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The Secret Admirer

Deep-fried Dedication

By Jason KnightmanPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
The Secret Admirer
Photo by Alice Pasqual on Unsplash

Ambient, late summer sunlight illuminated the high school science wing teacher’s lounge, and birds flitted from tree to tree just outside. “So, now that you know I am a Libra, what is your sign, Laura?” The speaker was the senior biology teacher, Mr. Jenkins, and the only other occupant of the lounge was the young Miss Haley, the junior chemistry teacher. At that moment, in walked the newly-hired physics teacher, fresh from college, Mr. Shaw.

“I’m a Taurus,” she replied. She took a final sip of her Diet Coke. “Well, I have to do some lab prep work for my students’ next class, so off I go!” She twirled away from the table and tossed her now-empty can in the trash, and Mr. Jenkins couldn’t help but notice Mr. Shaw appreciate her departure. Mr. Shaw purchased a drink of his own from the soda vending machine and sat down next to Mr. Jenkins.

“How about you, Steve? I’m a Libra, and Laura’s a Taurus. I am quite into astrology, and it’s fascinating to see how personalities play out according to their star charts.”

“I don’t know; I never learned that stuff. Astrology is pseudoscience, and not really real, from what I understand, so I ignored it.” He took a drink of his Mr. Pibb.

“Hmph. We’re all entitled to our opinions, I suppose.” Mr. Jenkins stood up and half-stomped his way out of the room and back to his classroom.


The next day, Miss Haley came to Mr. Jenkins’s room. “Paul, did you bring me this? It was very thoughtful of you, but I have to avoid chocolate, or I get awful migraines. I love it, but I have to avoid it.” She pushed a small paper bag toward him, and Mr. Jenkins opened it to peer inside.

“A doughnut? Why no, I didn’t. Where was it?”

“On my lab desk.”

“Hm. Well, maybe a student or an overnight cleaner left it there by mistake.”

“Maybe. Do you want it?” She kept the bag extended toward him.

“I would love to. Unfortunately, I have to watch my sugars, so no, I have to decline, but thank you!”

She left the room and made for the teacher’s lounge. Mr. Shaw was sitting there reading a newspaper and having some home-brought breakfast from some plastic containers. As she entered, he looked up and gave her a polite smile.

“Mr. Shaw? You’re here early. Would you like this?”

“Steve, please, and, uh, what is it?”

“A chocolate covered doughnut. Someone left it in my room last night, it looks like. I have to avoid chocolate, or I get migraines.”

“Um, sure, I’ll take it. Thanks.”

“No problem.” She set the bag next to him and made her way back to her classroom.


A week later, a mystified Miss Haley came to Mr. Jenkins’s room again. “Ok, something is going on.” She had another paper bag in her hands.

“Another chocolate doughnut?” he asked.

“Almost, but not quite. It’s strawberry.” She opened the bag and aimed the opening toward his gaze. Another luscious doughnut, this time covered in pink frosting and decorated with little piped strawberries in red and green gel.

“It’s gorgeous! Look at that detail! What, you can’t eat strawberry doughnuts, either?”

“I can, but now it’s a pattern. Someone wants me to have these! Is someone hitting on me?”

“Aw, someone’s sweet on you, Laura!” Mr. Jenkins chuckled. “Enjoy the free attention; it’s harmless, so far. You let me know if it gets out of hand, but for now, I think you’re safe.”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever!” she retorted, but her laughing smile made it clear she did kind of like the attention. She left his room and went to the teacher’s lounge where she could enjoy her treat in peace. Down the hall, Mr. Shaw was just entering the wing for the day, briefcase in hand. Just as she finished eating and went to leave the lounge, Mr. Shaw came in and made for the vending machine.

“Good morning,” he greeted her.

“Good morning!” She threw her trash in the bin and noticed a new cologne on Steve as she passed him. She glanced back with a questioning look, but no, he had just gotten into the building, hadn’t he?


This went on for months as the school year progressed. Every week, randomly on different weekdays each week, a new doughnut appeared on her desk. No duplicate ever appeared; each one was unique. Word got out among the students that Miss Haley had a ‘secret admirer,’ and sometimes the kids would make lighthearted teases in class. The faculty made a running pool taking bets as to who it was. She had a number of students with their little hormone crushes, but Miss Haley refused to comment and join the speculation.

Her birthday came and went, and a special birthday doughnut appeared on the week following; it had a little candle on it, and rainbow sprinkles, and everything.

Final exams week came and went, and still, no end to the mystery occurred.

It wasn’t until the final week of in-service days that everything came to its conclusion.


Miss Haley was taking final inventory of her lab contents in order to prepare orders for the new school year when she heard a knock at her classroom door. She exited the lab office and found Mr. Shaw standing halfway in her doorway, the other half behind the wall in the hallway.

“Oh, hi, Steve.”

“Hi, Laura.”

“What brings you here?”

“Do you have a minute – is this an ok time?”

“It’s fine; I am almost done with my inventory counts for next year’s lab supplies to be ordered. What’s up?”

“I figured it was time I got a-‘round’ to telling you something.” With that, he brought himself fully into view in the doorway, and revealed he was holding a small, white paper bag.

Her eyes got suddenly very wide. “It was YOU!?!?” She brought her hand to her mouth and gave a slight gasp. He set the bag on her classroom desk and opened it to reveal two plain, sugar-crusted doughnuts.

“Yes, I couldn’t help it. I overheard you at the beginning of the year telling Paul that you were a torus, so I gave you a collection of them to get your attention. I made them all at home, personally.”

“Wait, what?” She was immediately confused.

“You did tell Paul you were a torus, right? Did I mishear?”

“Yes, I am a Taurus. It’s my zodiac sign. But I don’t understand? How are these bulls, or bull-related?” She held up her arm to show her silver charm bracelet, and a little silver bull charm dangled from the chain. “Please don’t tell me I ate something gross…”

“Wait, what?” Now it was his turn.

“Taurus, the sign of the Bull, like Leo is the Lion, or Aries the Ram…? Don’t you know astrology?” she explained.

“No, I don’t know astrology, at all. O wow, I messed up…so bad… I thought you said ‘Torus!’ In geometry, a torus is a surface or solid formed by rotating a closed curve around a line that lies in the same plane but does not intersect it.. so, a doughnut shape..” He gesticulated the shape with his hands as he spoke. He turned bright pink and hung his head shamefully.

She began laughing hysterically. “That’s the most…,” she took a breath, “hilariously ridiculous…,” she snorted while laughing, even, and took another breath, “…sweetest mess-up I have ever experienced.” She calmed her laughter a bit. “You were very dedicated, I will give you that. You made them all? All year long?” She got a mischievous grin and grabbed a doughnut. “Hold out your hand. You know what all the kids are saying, right?”

He replied as he held out his hand. “No, what?”

She took his hand in hers and spread his fingers apart, and then she stuck the doughnut on his ring finger. “If you like it, you put a ring on it.” She leaned forward and pulled him in for a kiss. He almost missed the cue in surprise, but it didn’t take him long to recover.

“So, you like it, huh?” he confirmed after they stopped the initial kiss.

“I do. And that’s no bull!” Their mutual smiles encapsulated both of their moods perfectly.


About the Creator

Jason Knightman

I'm a half-centennial, aspiring new author in the Columbus, Ohio, area. Ultimately, I hope to write three trilogies with my first set of concepts, along with a few short stories.

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