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7 Ways To Naturally Break Your Fever

Give your body the help it needs to fight and protect!

By Herbalist HannahPublished 4 years ago 6 min read
7 Ways To Naturally Break Your Fever
Photo by Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash

It’s no secret that having a fever is down right awful…

the chills, cold sweats, body aches, and even headaches. I’s hard to imagine that having a fever is actually a good thing, but it is. A fever means the bodies immune system is activated and hard at work. Breaking a fever prematurely prevents the body from successfully killing off virus, prolonging the illness.

With everything going on right now surrounding the virus, it's a comfort knowing there are things you can do to help alleviate some of the discomfort all while giving your immune system the help and support it needs. Personally fevers and body aches are the most miserable symptom and the hardest to get under control. Chills, shivers, headaches, sweating, and general weakness/fatigue are all part of our bodies way of fighting off the invasion, and sometimes they need our help. When you finally break your fever only for it to come back a couple hours later, your body is struggling to fight the virus on it's own and is getting tired. It's not a bad thing to promote your body to fever again, in fact, it's encouraged and will help you get over your illness faster. Breaking a fever prematurely actually does more harm than good because your body is unable to finish killing the virus. The herbs and methods I touch on in this article are natural aids in letting the fever do its job as it's intended while relaxing you and allowing you to properly rest and ease your discomfort. A win-win if you ask me!

Before we delve into how to treat your fever naturally, let's look at the deeper symptoms of the fever itself.

  • Temperatures greater than 100.4 F (or 38 C) in adults and children
  • Chills, shivers, and shakes
  • Body aches most commonly felt in the muscles and joints
  • Headaches
  • Irregular or excessive sweating
  • Palpitations, meaning a rapid, strong, and irregular heartbeat
  • Flush, hot, or clammy skin
  • Soreness or any kind of pain in the eyes
  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fussiness (seen in young children like toddlers)

PLEASE NOTE: In more severe cases where the fever reaches over 104 F/40 C, hallucinations, convolutions, and confusion are possible. You should seek professional medical attention if your fever spikes or these symptoms present themselves.

7 Herbs to Help Treat Your Fever Naturally


Boneset is known for it’s powerful diaphoretic properties, meaning it induces sweating by activating the immune system. I know what you’re thinking “you want me to treat my fever by giving me a fever?” and the answer is, yes. But before you scroll away, hear me out. While having a fever is wildly uncomfortable, it’s one of our bodies natural healing techniques, killing off the invaders that are currently calling your body home sweet home. That’s not to say sometimes out bodies don’t need a little push, such as Sportatic Fever, where the fever is not strong enough to kill off the infection and break on it’s own, providing no relief and prolonging the suffering. When taken in a hot infusion (tea) Boneset will induce the sweating for your body, breaking the fever naturally and safely. To help your immune system recover from the fever, take Boneset in a cold infusion, such as a tonic.


While famously known as the weed of the feline world, Catnip is very beneficial to us humans. Catnip is another great diaphoretic, it also acts a mild sedative which will help you a deeper and more restful sleep while calming your body naturally. You know what they always say, one of the best remedies is rest. When fighting a fever, drink a cup of catnip tea and it will help enhance it’s natural healing properties. Simply steep 1-2 tsp of dried herb for 5-15 min in hot water or in a tea pot. (Aesthetic goals, am I right?)


Ahh, the “queen of herbs” as it has been so graciously named. Echinacea has been coveted for centuries by several tribes and cultures. Echinacea is used today to shorten the lifespan of of the common cold and flu as well as reduce symptoms such as sore throat, cough, and of course, fever naturally. Echinacea is also a highly recommended herb to help boost the immune system and fight off infections.

Elder Flower/ Elder Berry

Probably one of the more known herbs out there, Elderberry is yet another sweat-inducing herb that will help you sweat out any fever naturally. This herb is also a potent immune system booster, especially if taken as a syrup. Elderberry is said to bring significant relief of flu symptoms, such as fever, headache, muscle aches and nasal congestion. The elder flower is known as an anti-catarrhal herb. Anti-catarrhal herbs are effective against runny noses and congestion. They not only prevent mucous formation but also aid in removing mucous from the body as well as providing anti-inflammatory relief.


Lemon Balm

Also known as a “cure all”, Lemon Balm has been another coveted herb throughout history. Lemon balm can lower the basal body temperature when fevers get uncomfortably high. It is also a slight sedative which will help you sleep.

White Willow Bark

White Willow Bark is known to be a powerful fever reducer because of the rich salicin properties it contains. Salicin is basically natures aspirin. Not only does this mean it’s a great fever reducer, but a powerful pain reliever as well.

*It is worth noting that White Willow Bark is NOT for everyone. Those that are unable to take aspirin due to allergies or any other reason should not take this herb. It is also unsafe for people already taking anticoagulants, platelet inhibitors as White Willow Bark has the same blood thinning properties as over the counter aspirin. It is also not recommended for anyone with anemia.*

While this herb does have a lengthy precautions list, it is still a very powerful and useful herb to add to your herbal collection.


And finally, we have Yarrow! When taken as a hot infusion [tea], yarrow opens the pores allowing your body to sweat it out. Yarrow also aids in drying up and moving the mucous built up in the respiratory system, all while reducing inflammation in the throat and nose. Yarrow is even a powerful ally against sinus infections, wet coughs, and sinus allergies. If you are currently at the mercy of the dreaded flu, grab your favorite blanket, hydration and one of these trusty remedies and sweat it out! A few hours, or even a day of misery is better than a full week.....trust me.

If you've ever tried any of these herbs or have others that have help break your fever, I'd love to hear all about it! I am still learning everyday about the wonders of herbs and what they can do to help heal our bodies! I am not a doctor and I do not recommend replacing any herbal treatment without your doctors consent!

Stay healthy my friends!

Hannah C.


About the Creator

Herbalist Hannah

I'm a long time writer and studding herbalist! I look at plants and herbs differently and learn how they can help heal and strengthen our bodies!

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