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A barbarian's

Barbarian Comedy Rampage

By Barnabas PayamPublished 12 months ago 4 min read
A barbarian's
Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash

Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round and prepare yourselves for a night of laughter and mayhem, as we present to you the one and only Barbarian's Comedy Show! Get ready to have your funny bone crushed and your sides split with laughter as our wild and uncivilized comedian takes the stage.

The lights dim, and the crowd erupts into cheers and applause.

Barbarian Comedian: Striding onto the stage with a rugged and intimidating presence Greetings, puny humans! It is I, the mighty Barbarian, here to bring mirth and merriment to your feeble lives! Who needs sophistication when you can have pure, unbridled hilarity?

The audience chuckles nervously.

Barbarian Comedian: Ah, I see some of you are still afraid of my bulging muscles and fierce countenance. Fear not! My comedic talents are as mighty as my axe swing. Prepare yourselves for some gut-busting jokes and tales of my wild adventures.

The barbarian flexes his muscles, exaggeratedly showcasing his strength.

Barbarian Comedian: So, how many sorcerers does it take to change a light bulb? None! They just cast darkness and claim they've improved the ambiance! Hah!

The crowd erupts into laughter.

Barbarian Comedian: You know, being a barbarian isn't all about swinging swords and crushing skulls. We have feelings too! Like the time I accidentally stepped on a gnome's garden and he shouted, "Hey, you barbarian! Get off my lawn!" I turned to him and said, "What's a lawn? Is it like a place where you grow your enemies?"

The audience roars with laughter.

Barbarian Comedian: And let me tell you, dating as a barbarian is no easy feat. Once, I took a girl out to dinner, and she asked if I was a vegetarian. I looked at her and said, "Vegetarian? No, I'm a barbarian! I eat meat, bones, and occasionally, the occasional clueless knight."

The crowd doubles over in laughter.

Barbarian Comedian: Now, let me share with you the tale of how I accidentally wandered into a wizard's tower. He yelled, "Who dares disturb my sanctum?" I replied, "My apologies, good sir. I thought it was the local tavern." He said, "This is not a place for drinking!" And I said, "Then why do you have all those potions labeled 'Drink Me'?"

The audience bursts into laughter, struggling to catch their breath.

Barbarian Comedian: I hope you're all enjoying this wild ride through my barbarian humor. Remember, laughter is the best way to distract a dragon or confuse an evil sorcerer. And if all else fails, just swing your axe and hope for the best!

The crowd erupts into a thunderous applause and laughter as the barbarian takes a bow.

Barbarian Comedian: Thank you, my friends! You've been an amazing audience. Stay wild, stay barbaric, and keep laughing! Good night!

The barbarian exits the stage amidst applause and cheers, leaving the audience in stitches and with memories of a comedy show like no other.

By julien Tromeur on Unsplash

In a remote village, deep in the heart of a wild and untamed land, there lived a barbarian named Grunk. Now, Grunk was not your typical fearsome warrior; he had a penchant for making people laugh, despite his hulking appearance and formidable strength. While most barbarians sought glory through conquest and battle, Grunk's greatest aspiration was to be a stand-up comedian.

One day, Grunk decided to put on a comedy show for his fellow villagers. They were a skeptical bunch, used to seeing Grunk brandishing his massive battle-axe rather than telling jokes. Nevertheless, they gathered around the village fire, intrigued by the prospect of witnessing the fearsome Grunk's attempt at humor.

Grunk stepped into the makeshift spotlight, cleared his throat, and began his act.

"Good evening, fine villagers! Do you know why barbarians are always so serious?" Grunk asked, pausing for dramatic effect. "Because if we smiled, people would see our missing teeth!"

The crowd chuckled nervously, unsure of what to make of this softer side of Grunk.

"I have to admit, though, the other day, I saw a knight trying to lift a heavy boulder. I went up to him and said, 'Hey, do you even lift, bro?'"

Some villagers chuckled louder this time, warming up to Grunk's unusual brand of humor.

"And let me tell you about my adventures with my pet dragon," Grunk continued. "It's a tiny dragon—well, tiny compared to me, but not so tiny compared to you all. Anyway, I tried to teach it to fetch, but instead, it started chasing after knights! It's like the dragon thought, 'If Grunk can do it, so can I!'"

The crowd burst into laughter, pleasantly surprised by Grunk's wit.

"Speaking of knights, you know how they are always boasting about their shiny armor? Well, I tried that once. I wore shiny armor to impress a lady, but she just said, 'Grunk, you look like a walking mirror!'" Grunk shook his head, mimicking the lady's response.

As Grunk shared more stories and jokes, the villagers couldn't help but laugh heartily. They found delight in the contrast between the tough exterior of a barbarian and the humor he carried within.

With each joke, Grunk's confidence grew. His comedic talent shone brighter than the sharpest sword in his village. He became the unlikely entertainment sensation of the land, and people from neighboring villages would come to see him perform.

In time, Grunk's fame as a comedian spread far and wide. Kings and queens, warriors and wizards, all sought the chance to witness the legendary barbarian's comedic genius.

And so, Grunk proved that even in the fiercest hearts, there was room for laughter and mirth. The unlikely barbarian's comedy not only entertained the masses but also bridged gaps between cultures, bringing people together in shared laughter and joy. He showed the world that there was more to barbarians than brawn and that humor could be the universal language that connected them all.

And from that day on, every time Grunk swung his battle-axe, he did so with a smile on his face, knowing that sometimes the greatest weapon of all was not steel but laughter.


About the Creator

Barnabas Payam

I write my writings humorously, poetically and artistically about the changes in the spiritual condition of human beings to live peacefully and cheerfully.

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