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The Lost Prince and the Baker’s Daughter Vol I

The Unseen Wealth

By Danny Leonards Published 11 months ago 7 min read
The search begins

Chapter 1:

The Hope That Sticks

Evan had always felt like he didn't belong. He was bounced from one foster home to another, never finding a place where he felt accepted or loved. He was smart and handsome, but he had a rebellious streak that often got him into trouble. He didn't know anything about his biological parents, except that they had abandoned him when he was a baby.

He worked as a mechanic at a local garage, saving up money to move out of his current foster home, where his foster parents treated him like a servant. He had a passion for cars and motorcycles, and he dreamed of traveling the world someday. He also had a crush on a girl who worked at the bakery across the street. Her name was Lily, and she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a sweet smile that made his heart skip a beat.

He often saw her when he went to buy coffee or muffins in the morning, but he never had the courage to talk to her. He thought she was way out of his league, and he didn't want to embarrass himself. He was content with admiring her from afar, until one day when fate intervened.

Chapter 2:

The Right Place And For Her

He was walking back to the garage after his lunch break, when he saw a car speeding towards Lily, who was crossing the street. Without thinking, he ran towards her and pushed her out of the way, saving her from being hit by the car. He fell to the ground with her in his arms, feeling a surge of adrenaline and pain. He looked into her eyes and felt a connection that he had never felt before.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

She nodded, still in shock. "Yes, thanks to you. You saved my life."

He smiled weakly. "It was nothing."

"It was everything," she said, holding his hand. "What's your name?"

"Evan," he said.

"I'm Lily," she said.

They stared at each other for a moment, feeling a spark that neither of them could explain.

"Thank you, Evan," she said softly.

"Thank you, Lily," he said back.

They didn't notice the crowd that had gathered around them, or the sirens that were approaching. They only saw each other.

Chapter 3

The Awaited Lover

That was the beginning of their love story. They exchanged phone numbers and started dating soon after. Evan felt like he had found his soulmate in Lily. She made him happy and inspired him to be a better person. She also encouraged him to pursue his dreams and supported him in everything he did.

Lily felt the same way about Evan. She admired his intelligence and courage, and loved his sense of humor and kindness. She also felt a deep attraction to him that she couldn't resist. He made her feel alive and cherished.

They were happy together, but they also faced some challenges. Lily's parents didn't approve of Evan, because they thought he was a bad influence on their daughter. They wanted her to marry someone rich and respectable, not some orphan who worked at a garage. They tried to pressure her to break up with him, but she refused. She loved Evan more than anything, and she didn't care about his background or status.

Chapter 4:

The Wrong Demons, The Right Challenges

Evan's foster parents also didn't like Lily, because they were jealous of their relationship. They wanted to keep Evan under their control and exploit him for money and labor. They tried to sabotage their relationship by spreading lies and rumors about Lily, but Evan didn't believe them. He loved Lily more than anything, and he trusted her completely.

They also faced some dangers from an unexpected source: Evan's biological parents. They were actually the king and queen of a small but wealthy kingdom in Europe, called Valeria. They had given up Evan for adoption when he was born, because they feared for his safety. They were involved in a political conflict with another kingdom, called Zaria, which wanted to conquer Valeria and take its resources. They knew that Zaria would stop at nothing to eliminate their heir and claim their throne.

They had hoped that by hiding Evan in America, they would protect him from harm. But they were wrong. Zaria had spies everywhere, and they eventually found out about Evan's existence and location. They sent assassins to kill him and end the royal bloodline of Valeria once and for all.

Chapter 5:

The Breadcrumbs

Evan didn't know anything about his true identity or heritage until one day when he received a mysterious letter in the mail. It was from his biological parents, who explained everything to him and begged him to come back to Valeria with them. They said they loved him and wanted him to be their son again. They also said they needed him to help them fight against Zaria and save their kingdom.

Evan was shocked and confused by the letter. He didn't know what to believe or what to do. He felt angry and betrayed by his parents, who had abandoned him and lied to him for his whole life. He also felt scared and overwhelmed by the idea of being a prince and a leader of a nation. He didn't want to leave his life in America, especially Lily, who he loved more than anything.

He decided to ignore the letter and throw it away. He didn't want anything to do with his parents or their kingdom. He wanted to stay with Lily and be happy with her.

Chapter 6:

The Wrong Maker

But he didn't know that Zaria had intercepted the letter and knew about his whereabouts. They sent a team of agents to kidnap him and bring him to their leader, who planned to torture and kill him in front of his parents.

They attacked him one night when he was leaving the garage after work. They knocked him out and dragged him into a van, before speeding away. They also left a note for Lily, saying that they had taken Evan and that she would never see him again.

Lily was devastated when she found the note. She couldn't believe that Evan was gone, and that he was in danger. She felt helpless and hopeless, until she remembered something that Evan had told her once.

He had told her that he had a secret stash of money that he had saved up over the years, hidden in a locker at the bus station. He had said that it was for emergencies, or for their future together. He had given her the key and the code, in case something ever happened to him.

She decided to use the money to hire a private investigator, who could help her find Evan and rescue him. She didn't care about the risks or the costs. She loved Evan more than anything, and she would do anything to save him.

She went to the bus station and opened the locker, expecting to find a few thousand dollars. But she was shocked when she saw what was inside.

It was a suitcase full of gold bars and jewels, worth millions of dollars.

She realized that Evan had been hiding more than his identity from her. He had been hiding his wealth as well.

She wondered why he had done that, and what else he had not told her.

But she didn't have time to think about it. She took the suitcase and went to find the best private investigator in town.

She hoped that it was not too late to save Evan, and their love.



About the Creator

Danny Leonards

Hi there, I'm Danny Leonards, Welcome to my vocal page

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