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Beyond the self-served love

By Lucie Arkel SramkovaPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 11 min read

We are living in a culture obsessed with the idea of being captivated in a love affair, of finding the perfect ONE, the ultimate IDEAL romance and happy ever after, of divine union, of finding God within another. And we expect it to come easy or be utterly sacrificial in nature

Some of us are lucky enough to taste the lips of this eternal lover without being hurt, poisoned by their words and actions, or completely swallowed up.

Some of us get to experience this 'relating' in small doses short term or in a messy, complicated half in - half out way cause it takes more than 'dreams' to sustain such a deeply connected and committed space.

The dark truth is that most people desire the Divine Union, Twin Flame connection, Sacred Marriage; yet can’t or won’t access their internal wisdom, emotional maturity and spiritual connection that brings a deep level of presence, patience, understanding and compassion.

So what does it truly take?


The Divine Union, The Sacred Marriage is not a concept you can learn about and then apply in specific steps. It is not a story running in your mind. It is not a problem you can solve. It is not a calculated action that will bring you the desired relationship. It is not a goal to pursue. For it is not a place.

Devotion and radical commitment is the gateway of the grail.

Seeing everyone, and everything as an opportunity to deepen in love.

It is a level of consciousness, an attitude to life that will infiltrate every cell of your being. It is a journey of authentic growth, discovery of Love and remembrance of our Truest Nature.

We follow the current of what is alive in us from a place of authenticity. Learning to appreciate that every person is also relating to us (and the world) from their connection or lack of it.

Every lesson is a chance to connect to our intrinsic intuitive wisdom and listen to what is actually going on from a place of deep feeling (rather than understanding).

It is beyond what the mind can ever understand.


When you look at the relationships around you, you will see that many people follow a specific agenda. They are looking for their Twin Flame, for their soulmate, for their perfect partner.

We have created a checklist about what that means. I want a man/woman who is kind, loving, loves to travel, loves to cook, loves to play guitar, takes care of their health…

We have created our perfect shopping list.

Which is robbing us of true, authentic and intimate relationships!

We seek our partner to tick off our boxes and when they don’t, we are ready to move on immediately. To seek a better fix. To see someone more suited to our boyfriend/girlfriend shopping list. Because when someone will tick those boxes, we will be happy.

Our commitment to one another is as fleeting as the seasons we go through. We are committed more to the momentary satisfaction than the long term vision.

For humans go through seasons. We change. We twist and turn. We adapt. We learn more about the world. We grow. To truly relate to someone is to go beyond the perfect shopping list.

Can you let go of your shopping list, of your idea about who your lover is and instead relate to the HUMAN in front of you, loving them as they are?

Can you choose people not with your head but with your heart?

Can you commit to a person for a lifetime and be there, available to them, loving them, supporting them whatever season they are in? Not only when it suits you but also when it matters to them.

Can you commit to LOVING them whilst you let go of how it looks? Because you can be friends or be angry with one another, you can be distant for a while or be super close, you can fight or you can spend hours talking… Most of that happens at different stages of a relationship. In every relationship!

Can you commit TO THE PERSON rather than your checklist about who they should be?

Can you LOVE them? Just love THEM?


We all desire LOVE!

To be loved - it is one of the basic human needs.

All of us go about it some way. Some seek it in healthy ways, some fall into self-destructive patterns for they don’t even know any other way.

Many of us have not been taught properly where to get love.

We have been conditioned to see love THROUGH OTHERS! Outside of ourselves. We seek it in the eyes of our partner; through the eyes of our parents when we behave as a good girl/boy; or through the eyes of our friends when we are there the way they want us to be. We even perceive our career success as an opportunity to become someone incredible because that way we will be loved by many.

But does it really work?

Is there really a place you can go and GET love?

Haven’t we seen and heard stories about people who had it all - the millions, the jets, the businesses, the perfect body - who still feel lonely?!

Doesn’t it just point to the fact that the outside world can never ever satisfy our need for Love. Because what you need to know is that the outside world only reflects the inner reality.

To find Love, one has to start WITHIN. And address the lack that is deeply seated within our hearts.


The truth is that the outside world is an impermanent, unreliable source of Love. Sometimes it works and you get your fix but mostly it doesn’t. You are waiting for someone else to show you something that you don’t feel within.

That is why you are seeking it elsewhere.

Your body, your mind, your psyche are not producing enough to keep you going. You don’t understand that the well of infinite love is hidden inside of you. Your cup is consistently half empty.

So how do you fill it up?

To truly feel LOVE is to start from WITHIN.

The journey starts with Self. Turning inwards. Tuning into the real You. Unravelling. Undoing all the layers of societal conditioning, of family expectations, of judgements of self. Journeying with your true Self to find the purity, the innocence, the wildness until you become the EMPTY VESSEL that can openly and innocently receive the whole world and be received.

Such a journey starts by clearing out all the past hurt, abandonment, separation, betrayal issues. It starts by letting go of the idea that anyone is here to hurt us.

It is an illusion that is played on us by our Ego. It's giving our ego toys to play with so it feels seen, met and entertained.

We create drama in our lives because our deep levels of unworthiness make us believe that this is what we deserve.

But you can live differently.

Learn to look at the world around you through the eyes of compassion and forgiveness. Through the eyes of passion and wonder.

Forgive everyone who has hurt you in your own time; not for them but for you! Without force, without pressure, tension or control. Take your time to let go and heal. So you can let go of that charged emotion and from the peace that you find after that, receive the wisdom of the true motivation behind their actions.

