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8 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

by kings

By kingsPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
image from Pixabay

To be honest, it's the food that makes the holidays my favorite time of year. Candied yams, collard greens, corn bread stuffing, macaroni and cheese, and pecan pie are staples in my Southern family's holiday meals. Every year, like rich brown gravy poured into a hole of fluffy white mashed potatoes, the thought of losing the progress I've made over the previous ten months floods my mind.

Clearly, I am a foodie. But I've grown to appreciate eating well, sweating after a good workout, and the sense of accomplishment I get when I can button a pair of trousers without them squeezing in my stomach.

Fortunately, you don't have to be a Scrooge and avoid seeing family and friends until spring to avoid the dreaded post-holiday bloat. Here are eight strategies to help you keep your waistline in check while still enjoying all the festivities this Christmas season has to offer.

1. Keep things in perspective.

To gain a pound in a week, you'd need 500 more calories per day above and beyond your regular intake. So, technically, a single slice of lemon pound cake will not cause you to gain weight. The recurrent infractions are the ones that pile up. Keeping a meal journal can assist you in remembering your daily splurges.

2. Make a plan.

Proceeding without a plan, like many things in life, is a recipe for disaster. Chrissa Farrell, a qualified personal trainer and lifestyle wellness consultant, may skip weekly "treat meals" for a week or two before an event where she knows she will be tempted to indulge, rather than skipping meals before a party. “By planning ahead of time, I can include some of my favorite treat meals without feeling guilty,” says Farrell.

3. Out of sight, out of mind.

Avoid the buffet table or any area with holiday treats (e.g., the break room or the office "treat table"). Cynthia Chea Péan, a certified plant-based chef and nutritional consultant, recommends that you look over the alternatives, pick a few favorites, then move on.

4. Follow the 80/20 rule.

Fill up on fiber before going to a Christmas party or dinner, advises Heather Reseck, a registered dietitian and functional nutritionist who specializes in plant-based nutrition. Think high-fiber foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, and legumes. “Apply the 80/20 rule to your situation. Aim for 80 percent real food—unprocessed, high-fiber plant foods.” And don't forget to drink plenty of water. “It's simple to misinterpret the signals and believe we're hungry when we're actually thirsty,” Reseck explains.

5. Listen to your tummy.

Stop when you're content rather than full. Refrain from reaching for the second plate. Our brains often need a few minutes to tell our stomachs that they've had enough. Satiety can also be achieved by eating slowly and paying attention to the details of your food's textures and flavors.

6. Keep up with your regular exercise routine.

Exercise is a terrific stress reliever that aids in relieving the stresses connected with the frantic pace of the holidays, in addition to helping to avoid weight gain. “If I can't get to a gym while traveling, I walk and do body weight exercises like push-ups, squats, toe lifts, and crunches/planks,” explains Farrell.

7. Just say no.

Friends and family put a lot of pressure on you to eat their carefully prepared goodies. Reseck suggests psychologically preparing yourself to stick to your eating choices: “Pretend you're saying, 'No, thank you.' It may appear attractive, but I've realized that my body functions best without it. You may proceed. 'I'm going to have something different.'

8. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

“Resist the desire to beat yourself up if you completely abandon your plan,” Farrell advises. “Tomorrow is a new day,” says the narrator. You can get back on track and continue to progress.”


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