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7 signs that blood sugar is gradually stabilizing and returning to normal

When you control your blood sugar well, you can easily see the positive health changes below. High or low blood sugar both cause certain effects on a person's health. Specifically: - High blood sugar, also known as hyperglycemia, is associated with diseases such as diabetes mellitus (diabetes), metabolic disorders that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, pancreatitis, and heart disease. cushing's disease, etc. more severe than hyperglycemic coma. - Low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia, if left uncontrolled for a long time can cause loss of consciousness and seizures because the brain needs sugar to maintain activity. Some cases lead to death.

By Ken aquariumsPublished 6 days ago 6 min read

1. Signs of blood sugar stabilization

According to Sohu (China), below are 7 signs that blood sugar is gradually stabilizing and what you need to do is continue to follow your blood sugar control plan in diet, exercise, and medication. (if any) and re-examination if prescribed by the doctor.

- Reduce hunger

When blood sugar levels reach balance, the body's metabolism adjusts to function more efficiently. This means your body effectively uses glucose provided from food or glycogen stores in the liver and muscles to produce energy for daily activities.

The feeling of hunger decreases when blood sugar levels stabilize

When blood sugar is stable, you are not bothered by sudden hunger pangs due to sudden drops in blood sugar and so the feeling of wanting to eat more is also reduced. This helps maintain a stable amount of energy in the body, neither too low nor too high, minimizing unnecessary hunger and helping to better control weight.

- Feel your body full of energy

When blood sugar levels are maintained at a steady level, the body does not experience periods of rapid increases and decreases in blood glucose levels, but instead, has a constant supply of energy. and regularly.

This helps avoid feelings of fatigue or sudden loss of energy, which are common when blood sugar levels drop after rising. Therefore, blood sugar stability plays an important role in maintaining the body's energy levels, helping you feel alert and energetic, not just for short periods of time but throughout the day. long.

Feelings of depression will no longer bother you when blood sugar is properly managed

- Stable mood

When blood sugar levels are unstable and frequently fluctuate, it can cause changes in emotions and mood, which can make you feel restless, irritable or anxious. This happens because the body and brain are very sensitive to blood glucose levels.

However, when blood sugar levels are well controlled and maintained, a steady supply of energy to the brain helps improve mood stability. You'll be less likely to experience sudden mood swings and be able to maintain calm and a sense of well-being more easily.

In other words, stable blood sugar contributes to maintaining a balanced mental state, contributing to reducing stress and improving overall mental health.

- Think more clearly and coherently

When blood sugar levels do not fluctuate drastically but remain balanced, our brain receives a steady and stable amount of glucose. Glucose is the main source of fuel for brain activities, so when it is supplied continuously and without interruption, the brain can function effectively.

When blood sugar levels do not fluctuate strongly but remain balanced, our brain receives a steady and stable amount of glucose

This helps maintain focus and the ability to process information, supporting clear and logical thinking. Without this steady supply of energy, we may experience a decline in concentration and loss of clarity in thinking at work or study.

- Improve eyesight

When blood sugar levels in the body exceed or fall below the threshold, this can cause changes in the structure of blood vessels in the eyes, leading to vision problems such as temporary blurred vision. This happens because blood sugar fluctuations can change the amount of water in the vitreous body, the transparent part of the eye, changing the ability to focus and affecting vision.

However, when blood sugar levels are controlled and maintained at a steady level, these fluctuations are limited, preventing vision from being affected by blood sugar changes and keeping vision in a stable state. . This is important to protect your eyes from damage that can occur due to long-term unstable blood sugar.

- Wounds heal faster

When blood sugar levels remain normal, neither too high nor too low, the body is better able to heal itself. Balanced blood glucose is necessary for cell regeneration and the production of important molecules such as collagen, which plays a crucial role in wound healing.

When blood sugar levels are maintained at a normal level, neither too high nor too low, the body is better able to heal itself

In addition, insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels, also helps stimulate the body's natural processes of healing and recovery. When blood sugar levels are stable, the supply of oxygen and necessary nutrients to the damaged area is improved, thereby enhancing healing and reducing recovery time for the body.

