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Why is pilates important for women?

The Importance Of Pilates For Women

By Tanisha JainPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Exercise as a practice has numerous benefits, it gets you active, keeps you energetic, and it’s great for your health as well as helps maintain a healthy weight. Exercise also reduces diseases and increases lifespan, when practiced regularly. All-in-all, exercise as a part of your lifestyle is one of the best things you can do!

When we think of exercise, we automatically think of high-intensity exercises such as jogging, cardio exercises, cycling, or aerobics but have you ever thought about the multiple benefits of low-impact exercises such as yoga or pilates?

Wish to start pilates? Join Sheetal’s Core Pilates Classes in Mumbai.

Low-intensity exercises such as pilates have been an ancient practice with its own perks. Pilates promotes coordination, balance, better breathing, posture development, and so much more. Pilates is beneficial for everyone. Pilates is also super versatile, since any and every age, gender, fitness level, and physique can adapt the pilates method. But pilates did you know pilates for women can be a true game changer?

Many times, when we think of pilates for women, we think of pregnancy pilates, pre-natal pilates, or post-natal pilates. Perhaps, that is all thanks to the pelvic floor strengthening of pilates exercises. But, contrary to this myth, pilates is beneficial for women through all stages of life. From their first menstrual cycle to pregnancy to menopause.

Looking to change your fitness game? Try pilates with Sheetal’s Core Pilates Studio in Mumbai.

Here are some reasons why women should do pilates:

Pilates exercises leads to better bone health. It is a known fact women in general have low bone density and lack calcium. Osteoporosis affects over 200 million women globally, and unfortunately, such numbers are only to grow in the coming years. Pilates as an exercise improves your posture including your lower back issues. Lower back issues are commonly found in women due to pregnancy, strained ligaments, and imbalance stance to name a few. Pilates helps ail lower back and back issues with slow controlled movements. The exercise focuses on the transverse abdominal muscles-also known as the core and pelvic floor, essential to better your pelvis, spine, and hips aiding greater movement with control and balance.

Got some inspirational body goals? Meet all your fitness goals with Sheetal’s Core Pilates Studio in Mumbai.

Women can choose pilates for weight loss. Being fit, lean, and desirable is every women’s dream. Pilates is a tool that can help maintain a healthy weight and help stay a great shape. In pilates exercises, we work on our body and core muscles. Every movement works on flexibility, mental control, and strength. In pilates exercises, you engage your muscles rightfully, which leads to increased activity in the core area which leads to a tighter abdomen and also boosts the loss of belly fat.

Pilates exercises builds the pelvic floor. As we mentioned earlier, pilates works on the deeper abdominal muscles such as the multifidus and transversus abdominis. In a high-intensity workout, such muscles are ignored, leading to such muscles being underdeveloped. The pelvic floor muscles for women are essential to be developed as it leads to better posture, improved hormonal balance, and improved flexibility. A strong pelvic floor is also a womens BFF in prenatal, pregnancy and postnatal. Pilates exercises teaches you the right way to use your pelvic floor. When working on your pelvic floor in pilates exercises, you must know to contract them at the right time, to maintain the contraction as well as learn to relax them at the right time essentially after the contraction. Additionally, an empowered pelvic floor leads to improved bladder control which is essential after childbirth.

In addition, Pilates exercises also improves breathing, enhancing blood circulation, lung function and so much more.

With a well-equipped studio, certified trainers, and all the fitness vibes, Sheetal’s Core Pilates Studio in Mumbai is your one-stop destination for you to begin your pilates journey as well as level up in your workouts.


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