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Canadian Wildfires Made Me An Edible Girly

An Attempt At Some Humour During Weird Times

By sleepy draftsPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Top Story - June 2023
Canadian Wildfires Made Me An Edible Girly
Photo by sarah Richer on Unsplash

Ok, so this is clickbait. I am not, in fact, edible. But I am a Canadian who partakes liberally in Canada's cannabis legalization. And right now, Canada is very much on fire. So much so, the smoke is wrangling New York City too.

Photo by David Dee Delgado/Getty Images

Which admittedly, makes it harder to smoke weed.

I am not a weather-storian (I don't know the proper name and no, I don't feel like Googling it because as it turns out, cannabis edibles hit a little harder than expected.) (In other words, dear reader, I am currently too high to look it up. Bear with me.)

(Oh my God, I just remembered... I think the word is meteorologist?)

Ok so.

I am not a meteorologist. I am not even a science-y type person.

But I am a stoner.

And as a stoner, I have some observations about the weather.

First of all, holy crap the air smells bad. Like, totally acrid. Like burning plastic bad.

I started noticing it a couple of days ago when I stepped out for a smoke break while working at my local dispensary. Living in a rural town, I figured at first that the haze was from surrounding dirt roads. Haze from dirt roads looks different, though. It dissipates. It doesn't smell like melting chemicals.

Then, I heard the fire trucks.

Then, I turned on the news.

Over the next few days, the air became thicker and the world around me took on a slightly sepia tone. Something that was subtle, but could be terrifyingly easy to get used to until you barely noticed. Like leaving your phone brightness on "night shift" for a little too long. Or wearing those sunglasses that make everything look like scenes from old movies.

By vinz Tisbe on Unsplash

Secondly, no way am I inhaling that.

Natural, herby flower? Absolutely! Tobacco? Eh, on occasion. Nicotine? Begrudgingly, yes.

Unknown, boiling crayon-smelling sh*t?

Lastly, there is no way I'm not getting high today.

I don't sell weed, just to not enjoy it on my days off. Let's be honest with each other, here.

So, I braved on out, took advantage of my employee discount at the dispensary, and loaded up on edibles.

Usually, I don't really do edibles. I'm too impatient and I like the immediate, harsh effects of a good ol' bong rip. Er - water pipe.

That being said, I realized I would have to find a compromise since free-smoking in my dear mum's apartment simply isn't an option, and smoking outside? Well...

The CN Tower is somewhere in there :(

I admit, I did try to smoke a couple of bong hits outside. But the air tasted worse than when you keep the Bic going too long and inhale a mouthful of butane. Quickly, I decided it wasn’t worth it. Even the residue from a weed pen would be safer. I'm guessing.

Thus, the struggle to get high on my day off continues.

Actual footage of me with my edible drink while writing

I open another pack of gummies. Hybrid instead of sativa this time. I don't need the extra paranoia.

(Everything is on fire! I'm anxious enough!)

I take a CBD capsule for good measure.

When I open up YouTube, at least 7 different versions of wildfire footage greet me. It feels irresponsible to click on the video about baby ducks instead.

But I do, anyway.

Meanwhile, the munchies are starting to kick in.

And all I have to munch on are edibles.

So naturally, I open up another pack of gummies. I don't even check what kind this time.

I attempt (and regret) another bong rip and chat with my neighbour for ten minutes. We share a joint and she tells me about the film of ash that layered her car that morning. I tell her about the edibles. She splits to the apartment upstairs, and I split to the basement one. I think about texting her to offer a gummy, but I've eaten them all.

When I try to freak out about the air to my mother she smiles and shakes her head. She primly takes a hit of my weed pen and shrugs, "What can you do?"

I try to think of something, but the edibles have finally taken their full effect, and nothing is particularly coming to mind. And honestly? My mother is probably right.

So I take a hit of my weed pen too, and we talk about her day at work. She tells me about the funny things her students at the nearby elementary school did, and how they had to keep the kids in at recess due to the air quality outside. She tells me about the eight-year-old boy she tutors after school and how much raw, excited energy he had; he didn't mind not going out for recess since his teacher said she planned a class pajama party the next day for them, instead.

Peace starts to wash over me. Smoke filled the skies across borders but here we all were: confused, a little anxious, trying to make the best of it anyway.

I let the gummies do their thing and I climb into bed. I fall asleep smiling at jokes on the internet.

The world burning can be a tomorrow problem.


About the Creator

sleepy drafts

a sleepy writer named em :)

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Comments (33)

  • Melissa Ingoldsbyabout a month ago

    Your humor and down to earth nature is so appealing and I love it!

