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The prophets

Adam ( AS )

By Abo godaPublished 9 months ago 6 min read

How Allah (T) Created Adam

In ancient times, Allah (T) brought forth the sun, the moon, and the earth. However, upon observing His creation, He realized that something was missing. To rectify this, He commanded His angels to gather clay from the earth. The obedient angels collected the clay, and Allah fashioned it into a human-like form, naming him Adam (AS). Yet, for forty years, this figure remained motionless. When Iblis saw this unmoving figure, he became bewildered and afraid. Then, after four decades had passed, Allah (T) breathed His spirit into Adam (AS). As the spirit reached the figure's head, it caused a sneeze. When it reached his eyes, Adam (AS) beheld a wondrous array of food. Continuing its descent, the spirit reached his stomach, and Adam (AS) felt the pangs of hunger. Having witnessed the fruits nearby, the Prophet seized the opportunity and lunged towards them before the spirit could even reach his legs. However, Adam (AS) fell to the ground, unable to move his legs.

The Story of Iblis: From Angel to Shaytan

Allah then commanded all the angels, including Iblis, to bow down in reverence before Adam (AS). Each angel obediently prostrated before the Prophet, except for Iblis. Iblis, claiming superiority over the Prophet due to being created from fire, refused to comply. Allah, displeased with this act of disobedience, expelled Iblis from paradise. From that point on, Iblis became known as Shaytan and was cast into hell. Being banished from paradise fueled Shaytan's anger towards humans, leading him to vow revenge by misleading them.

You and your wife live in heaven

Allah then imparted to Adam the names of every animal in paradise. Among them were the lion, sheep, camel, elephant, dove, peacock, and countless others. Allah instructed the Prophet that he was permitted to consume any fruit within the garden, except for one. God explicitly commanded the Prophet to refrain from eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge, deeming it forbidden. The Prophet devoted most of his time to frolicking with the animals in paradise. After a few years, the Prophet began to feel a sense of loneliness, as he was the only human in paradise. Allah (T) observed this and decided to grant Adam (AS) a wife. That very night, while the Prophet was asleep, God created the first woman. When the Prophet awakened, he was overjoyed to lay eyes upon the woman. He subsequently named her Hawwa, as she was fashioned from a living entity. Both of them dwelled contentedly in paradise for an extended period. Meanwhile, Shaytan remained resentful of the human race.

From Paradise to Earth: The Prophet's Struggle to Adapt to a New Life

Many years had elapsed, and Shaytan, being aware that the Prophet may have forgotten the divine words of Allah, devised a plan to exile the Prophet and his wife from paradise. Shaytan cunningly approached the paradise and deceived the Prophet and his wife into consuming the forbidden fruit. Unbeknownst to them, they plucked the fruit and commenced eating it. However, even before they could finish consuming it, they realized that they had committed a grave transgression. Overwhelmed with anguish, sorrow, and shame, they hastily sought to conceal their nakedness by using leaves. Fear gripped them as they were conscious of the impending punishment from Allah for their disobedience. Upon learning of their actions, Allah became furious, resulting in the expulsion of the Prophet and his wife from paradise. They traversed great distances until they eventually settled near a river. The Prophet comprehended that life on earth would be arduous, thus he needed to construct a dwelling for their habitation and toil diligently to provide for his family.

The Consequences of Envy: How Qabil's Jealousy Led to Fratricide

After being expelled from paradise, they no longer experienced the same pleasures they once enjoyed. Several years later, Hawwa gave birth to twins - a boy and a girl. They named the boy Qabil, and Hawwa later gave birth to another set of twins - a boy and a girl. This time, they named the boy Habil. Both Habil and Qabil grew up; Qabil took up farming, tending to the fields and growing crops, while Habil became a shepherd and cared for the sheep. As the twins reached adulthood, the Prophet decided to arrange their marriages since there were no other females on Earth. Qabil was to marry Habil's twin sister, who was beautiful, while Habil was to marry Qabil's twin sister, who was not as attractive. However, Qabil was unhappy with this arrangement and desired to marry his own sister. An argument ensued, and the Prophet resolved the issue by suggesting a sacrifice to Allah (T). It was agreed that the one whose sacrifice was accepted would marry Qabil's sister. Habil chose the best lamb from his cloak and offered it as a sacrifice to Allah (T), while Qabil deliberately selected inferior vegetables and grains for his sacrifice. Allah (T) accepted Habil's sacrifice but rejected Qabil's. In the presence of the Prophet, it was decided that Habil would marry Qabil's sister. This decision further angered Qabil, and he became so furious that he contemplated killing Habil. One day, when Habil was late returning home, the Prophet sent Qabil to search for him. Qabil went to the fields in search of Habil and eventually found him walking towards home. Despite still harboring anger, Qabil confronted Habil about his accepted sacrifice. Habil responded calmly, stating that Allah only accepts offerings from those who fear Him. Qabil's anger intensified upon hearing this, prompting him to pick up a stone with the intention of striking Habil. However, Habil, though physically stronger, declared that he would never retaliate or harm Qabil, even if Qabil were to attack. Habil's fear of Allah prevented him from resorting to violence. This comment further enraged Qabil, leading him to strike Habil with the stone, instantly killing him. Realizing the magnitude of his actions and fearing the consequences, Qabil was consumed by terror and uncertainty. He desperately sought ways to conceal his sin, dreading his father's discovery of what he had done.

Unveiling the Origins of Burial: A Lesson from Qabil and the Crows

Qabil roamed from one place to another, attempting to conceal the lifeless body of Habil. It was during this time that he witnessed a confrontation between two crows. In the midst of their battle, one crow emerged victorious, causing the death of its opponent. The deceased crow fell to the ground, prompting the triumphant crow to proceed with scratching and excavating a hole in the earth. It proceeded to bury the lifeless crow within this hole and covered it with mud. This occurrence sparked an idea in Qabil's mind. Inspired by the crows, he too dug a hole in the ground and buried his brother's body within it. This marked the very first instance of human burial. Qabil felt immense shame for his actions, as he realized that Shaytan had successfully influenced him and he could never return to his family. The prophet, aware of what had transpired, grieved the loss of his son. Both of his sons were now gone - one deceased and the other led astray by Shaytan. He cautioned his remaining children about the cunning of Shaytan and urged them to always obey Allah's commands.

The Angel of Death and the Prophet's Serene Passing

After an extensive period of time The prophet had a greater number of offspring! The prophet had become elderly, and his offspring held a great affection for him. As Adam (AS) became aware of his impending demise, he designated Seth as the one to carry on his lineage. As he neared the end of his life, celestial beings visited his dwelling and positioned themselves next to him. Upon recognizing the arrival of the angel of death, the prophet serenely smiled and peacefully departed.


About the Creator

Abo goda

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Comments (1)

  • Test8 months ago

    Amazing job! Keep up the outstanding work

Abo godaWritten by Abo goda

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