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Cereal Killers

A show by Shawn and Elijah Lowry

By Shawn LowryPublished 12 months ago 16 min read


In the once quiet town of MillsPost, a mysterious killer has emerged. Donning an elaborate costume she kills in the almighty (and delicious) name of Trix the Rabbit. But one killer simply won't do so seven others join her, forming The Eclectic Eight, eventually to be known as TEE, because they couldn't make a name for themselves using MILK as an acronym. (However, this show will milk viewers for every laugh they have.)

As other Cereal mascots join in on the mayhem, MillsPost realizes that the Trix on them! So, grab a spoon, pour yourself a bowl, and try to solve the great mystery of the infamous… CEREAL KILLERS!


Eclectic Eight (whose faces are never shown)

Trix, the Leader. She has a “magic” Bag of Holding shaped like a carrot from which she pulls items out that seemingly should not fit. At some point, she even pulls a full standing lamp from it. Trix can often be found talking over the radio or on the phone through her connected ear-phone speakers

Apple, woman, mid 30s. She is absolutely stunning she flips her hair on a regular basis. Romance music is heard every time she enters a room, which is heard by everyone except The Eclectic Eight

Banana, man, mid 30s. He is a trained fighter with perfect posture. He often says, "There's no time to explain" (followed by a long pause of no action or speech) and then "I guess I could have explained, huh"

Blueberry, man early 40s. He is a dreamer of prophecy and nonsense, ofen saying "I've got a good/bad feelng about this" and then the opposite happens. He dances well, but is otherwise over the top clumsy

Cherry, man, 20ish. He is an artist and designer and always makes comments about fashion. He tips big, usually pulling big bills from his designer money clip

Grape, man, late 50s. He is a relatively stingy man, but incredibly fit, often showing off his abs and arms. He works out daily and helps train the others, often saying “Flex… relax… repeat”

Mint, woman, 25-35. She is a professional gymnast and parkour artist who is seemingly obsessed with highbrow society, judging by her incessant golf clapping and constant jokes about the number 4

Orange, woman, early 50s. She is the tech genius and general inventor on the team

*The color “code name” for each member matches a scented dry-erase marker they carry and use throughout

*TRIX is the only member of the Eclectic Eight whose mascot costume is set and never changes. The other seven could be a different mascot in each episode

Other Primaries

Olive, head detective

Chanel, Field anchor, Channel 17

Ambrosia, MillsPost mayor

Safron, MillsPost Coroner


Episode 1: PILOT (Snap - Crackle - Pop)

Int. Warehouse Night: (opening montage)

A large whiteboard hangs on a wall with large letters "PP" centered at the top. A group of people stand around a round table in the center of the room, all with backs to camera, their faces never to be seen. Several boxes of cereal are neatly arranged on the table in a circle. One box for each of the cereals represented on the wheel. TRIX stands next to the whiteboard.


(Over the top) Okay Eclectic Eight… Put your PP's on the booaaard! I repeat: Put your PP's on the board.

All seven people around the table are armed with "Mr scent" dry erase markers. They dramatically pull off the caps, one by one, and sniff slowly then rush to the board and begin to write words and numbers on the board that make absolutely no sense. A giant "gameshow" wheel is spun by Trix the rabbit. The only person wearing a mascot head or costume at this point. (Note: all persons in the room are shown from the back only, no face from this group is shown unmasked. {Ever}) The wheel has several sections that could be landed upon. The indicator is an oversized spoon that will land in the chosen square. There are 15 spaces in all. They alternate between Blank spaces and mascots, picture and name. As the wheel spins the camera moves closer and closer so that we can see the pictures in the spaces. The pointer clicks and beeps comedically as ominous music plays in the background.

INT. Warehouse -night

This is the room from the opening montage. The spoon rests on Snap, Crackle, and Pop.


Top three PP see me. The rest of you better luck next week. Now get out of here ya freaking animals!

Trix paces back and forth while talking to the three who remain. One woman, one man, and a teenage boy stand next to the table. Their faces are not shown.


You have one week from this moment. Is the mission clear?

The woman steps forward. She salutes the rabbit. Each man steps up next to her and does the same.

TRIX (cont)

If there are no further questions then get your head in the game. Lock and load.

All three dramatically put on the mascot heads for Snap, Crackle, and Pop. Zoom is used on all three heads then two then one, closer and closer until only the eyes of Pop can be seen up close and it blinks out with a single loud popping noise.

Match Cut to:

INT: Upscale Restaurant - day

A bowl hits the table's surface and a spoon hits the soup bowl and rests in place. There are four people sitting around a table. Two men (grape and cherry) and two women (mint) and one other women (Reese) the later of which is the only one we can see the face of.


So what are you asking?

