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The Simple Life

Finding Happiness in Solitude and Scarcity

By Galip YükselPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a person named Alex who had been living alone for years. Alex had always been a loner, preferring the solitude of their small apartment to the noise and bustle of the outside world.

Despite this preference for isolation, Alex had recently fallen on hard times. They had lost their job and were struggling to make ends meet. They needed money and fast, but didn't know how to get it.

One day, Alex decided to take a walk to clear their head. As they wandered through the city streets, they stumbled upon a small park tucked away between two towering skyscrapers. The park was quiet and peaceful, and Alex felt a sense of calm wash over them as they sat on a bench beneath a tall tree.

As Alex sat there, they noticed a small bird perched on a nearby branch, singing a sweet melody. Alex watched the bird for a while, feeling a sense of envy for the bird's simple life. The bird had no worries or cares, no bills to pay or job to find.

In that moment, Alex had an idea. They realized that they didn't need much to be happy; just enough money to get by and a peaceful place to live. With this realization, Alex felt a sense of hope for the first time in a long time.

With renewed purpose, Alex set out to find work. They took odd jobs here and there, doing whatever they could to make a little money. It wasn't easy, but Alex was determined to succeed.

Over time, Alex's hard work paid off. They were able to save up enough money to move to a small town on the outskirts of the city, where they found a cozy cottage surrounded by trees and nature. It was the perfect place for Alex to find peace and solitude.

As Alex settled into their new home, they felt a sense of contentment that they had never known before. They no longer had to worry about money or the stresses of city life. Instead, they spent their days tending to their garden, reading, and simply enjoying the quiet beauty of their surroundings.

Years went by, and Alex grew old in their little cottage. But they never lost the sense of peace and contentment that they had found so many years ago in that small park. They knew that they had all they needed in life: a little money, and a place to call home.

As Alex grew older, they also grew wiser. They realized that the simple life they had built for themselves was the key to their happiness. They had no regrets about the choices they had made, and were grateful for the peace and contentment they had found.

Occasionally, Alex would receive a visit from an old friend or family member. They would marvel at how happy and content Alex seemed, and often commented on how much they had changed since they last saw them. Alex would simply smile and reply that they had found what they were looking for.

As the years went by, Alex's health began to decline. But they never lost their love for life, or their appreciation for the peace and solitude of their little cottage. Even as their body grew weak, their spirit remained strong, and they faced each day with a sense of grace and gratitude.

Finally, one day, Alex passed away peacefully in their sleep. Their passing was mourned by those who knew and loved them, but it was also celebrated as a life well-lived. For Alex had shown that it was possible to find happiness in even the most difficult of circumstances, as long as one had a little money and peace.


About the Creator

Galip Yüksel

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    Galip YükselWritten by Galip Yüksel

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