Allow compassion to run through your veins to show you that they acted from their fear, insecurity and pain. See them as the Divine Child who is trying to find Home, just does not know how to go about it. Be the one who can stop the vicious cycle of pain.

Once you forgive others, you will find that there is someone else to journey with - You! There are fears you need to look at, doubts of self, judgements of your inadequacy, your unlovability, your unworthiness that you carry; there are your darkest demons that make you hate yourself; forgive them and forgive yourself for all the pain you have caused yourself; accept your imperfect perfection. When you truly start looking at yourself, without turning away, without hiding the hate, anger and pain you feel towards yourself for leaving Heaven and walking such a turbulent life; then you will experience Peace and pure Love radiating through your veins.

This is a journey of radical commitment to self, absolute and unwavering devotion to YOU AND TO OTHERS, a journey that starts with only an inkling of hope that such journey does bear fruit in the end.

And it takes dedication to look - to wake up every day and decide that you will forgive yourself and you will love yourself harder than you ever thought possible. NOT FROM A PLACE OF ARROGANCE AND DETERMINATION ... BUT FROM A PLACE OF SOFTNESS AND SOULFULLNESS.

A commitment to honouring your heart, and willingness to be kind, to show yourself compassion for all the crazy, impulsive or regretful choices you may have made. Here we begin to self sooth, to self nourish and fill our tanks up to the brim. We become our own gatekeepers, mothers, fathers, lovers. Every day we begin to trust ourselves that little bit more - a trust that allows us to soften to others also - a fierceness that is strong and courageous rather than consumed with ammunition and blame. It is here that the walls of resistance, of pain, of grief will naturally begin to fade away.

That is your utmost devotion you need to exercise.

For when you do it for you, there is no other way than for that miracle to spread into the world. When you can find your centre amongst the chaos - all of your actions become peaceful and channeled from a place of wisdom and grace. All of your words will resonate with such a frequency. Even the most intense emotions will land powerfully in your body. Your expression will change. Your charge will be honoured. Your energy 'holy fire' and embodiment will change every room you step into. Your heart will be full of Divine Love, in full abundance of knowing you have everything for you are everything.

From such a space true Sacred Marriage is born.


Sacred Marriage is the ultimate type of love affair. It is a space where your own sovereignty meets in balance with service to another. It is a space where two people come together not to fix each other, to make each other whole, but to expand the creation - from two imperfectly perfect humans to grander version of both, mutually complementing one another, supporting each other’s growth, with commitment that far surpasses each other’s limitations and comfort.

Such a relationship does not come from a NEED but from a CHOICE.

Both people CHOOSING to be together because something even better gets to be born into the world from such a union, something bigger than those two beings being separate.

WE MUST BECOME EMOTIONALLY AVAILABLE or willing to OPEN UP emotionally, honestly, truthfully.


We must be willing to GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER honestly NOT just get caught up in the reflection of ourselves that may be super appealing and lucrative. Not the version of ourselves that would SAVE or CHANGE the other, not the version of ourselves that can polarise or flatter the other person to win favour ... but the version that is naturally and gracefully able to serve by being our authentic SELF.

We must be willing to ACCEPT the other person as they are, and choose to grow, evolve and transform together – KNOWING that each of you experience life’s cycles differently. Supporting/encouraging each other rather openly rather than becoming obsessed about getting your own needs met.

All of this happens from a place of CHOICE. You don’t do this because you have to but you do it because having other people in your life at this depth is outrageously delicious.

Nobody and nothing can take anything from you. You are sovereign as you are.

And you don't have to be absolutely perfect to walk this path. But you get to do enough work to open the space of Love to receive also more Love.

In your Heart, there will be a sanctuary for Love to come alive and through you the Love will manifest into the world. It will happen in your relationship to nature for you will not be able to find yourself capable of causing harm, money will find you every time you desire it for you are walking abundance that fully trusts life, your friendships will flourish for you will be the safest harbour of Love there is in any drama they experience, your community will be held in your tender arms and whenever you call people to action, it will be to call on their sacred Warrior Hearts to stand united for a bigger cause.

Your Heart will also be open to another. The man. The woman. The one. The one that will mirror the level of your devotion you have on the inside. The one that will allow you to experience the Divine in this Earthly World. To experience the miracle of God in flesh. But not because you need it. Simply because it is a delicious way to be in this human body. And chances are you will open each other to even higher levels of bliss together.

It is the highest manifestation of Sacred Marriage you can experience on Earth. It is a sacred Gift, the ultimate blessing you can wish upon. It is a sacred force that will demand the best of you. It is not a concept to play with. It is a way of living. Unwavering. You cannot choose it only when it is comfortable.

This level of loving is available to anyone, it is available to you.

It is choosing you. It is calling you.

What are you choosing?

Deep love x

Lucie Sramkova & One Love Humanity

@iamnakedlove <3

* * * * *

Lucie Sramkova is dedicated to serving men and women on their journey back to themselves and Home. She uses devotion, sexuality and relating as the gateways to understanding Love - whether it is as a Love of Self or a Sacred Marriage with our beloveds or in relation to life itself.

One Love Humanity provides teachings for the evolution of human consciousness. They are committed to creating a new paradigm of personal and educational pathways for intuitive, emotional, physical, spiritual development and embodiment. Their vision is to create a personal and collective LOVE revolution that allows you to experience the divine romance and embodied intimacy with SELF, OTHERS, and the PLANET.


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Lucie Arkel Sramkova

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    Lucie Arkel SramkovaWritten by Lucie Arkel Sramkova

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