She picks up the spoon from the soup bowl and takes a loud obnoxious slurp. She looks around the room and then signals a member of the wait staff to the table.


It's not like I did it on purpose, any of you, (She points to each of them) would have done the same, if you were in my shoes.

Cherry lifts up the table cloth and looks across at her shoes (red high heels) then giggles to himself.


Wearing those shoes with that outfit is a crime in and of itself. I wouldn't be caught dead in them. Shoes aside-

REESE kicks a shoe off at him

GRAPE covers mouth and laughs

MINT (Golf claps) Seriously?

CHERRY (Annoyed)

Not showing up is not an option. What you did cost us time and money! And (Reaches down and picks up the shoe, he Walks it comedically on table) you know what happens to the people who cost us… (Leans in toward her) precious resources, hmmm?

A waiter arrives at the table before Reese can answer.


Is everything to your liking 'mam?

The waiter looks at Reese and scans down looking at her missing shoe then over to Cherry who is spinning the shoe around his pointer finger by the back heel. Mint nudges him. He fumbles the shoe and it hits the table knocking over a glass full of water. Reese and Grape scramble back to avoid the spill. The waiter flips a towel off his arm and immediately begins to clean the spill.

REESE (To waiter)

Everything is fine, sorry about that. About him! (Points to Cherry) Before I was so rudely interrupted, I was going to ask to see your wine list.

The waiter finishes wiping the table and slings the towel over his shoulder. He gives Cherry an ominous stare.

WAITER 1 (Sighs)

We can still get that for you m'am.

Cherry continues to tap the shoe on the table. Childlike- playing until the waiter has had enough and tries to take the shoe from him, at which time a comedic back and forth pulling battle commences. It ends abruptly when the waiter manages to get it away from him. The shoe flicks the waiter in mouth lightly.

CHERRY (Stands up and shakes waiter's hand)

Well that was fun!

Cherry reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of cash, he peels a hundred from a money clip and stuffs it into the breast pocket of the waiter's shirt.


We would like the check please?

WAITER (Taps his breast pocket)

Of course sir, I'll be right back.

The waiter walks over to Reese with her shoe and kneels in front of her. She lifts her leg and he slides the shoe onto it.

REESE (Stands up)

Thank you. Could you show me to the restroom on the way to get the bill?


Of course. Follow me.

As the two leave the area and disappear out of view, we get a full view of just how comedically horrendous her outfit really is. Cherry, Grape, and Mint converse among themselves. Mint points toward the restroom, mouths something to Cherry and Grape and then gets to her feet. As the waiter approaches the table with the check in his hand Mint heads toward the ladies restroom.


This one is on me, (motions the waiter to him) What's the damage? Nevermind, just hand me the check.

He does a double take towards the restroom, where Mint is furiously waving her hands back and forth and pointing at the ladies restroom door. Grape, pulls a grape Mr scent marker from his pants pocket, uncaps it dramatically, holds it up, inhales a huge breath of air then writes three numbers in the palm of his hand. (2-3-1)

CHERRY (To Grape)

Since I don't have time to argue, I'll let you handle this one, gotta go!

He hurriedly leaves the table and heads toward the restroom leaving only Grape at the table with the waiter. Grape caps the marker then slides it back into his pocket.

GRAPE (To waiter)

Pick a number from one to three.



Grape looks down at his hand then holds his palm out showing it to the waiter. He points at the middle number in his hand which is a three.

GRAPE (Reaches into his pocket)

It's your lucky day (Pulls out three rolls of quarters and a credit card) These, (points to the quarters) are for you. And this (points to the receipt) will take care of the check. Unlike Cherry flaunting his cash I am sophis-

His sentence is cut off.

MINT (Yells from outside restroom)

Get over here now! We have a problem. She's- She's gooone.

Grape drops the quarter rolls on the table, they break open (dramatically silly) sending quarters bouncing around and spinning around the table and onto the floor. (Ominous music) Grape rushes (in slow mo) to the restroom joining Mint and Cherry while a couple other staff members for the restaurant help the waiter collect the quarters.

Cut to:

EXT: Apartment - day


It's time, let's do this.

The mascots- Snap, Crackle, and Pop are huddled in a circle in front of a large apartment building. They break the huddle with a group high five. Snap tiptoes around the building comedically hiding behind trees and cars as onlookers point and stare at the oddity. Crackle, struts to the front door and flings it open walking inside like he owns the place. Pop walks slowly looking around and stops outside the door. He slinks up against the building and waits.

