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Ways the Immune system works its wonders

Learn how the Immune System ACTUALY WORKS

By Jonathan colinaPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Ways the Immune system works its wonders
Photo by Kristine Wook on Unsplash

The human immune system ranks as one of the most complex biological systems, surpassed only by the human brain. Despite its significance, many people remain unaware of how it operates or its true nature. Comprising hundreds of tiny and two large organs, the immune system boasts its own transport network spread throughout the body. Every day, it generates billions of fresh cells, organized like an army with soldiers, captains, intelligence officers, heavy weapons, and even suicide bombers.

The immune system is not some abstract entity; it is an integral part of you, safeguarding your body from billions of microorganisms seeking to harm you and from your own aberrant cells that could turn into cancer. The intricacies of the immune system are too vast to cover in a single video, which is why a series of videos exploring different aspects is necessary. In this video, the focus is on what happens when your body is invaded, and your initial lines of defense engage in a life-and-death struggle.

To illustrate this, an analogy is used, comparing the experience of your body's cells to an invasion of alien life forms from space. When you sustain a small injury, like a cut on your thumb, the battle begins internally. The immune system's first responders are macrophages, large cells that swiftly attack and engulf bacteria, relentlessly fighting to protect your body. If the invaders are too overwhelming, macrophages call for reinforcements.

The neutrophils, being intense suicide warriors, are born with the sole purpose of killing, using deadly chemicals to combat bacteria. They are so zealous in their mission that they end up causing collateral damage to your own cells, but they remain indifferent to it. The battle creates inflammation as your blood vessels let fluid stream into the affected area, causing your thumb to swell and become red and warm. This fluid contains millions of complement proteins, an automated liquid weapon that stuns and kills bacteria.

At this crossroad, if the defense is effective, the invaders are vanquished. However, if the enemies prove too formidable, the hour of the dendritic cell arrives. Acting as the immune system's intelligence officer, the dendritic cell collects samples from the battlefield and searches for the right helper T cell. This cell is like a commander with the specific weapon needed to combat the bacteria that invaded the wound.

The immune system's incredible diversity allows it to have a weapon against every possible enemy, making it equipped to face any future disease or infection. Once the correct helper T cell is activated, the second line of defense is mobilized. The helper T cells clone themselves, some reinforcing the first line of defense, while others activate B cells, which are antibody factories.

The B cells produce specific antibodies to target the invaders effectively. After about a week, the second line of defense arrives in full force, saturating the battlefield and incapacitating the bacteria. Your soldiers eliminate the last enemies, and a few helper T cells and B cells remain as memory cells to protect against future infections. The wound heals over time, leaving a faint red mark, and for you, the whole ordeal was merely a slight annoyance.

However, this story is just the beginning of the incredible journey that unfolds inside your body every day, a tale that is explored in depth in the book "Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive." The immune system remains a fascinating and captivating topic, and understanding it can forever change how you perceive your body and its remarkable ability to protect and defend itself.


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Jonathan colina

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