- we recommend avoiding these options altogether. Some of the potential side effects of Propecia include swelling, dizziness, weakness, and rashes. There is also a risk of an allergic reaction if you have never used Propecia before. Rogaine also has some potential side effects including scalp sensitivity, increased heart rate, sexual dysfunction, dizziness, and confusion. Luckily you can avoid these complications altogether and opt for the other five at-home therapies we suggest above. You can treat your hair loss naturally and holistically, without the scary side effects and possible medical complications. 


LLLT, supplements, exercise, anti-fungal shampoos, and nutrition are all great ways to grow your hair at home, safely. Bear in mind, LLLT can take up to six months to see results, so it’s a great time to give it a try! How cool would it be to come out of quarantine with a full head of hair, while everyone else is struggling with their quarantine haircuts? Not to mention the added benefits of your improved nutrition, stress management, and exercise routine. While this has been a tough time on everyone, it is a great opportunity for you to put a little focus on your health and growing that full head of hair. 


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