*Note- Cherry is the (v.o.) for Snap- Grape is the (v.o.) for Crackle –mint is the (v.o.) for Pop

Cut to:

INT: Apartment - day

Crackle walks down a hallway a security camera hangs from a corner. He gives it a hardy wave as he passes. There is an elevator in front of him at the end of a long corridor with a staircase to a side. He struts toward the elevator simulating some crude dance moves on the way. He pauses briefly then pushes the elevator button,(with an oversized costume hand) then proceeds to the steps. Pop enters the building from down the hall. The light shines from behind him like a spotlight until the door swings slowly shut. (Upbeat music plays) Pop reaches behind his back and produces a gigantic pair of sunglasses from seemingly nowhere and places them on his head. Pop gets to the elevator just as the door opens. He enters, the music stops as the door closes.

Apartment (back door)

Snap taps his feet nervously on the ground. He steps inside the building. A man and a woman exit their apartment with a child, age six, who walks behind them. Snap stands still as the family passes. The man looks at the costume then points to the camera in the hall.

((POV: looking out of the costume))

Snap waves at the family and nods as the man points at the camera again.


Halloween's over pal. (Laughs)

The man and woman pass, and keep walking towards the back door. The little girl stops and looks up at Snap. He bends down and we see her at eye level. She reaches out, they shake hands. We see joy in her expression and smile. They connect for a brief moment before dad rushes back and pulls his daughter away from the handshake.


Get away from her, freak!

Snap stands up abruptly.

((POV: shifts back to normal))

The girl waves again as dad pulls her away. The two exit the apartment building through the back door. Snap enters the staircase and begins to walk up slowly.

2nd floor:

Crackle walks down the hall; the numbers on the apartment units are shown as he passes them one by one. He stops at apartment number 231 and pulls off the costumed glove hand. He holds up the palm with the matching numbers 231 written in purple marker. He nods in approval, slides the glove back on and knocks on the door.

CRACKLE (v.o.)

Reese, we know you’re in there. You can’t hide. Let’s make this easy on all of us open the doo-

The door opens and Reese steps out into the hallway and closes the door very quickly.

REESE (Pleading) Okay, take me but leave the children alone. I have made arrangements for them.

The elevator dings and the door opens. Upbeat music fills the hallway. Pop exits with the oversized sunglasses still on his costumed head.

REESE (cont)

Where is that music coming from?

Pop removes the glasses with a flourish and folds them. Music stops. He drops them in front of the elevator and tiptoes over them in a overdramatized way. He makes his way to unit 231 slinking along with his back to the wall stopping at each unit as if he can not be seen.


What music? I don’t hear a thing. (Reaches behind his back) I brought something for you, (Pulls out a 3-pack of single serve cereal boxes. Trix, Fruitloops, and Rice Krispies) You knew what would happen if you ran. You know that we can't leave witnesses behind. I'll tell you what we're going to do.

Pop ducks behind the last intersecting hall then slides along the wall stopping next to Crackle and Reese.

REESE (To Pop)

I see you, and I saw you coming down that hall too, I expected more from you.

POP (v.o.) (Golf claps, slowly)

And I from you. (Takes the cereal boxes from Crackle) Let's step inside and talk about it over a nutritious breakfast. (Holds up the Rice Krispies, tosses the Trix and Fruit loops over his shoulder)


Silly Mascot, Trix are for kids!

REESE (Shakes head in disgust)

Just kill me now please.

Pop pats her on the shoulder. He turns the door knob on the unit, enters then shuts the door. Crackle turns and picks up the box of Trix from the hall. He knocks and tries to turn the handle it is locked.

Snap enters the second floor from the staircase. He peaks his head around the corner.(ominous music plays) Reese looks down the hall in his direction. He ducks his head back behind the wall. Music stops. Reese shrugs her shoulders then looks at Crackle confused. Silence, for a moment then Snap peaks again. (More music) This back and forth plays out a few times until Snap relents and starts to head toward them. The music stops for good when Crackle knocks on the door again. A camera is also hanging in a corner on the second floor.

CRACKLE (v.o.) (Knocking)

Knock, Knock

The focus shifts from one side of the door to the other.


Who's there?

CRACKLE(v.o.) (Imitating a woman's voice)



Reese who?


Reese, With-er-spoon, I'm ready for my cereal.

At that moment he reaches behind his back and produces a ridiculously large wooden spoon and thumps it on the door. The door opens, Pop grabs the spoon and closes the door again.

REESE (Stomps her foot on the ground)

I have had enough! (Knocks on door, then yells) Get out here now, and bring my children with you!

Snap arrives at the unit and stops directly behind Reese.


You are not in a position to negotiate right now. Let's cut the B.S. and get down to business!

Pop steps into the hallway. Two children A boy, twelve and a girl, nine walk out behind him.


Easy or hard?


I'd prefer not at all.

Pop steps between them. She signals for her to be quiet with a finger tap to Reese's mouth.

