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10 Surprising Ways Coffee Can Improve Your Life

10 benefits of coffee

By Nataliya OzerovaPublished 10 months ago 5 min read
organic coffee

Coffee has long been a beloved beverage worldwide, but did you know that it can also offer a range of benefits for our health? From giving us a boost of energy to potentially reducing the risk of chronic illnesses, coffee can be a helpful addition to our daily routines. Here are the top 10 benefits of coffee for our health:

1. Having a cup of coffee before exercising can improve physical performance. Caffeine increases adrenaline levels in the blood, so coffee has benefits in preparing the body for a major effort. Caffeine acts on the nervous system, which causes the body to perceive fatigue later and, therefore, increase performance.

2. COFFEE HELPS KEEP YOU ALERT The feeling of energy that we notice when we have a cup of coffee in the morning is because coffee stimulates the increase of substances such as dopamine, which accelerates our brain activity. This acceleration makes us stay alert and awake for longer. In this sense, caffeine is at the center of the benefits and harms of coffee. While it benefits us by keeping us alert, and awake, and helps elevate our mood, in some people who are sensitive to caffeine it can cause insomnia and restlessness.

3. ANTIOXIDANTS: Coffee is a product rich in antioxidant compounds, especially polyphenols that act against free radicals and some heavy metals that cause tissue aging and help prevent diseases, this being one of the main benefits of drinking coffee. The natural source of antioxidants that coffee is and that allows us to deal with free radicals prevents premature aging.

4. Another of the benefits of coffee is that its intake can act as a mild-acting antidepressant. How? Coffee regulates our stress by blocking dopamine receptors, a neurotransmitter related to anxiety and stress. If that neurotransmitter is altered, we run the risk of suffering from a depressive state. By being partially blocked by the action of coffee, the chances of entering a state of depression are also reduced.

5. REDUCES THE RISK OF SUFFERING HEART FAILURE A recent study presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology highlighted the fact that drinking coffee at least three times a day can protect the heart from heart disease since the consumption of 0 .5 to 3 cups of coffee a day was independently associated with lower risks of stroke and death from cardiovascular disease. Despite research showing that people who consume coffee daily reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, there are benefits and contraindications of coffee. In case of suffering from hypertension and high cholesterol, it is advisable to control the consumption of coffee. Although the evidence seems to indicate that hypertensive people can drink coffee without being harmful, it is true that caffeine slightly increases heart rate, so it is better to limit its consumption.

6. Coffee, in addition to filling us with energy, can be a useful supplement when it comes to losing weight since the caffeine it contains speeds up our metabolism. It is one of the few natural substances that help burn fat. Of course, if we drink coffee to lose weight, always as a complement to a balanced diet and physical exercise, we must drink it alone, without milk or sugar.

We have already commented that the benefits and disadvantages of coffee are mainly due to the presence of caffeine. Thus, while coffee is a natural diuretic that helps to eliminate water and salt from the body and, therefore, affects a possible process of losing weight, it is also true that an excess of caffeine can cause tremors, insomnia, pain headache, abnormal heart rhythm, and even a dependency. Above all, it is important to consume coffee in moderation to get the best possible benefits of a black coffee, without added ingredients such as milk and sugar.

7. CONTRIBUTES TO REDUCING THE RISK OF SUFFERING TYPE 2 DIABETES Another of the numerous health benefits of coffee is its contribution to the prevention of type 2 diabetes and reducing the risk of suffering from it. Caffeine decreases insulin sensitivity and affects glucose tolerance, so the risk of type 2 diabetes is reduced, as long as coffee intake is combined with a healthy and balanced diet, to maintain a correct weight and with the practice of exercise physical.

8. COMBAT ALZHEIMER AND PARKINSON Studies carried out so far seem to show that regular coffee consumption reduces the likelihood of future neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

9. HELPS TO ELIMINATE SPORADIC HEADACHES Caffeine has vasodilator properties that help fight headaches, so among the benefits of coffee is also its contribution to the elimination of light and specific headaches. The consumption of 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day provides us with numerous advantages, although it should be noted that people who regularly suffer from migraines should usually control and moderate their coffee consumption since, in these cases, caffeine could have the opposite effect and act as a pain trigger head, among many other factors that can influence the disease

10. PROTECTS THE LIVER According to some studies carried out over the years, there is a relationship between coffee consumption (two cups a day) and a decreased risk of suffering from cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is a disease that deteriorates the liver, replacing the healthy tissue with scar tissue that blocks blood flow. It is usually related to excessive alcohol consumption, but it can also be caused by hepatitis, autoimmune diseases, obesity, and diabetes. Following good eating habits, consuming little alcohol, and drinking coffee daily can help protect the liver. The benefits of coffee are linked to the intake of a moderate amount, which should not be exceeded if we want to prevent it from being harmful to our health.

In conclusion, coffee isn't just a tasty drink, but also a beneficial one for our health. Why not try incorporating it into your daily routine and reap the rewards?

Whether you prefer a simple cup of black coffee or a fancy latte, the possibilities are endless. So sit back, relax, and savor the taste of this wonderful drink, knowing that you are doing something good for yourself.


About the Creator

Nataliya Ozerova

I love topics on history, science and everything beyond human understanding, to learn something new and get surprised every day,I also like healthy lifestyle, politics, law, educational(20 years of being a teacher) and psychological topics.

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