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Be Kind...

By scogginPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash


Few Months into my new hair dressing business, catching fun…all cruisy and minting! On one faithful Tuesday morning a charming woman walked into a hair salon to get her hair done. Shortly, two hairdressers attended to her needs. As the hairdressers started styling the woman's hair, they began to discuss with each other.

One of them asked the other.

"Hey, do you know a good restaurant nearby that I can have a dinner with my family this Saturday?".

The other hairdresser responded.

"Well, I know a lot of good restaurants around here, and with beautiful environments and friendly staffs as well. There's only one restaurant I just can't recommend".

The first hairdresser whistled.

"Which restaurant is it, and why is it so bad?”

The other hairdresser stressed.

"Olivia's Kitchen on Park Street is such a terrible restaurant with extremely bad service. Their hosts are quite rude and uncaring. They would make you sit for long with no drinks, no menu, and no acknowledgement of your presence. Also, they provide very loud recorded music that conversation become impossible. And then, their tables, menus and bathrooms are filthy that you could easily throw up your food".

The first hairdresser asked.

"Have you ever been there before?”

She responded.

"Not actually, but I heard it from someone".

Upon hearing that, the charming woman who had been silent all along, cleared her throat and said.

"You're right. I visited Olivia's Kitchen quite a few months ago with my family, and I can attest to everything you just said. It's really not a nice place for family fun. Could you believe that I saw a piece of glass hidden in my food...?”

The first hairdresser suddenly cut in.

"When you found the piece of glass in your food, did you call or ask to see the manager?".

The charming woman responded.

"I called it to the attention of the restaurant, and asked them for a replacement of my dish. They never apologized for it, rather, they claimed to know nothing about how the glass got into the salad. Such a terrible experience!”

The three women discussed a little more before the hairdressers finished up with the hair. The charming woman loved how she looked and she admired herself in the mirror. Then she said to one of the hairdressers.

"You are truly a talented stylist and I enjoyed my appointment. May I have your phone number? I would always want you to style my hair".

The hairdresser gladly offered her number to the charming woman and she watched her walk out of the salon. Ten minutes later, the hairdresser got a text message on her phone. She read it.

"Hi sweetheart, it's me, the woman you just finished styling her hair. I know you're the one who said all manner of bad things about my business. Well, my name is Olivia and I'm the owner of Olivia's Kitchen. Wasn't that a wonderful conversation we had earlier? As a smart woman, I had to play along. And to make it more interesting, I came up with my own side of fake story. Dear, I just have a few words for you... Always check your facts before you say things that could tarnish a person's image and destroy their reputation. I know you're an intelligent woman and one who is full of potentials. Trust me, If you focus on your job and cut out negativity, ignore gossip and let go of irrelevant talks, the sky would just be your starting point".



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