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Life of Andrea del sato

By AbdurPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Andrea del sarto


Andrea del Sarto, also known as Andrea d'Agnolo di Francesco, was a prominent Italian painter of the Renaissance period. Born in Florence in 1486, he trained under Piero di Cosimo and Franciabigio, and later went on to become one of the most respected painters of his time.

Despite his great success as an artist, del Sarto's personal life was marked by a troubled marriage. He was married to a woman named Lucrezia, who is believed to have been unfaithful to him. The couple frequently argued, and their relationship was a source of pain and frustration for del Sarto.

Despite the challenges in his personal life, del Sarto's love for art never wavered. He continued to paint portraits of Lucrezia, and some of these paintings, such as "Portrait of a Young Woman" and "Portrait of a Woman," are considered some of his finest works. These paintings are notable for their skillful use of color and fine draftsmanship, and they showcase del Sarto's ability to capture the essence of his subject with great accuracy and sensitivity.

One of the most striking examples of del Sarto's love for Lucrezia is his famous painting "The Faultless Painter." This painting depicts a man, believed to be del Sarto himself, standing before an easel with a paintbrush in hand. The man appears to be deep in thought, and the painting is thought to be a reflection on the artist's own struggles with his wife's infidelity.

Despite their marital troubles, Del Sarto and Lucrezia remained married until his death in 1531. In fact, it is said that del Sarto died of a broken heart, his body is buried in the church of SS Annunziata in Florence, near the altar of the Santissima Annunziata, the main church of the Servite order.

Why adrea del sato stayed with his unfaithful wife even tho he's succeeded in his career? What's the pshcology behind his behaviour

There could be several reasons why Andrea del Sato may have chosen to stay with his unfaithful wife despite his success in his career. Some possible explanations for this behavior include:

  • A strong emotional attachment or feelings of love towards his wife
  • A sense of commitment and loyalty towards the relationship
  • Belief that the relationship is worth saving
  • Difficulty envisioning a future without his partner
  • Fear of the unknown or the possibility of being alone
  • Guilt or shame about the infidelity
  • The pressure of societal expectations or cultural norms
  • Fear of judgement or societal stigma associated with divorce or separation
  • It's also possible that Andrea del Sato may have his own personal reasons for staying in the relationship, which may not be immediately apparent to others.
  • It's important to note that every individual is unique and it's hard to generalize the reasons behind one's behavior without having a clear understanding of the person's personal circumstances, motivation and mindset.

Why men fear to loose their unfaithful women

There could be several reasons why a man may fear losing an unfaithful woman.

One possibility is that he may have strong feelings of love and attachment towards her, and may not want to end the relationship.

Additionally, he may also feel a sense of loyalty and commitment towards her. He may believe that the relationship is worth saving, or that he is unable to envision his life without her.

Another factor could be feelings of insecurity and fear of rejection, which may lead to feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem.

He may feel that if he loses this woman, he may not be able to find someone else who loves him.

He may also fear the idea of social stigma or judgement from others.

It's also possible that the man may be in denial

about the infidelity and may not want to

acknowledge the truth, this could be due to

cognitive dissonance, where he wants to hold

on to a positive image of his partner and that relationship

It's important to note that every person is unique, and these reasons may vary from person to person.

In conclusion, Andrea del Sarto was not only a great artist but also a great lover, his work stands as a testament to his enduring love for his unfaithful wife Lucrezia, even though their marriage was not happy, He used art as a medium to express his feelings and to keep her memory alive. His paintings continue to be admired and studied to this day, and they serve as a reminder of the complex and often-troubled nature of human relationships.


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