- Sleep quality is improved

When the body's blood sugar level does not fluctuate excessively and remains steady, the body does not experience sudden feelings of hunger or fullness, which promotes a continuous and uninterrupted sleep. paragraph. This is because, when blood sugar drops too low, the body may respond by stimulating the release of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can wake you up.

Tips to help control and manage blood sugar

To effectively control and manage blood sugar, you can take the following measures:

- Eat healthy: Choose foods with a low glycemic index, limit processed foods and added sugars, eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins.

- Exercise regularly: Muscle activity enhances the ability to use glucose and helps improve the body's insulin sensitivity.

Muscle activity enhances the ability to use glucose and helps improve the body's insulin sensitivity

- Monitor blood sugar levels: Use a blood sugar meter at home to monitor blood sugar levels and identify unwanted changes.

- Maintain ideal weight: Losing weight if you are obese or overweight can help improve blood sugar control.

- Manage stress: Stress can increase blood sugar, so practice stress reduction methods such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing.

- Do not smoke and limit alcohol and stimulants: Smoking and drinking alcohol can increase the risk of complications related to blood sugar.

- Follow your treatment plan: If you are prescribed medication or treated with insulin, be sure to follow your doctor's instructions and do not increase or skip doses on your own.

- Regular health check-ups: Visit your doctor periodically to adjust treatment when necessary and to monitor the progress of your health condition.

Remember that managing blood sugar is a lifelong process and requires commitment to maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

2. Signs of blood sugar fluctuations

Warning signs of high blood sugar include:

Increased thirst: The body tries to eliminate excess sugar through urine, leading to the need to drink more water than usual.

Urinating more often: Because you need to get rid of glucose, you may find you need to urinate more often than usual.

Because you need to get rid of glucose, you may find yourself needing to urinate more than usual

- Fatigue and muscle weakness: The body cannot use glucose effectively for energy, leading to a feeling of fatigue.

- Blurred vision.

- Poor ability to concentrate.

- Western legs feel numb, tingling or painful due to damaged nerves.

- Areas of dry, itchy, black wrinkled/folded skin appear on the neck.

- Erectile dysfunction.

- Slow wound healing: The immune system is affected and the body's ability to recover is reduced.

- More frequent infections: Hyperglycemia can create favorable conditions for bacteria and fungi to grow, leading to inflammation and disease.

- Unexplained weight gain or weight loss: Weight changes can occur for unknown reasons.

- Respiratory system disorders including rapid breathing and shortness of breath.

- Digestive disorders include vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain.

Signs of hypoglycemia may include:

- Trembling or restless feeling.

- Sweating, damp skin, pale skin.

Hypoglycemia makes a person constantly tired or lose strength

- Fatigue or weakness.

- Anxiety or insecurity.

- Fast heartbeat or arrhythmia

- Loss of concentration, difficulty concentrating or remembering.

- Numbness or tingling sensation in the lips, cheeks and tongue.

- Confusion, difficulty speaking, stuttering.

- Blurry eyes.

- Headache.

- Feeling of loss of strength, dizziness or lightheadedness.

- Loss of consciousness or convulsions in cases of severe hypoglycemia.

If you or someone else has signs of hypoglycemia, it is important to seek medical intervention immediately, especially if the condition does not improve after eating or drinking foods high in sugar.

Overall, stabilizing blood sugar plays an important role in maintaining overall health and preventing many health problems. Stable blood sugar helps prevent unnecessary hunger pangs, reducing the risk of gaining weight and developing weight-related problems. It also helps protect the body from sudden energy fluctuations, ensures stable energy for daily activities, and contributes to maintaining a positive mood and high levels of concentration. Furthermore, controlling blood sugar can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and vision problems.


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Ken aquariums

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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     Ken aquariumsWritten by Ken aquariums

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