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What Happens When You Die?

Is There Hell Or Heaven?

By Amine OubihPublished 14 days ago 3 min read
What Happens When You Die?
Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

In the vast expanse of existence, where the cosmic dance of birth and death unfolds, humanity finds itself at the nexus of an age-old enigma: It is hard to imagine what is on the other side of the physical death of a human being. Since the first myths of the afterlife of the old times, the human desire that had been driving the curiosity to the edges of the modern science unfathomable mysteries of life, death and beyond has held the attention of the human imagination for thousands of centuries.

All the way through, different cultures and eras supposed the divergent divine information and philosophies in their search to uncover the realms of the divine, the transcendental , and the unknown. The soul ride of the Egypt ancients was represented as very heavy and dangerous journey pass different Gods’ lower world where the dead one was judged before the gods. The repeated births and reincarnation in Hinduism are all about following the will of Karmas to create the pathway for the spiritual saga to transcend beyond a number of lives.And in the monotheistic traditions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, the promise of salvation or eternal damnation beckons the faithful to contemplate the nature of divine justice and mercy.

Yet, amidst the tapestry of human beliefs, a common thread emerges: the desire for meaning, purpose, and unendingness in the universe that we cannot get while alive. Whether through the lens of mythology, theology, or philosophy, humanity has grappled with the profound questions that lie at the heart of our existence: What is the nature of the soul ? An endless debate on this subject has been going on since people came to know of their own existence. The question about whether life could be perceived after one dies is among the most intriguing in all of humankind's history. And, where do we place this consciousness when our body mends?

Through the scientific gaining of knowledge the path to answers has its own coloring, with the empirical methods of observing, experimenting, and rational judgment at the helm. Not only neuroscientists have been historically able to map the intricate brain circuits with the modern technology in the field of science but physicists have accurately explored and explained the universe from the subatomic level to the deepest corners of space and the origin of time.

As part of its quest for discovery, neuroscience places at the front line the investigation of consciousness, delving into the fundamentals of human cognitive function, perception, and mindfulness. Along with the development of brain imaging technologies and computational modeling that aid in the decoding of the process of consciousness, researchers study the neural correlates of consciousness hoping to find underpinnings of subjective experience of our outside world

Despite all its achievements, it seems that it is precisely the riddle of consciousness that makes neuroscience a helpless objector to any attempt of reducing its structure to nothing but the brain’s neural activity. From the comfort of subjective experience to the strange of free will which explains why it is the toughest to answer the question of what consciousness is, not only putting in doubt the boundaries of the science but also be the reason for the speculation on the question of are the both mind and spirit intertwined or do they stand apart from each other?

Amidst religions and philosophies, the search for truth leads to the exploration of the existential domain where the essence of humanness is discovered.

Ranging from the eternal musings of Socrates and Plato until the metaphysical hypotheses of Eastern mystics and, later on, Western philosophers, interest in the purpose of life leaves unchanged all the barriers available, be those of language, culture or ideology, and calls us to explore the universe and its mysterious secrets with humility and respect.

At the point where faith and reason meet, we are faced by the eternal riddle represented by the roughness of mortality and the stillness of eternity, the earth ephemeral and the omnipotent God. Upon the experience of the unforeseen, the one condition that we find ourselves forced to do is to confront the mystery deep within our existence and come to terms with the hard realization that it is in this voyage that we gain significance, purpose, and fulfillment.

When dynamic power rises and infinity closes the doors to us, let's dare to imagine a world that lies beyond knowing full well that exploring the unknown themes is the greatest of all supports. And hence, with time and cosmic occurrence, may we aspire to being the navigators of a ship set sails by knowledge, humanity, and wonderment at the multiplicity of infinite phenomena.

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About the Creator

Amine Oubih

🌟Amine Oubih🌟

📝 Writer | 🎨 Creative | 🌍 Explorer

Hello,I am a traveler and writer. Whether It's Real Or Fiction, I always find something interesting to write about, and I use this content to spark the desire to learn more in readers.

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