POP(v.o.) (Compassion)

Unfortunately, that is not an option. (Looks at Snap) She'll take easy.

Crackle takes the boys hand. Pop steps back and takes Reese by the hand. Snap shakes the costume glove of his hand then pulls of his chef hat. He reaches inside revealing a small pistol and a whip. He points the gun at Reese.


Get against the wall now!

He tosses the whip to Crackle and hands the gun to Pop. The scene fades to black and white, and is seen from the perspective of the video camera at the end of the hallway And is shown as a shadow sequence. The only sound is the "mood" music and the final gunshot that ends the scene with a fade to black.

Pop's shadow holds the gun up to her head, as Snaps takes the girl and steps behind her. One exaggerated twist of her neck in silhouette is shown and she falls to the ground. Crackle's shawdow moves the boy to the center of the hall and begins to whip him. The boy falls to the ground and is struck, over and over until his head slumps to the ground and he moves no more. Reese's shawdow struggles for a moment to free herself. It is then pushed back against the wall and scene fades to black as a gunshot is heard and Reese's silhouette falls at the feet of Pop's shawdow.

Cut to:

EXT: Apartment-night

A news reporter, Woman CHANEL 35, stands in front of the building. It is surrounded with crime scene tape. A busy crime scene takes place around her. A Detective, Man BENEDICT 40ish is Talking to a man (Dad) in the background as Chanel speaks to a camera crew.


This is channel 17 news, live here at Eaglesview apartments.

The camera crew follows her as she walks over to Detective Benedict. She sticks the mic in front of his face.

BENEDICT (Places his hand over the mic; Whispers)

Not now, I'm in the midd-

Dad, cuts in. And quickly takes the mic from Chanel's hand.

DAD (Speaks frantically)

I was face to face with one of those monsters just a few hours ago, he had the nerve to put his hands on my daughter. I hold the police responsible for this debacle. I called in the suspicious activity the moment I got to my car and-

Chanel pulls the mic away from him and takes a step back. She takes a deep breath as Benidict ushers Dad toward a couple police officers.


You heard it here first channel 17 viewers, in a strange turn of events we are on the scene of a triple homicide, committed by none other than cereal mascots… But this time, witnesses say the Trix on us. It was committed by, not one, not two, but three… Snap, Crackle, and Pop… Is this a copycat? Or has the Rabbit been recruiting?

MAN (O.S.)

Hey Channel, come over here! And bring-

CHANEL (cutting MAN off)

My name is Cha-nelle dumb- A (She pauses) butt it's Cha-nelle. Not channel

The news broadcast continues. CHANEL goes to interview OLIVE


Is there anything you can tell us about this case Olive? Should our citizens be afraid?


I can’t say much about this case as we are still investigating, but one thing I can say Shaw-nelle {is that the police force is doing everything we can to investigate and that we have some very good leads.}

CHANEL (freaking out, screaming over {Olive’s} words)

What is it with all of you! My name is Cha-nelle. Cha. Not Sha. Cha… ChaChaCha. And then Nelle It’s not channel. It’s no Sha-nelle. My God! Cha-nelle! Not hard!

As CHANEL screams and walks OS, the camera fades to fuzz. Then blacks out. A moment of darkness as OLIVE speaks

OLIVE (o.s.)

Very soon we will have the killers in custody. We will protect our city!

Cut To:

EXT: Big City - night

A limo is parked in a neighborhood that is suspect at best. Rundown buildings line both sides of the street. Trix exits the limo with a large plastic carrot in her hand. (Ominous music plays) She is followed by 2 men (grape and cherry) and 1 woman (mint). Trix flips the top of the carrot stem up revealing a red button. He pushes it. A warehouse door opens and the four of them walk side by side towards the door. (Slow mo) The limo drives away in the background at regular speed. Four mascot heads Trix, Snap, Crackle, and Pop sit on a table. The scene ends with a slow pan around the table and an eventual zoom into the eyes of Trix.


Future Episodes may include:

  • To Bee or Not To Be, featuring Buzz Bee
  • Playing Trix, featuring Trix
  • The Empire Smacks Back, featuring Dig ‘em Frog
  • Tickle Me Tony, featuring Tony the Tiger (with Elmo as the victim)
  • Count Down To Murder, featuring Count Chocula
  • Frute Scoot and Boogie, featuring the Frute Brute
  • What Would You Do… For a Thorndike Mule? featuring Klondike Pete and Thorndike Mule


About the Creator

Shawn Lowry

Shawn Lowry is a Creative Enthusiast: Writer and poet, artist, game inventor, and general creator

His first movie manuscript placed as a finalist in the Hollywood Screenplay Contest

He has a published children's book and more on the way

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    Shawn LowryWritten by Shawn Lowry

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