  • Samuel Ichuabout a year ago

    Laughing hard....very entertaining..thanks... Keep it coming and I'll be hear to read and laugh

  • Jay Kantorabout a year ago

    Dear SD-Em - How Delightfully~Incredibly~Edibles 'Witty' are you - I ate it all up edibly - Jay Jay Kantor, Chatsworth, California 'Senior' Vocal Author - Vocal Author Community -

  • Dorothy Gibbsabout a year ago


  • Paul Stewartabout a year ago

    I really enjoyed this almost journal-entry full of funny observations and thoughts. Love the whole bit at the start when you can't think of the word "meteorologist" Congrats on a well-deserved Top Story!

  • Heather Lunsfordabout a year ago

    Very funny. I think a lot of things can be a tomorrow problem.

  • Ahamed Thousifabout a year ago

    ****Congrats on your Top Story ****

  • Nikki Torino Wagnerabout a year ago

    I can’t imagine. We got some of the smoke here in Connecticut, and it was a run outside and inside as fast as possible. The gummies are definitely a silent assassin. Lol. I really enjoyed the humor juxtaposed with the reality of what is going on was well done. I think this piece was great!

  • Misty Raeabout a year ago

    Love it, you made me giggle. I'm Canadian too and last week, pretty much half our country was on fucking fire. Where I live, we had fires about an hour north and then also got smoke from was so bad you could taste it. I'm not one to indulge in our nation's legal herbal indulgences, it's just not my thing, but for a couple days, but I get the switch. There's a guy here, smokes like a beast (tobacco) and even he wouldn't go out, it was seriously that bad. Well done and congrats on the top story from a fellow Canuck.

  • Gina C.about a year ago

    Lots of entertainments and humor in this, my dear friend 🤗 Edibles will certainly sneak up on you 😅 Also, my sympathy with the fires and smokey air 🥺 In California, it's been the story of our lives for the past decade or so, almost every year at the end of summer. I hope it clears up soon 🥹❤️❤️ Congratulations on Top Story!

  • Judey Kalchik about a year ago

    How many edibles are too many edibles? And did you mean to do a Scarlett I’Hara there at the end? It’s a classic finish

  • Roy Stevensabout a year ago

    What a great middle finger at the Quebec fires! Congratulations on your top story Sleepy! (May I call you that?) The smell of the air (I'm in Southern Ontario) reminded me of backpacking through sugar cane country in Cuba, Hawai'i and Costa Rica when they burn down the cane fields. It was just weird to be smelling it at home! Great job with this piece!

  • Dana Crandellabout a year ago

    This was about as entertaining as it gets. Congratulations on Top Story!

  • Babs Iversonabout a year ago

    Woohoo!!! You got a Top Story!!! Congratulations!!!❤️❤️💕

  • Stephen Kramer Avitabileabout a year ago

    Oh and hey look you got a top story too! Congratulations! That’s very well deserved, this was hilarious, I may have to go and read it again!

  • C. H. Richardabout a year ago

    Also, congratulations on your top story 😊

  • C. H. Richardabout a year ago

    Absolutely loved this ❤️ Yes it is a horrible situation but sometimes laughter and probably something more really is the best medicine.

  • Oneg In The Arcticabout a year ago

    Absolutely enjoyed reading this hahaha I’m in Canada too, but way up in the arctic and so just a bit of Smokey air from small NWT fires has reached us- but nothing serious at all like in the south.

  • Congratulations on your deserved Top Story, well done

  • Cathy holmesabout a year ago

    Congrats on the TS

  • MT Poetryabout a year ago

    Wow,😂😂 your witty humor is like a breath of fresh air on a cloudy day! Keep shining bright, even amidst the chaos!🙌💕

  • Naomi Goldabout a year ago

    Wow, WTF? I don’t know how the edibles are up there, but here in Minnesota taking just 5 mg of THC is intense. The high comes on an hour or two after ingestion, but it’s much stronger than smoking. I don’t know how you ate a bunch of gummies, and smoked, and didn’t get so high you landed on the moon. Perhaps it’s a tolerance thing? I liked your descriptions of the smoke and sepia tinge. I experienced that on the west coast from wildfires a few years ago. It was wild. The sun was magenta in the middle of the day, and we were forbidden to leave our homes unless we had to.

  • Donna Reneeabout a year ago

    Cracking up at your style as always but also so sorry about the fires and ALL the impacts they are having… what a stressful time to not be able to do your usual thing 😣😩.

  • You made me smile, but climate change is a worry, and weed helps calm us

  • Cathy holmesabout a year ago

    Lol. This is great. Love how your mom is so relaxed about it all.

sleepy draftsWritten by sleepy drafts

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