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The Fragile Dreams of a Returning Expatriate

The Delicate Dreams of a Bringing Expatriate back

By MD.KAMRUL HOSENPublished about a month ago 3 min read
The Delicate Dreams of a Bringing Expatriate back

The Delicate Dreams of a Returning In the late spring of his twenty-eighth year, a Bangladeshi ostracize, having spent a huge piece of his life in Canada, got back to his country with a reasonable expectation: to wed a lady who met a bunch of carefully framed standards. His folks, anxious to satisfy his cravings, were in a free for all, looking for the ideal lady of the hour. She must be Bangladeshi, stand between five feet three and five feet five inches tall, have a fair or brilliant composition, have a place with a high-status family, and hold essentially a four year certification. They looked for flawlessness.

During their three-month stay in Bangladesh, their endeavours proved to be fruitful inside the main month. They found a young lady who apparently fit every one of the models. While the objective flawlessness of the young lady stayed obscure, the sparkle in the lucky man's eyes recommended she surpassed his assumptions. As a companion, I anticipated the wedding greeting with distinct fascination, not such a huge amount for the banquet yet to see this purported wonderful young lady.

Notwithstanding, in spite of the quick movement of occasions, the lucky man and his family suddenly got back to Canada. There was no wedding, and I never had the opportunity to meet the young lady. I expected that the man of the hour, brought up in Canada, could have revaluated his choice, maybe selecting to consume his time on earth with a Western lady all things being equal.

90 days passed, and the lucky man's dad got back to Bangladesh. His visit, be that as it may, was not one of sentimentality or relaxed reconnection with his foundations. All things being equal, he returned with obscure recollections of his town home and land, which he immediately auctions off. Upon the arrival of his return trip to Canada, I experienced him at the air terminal. The man, presently altogether matured, looked exhausted. At his age, he ought to have been appreciating bistro social occasions with cherished, lifelong companions, sneaking desserts in spite of diabetes, and talking about the nation's inconveniences after petitions. All things being equal, he was going to Canada, prone to spend his days in a recreation area, packaged facing the virus. His likely arrangements appeared to be unfortunately imperfect.

Seeing him sitting tight for his flight, I was unable to oppose inquiring, "Selling all that and leaving? Could you return? Did your child get hitched?"

He appeared to be daydreaming and didn't promptly answer. The flight declaration reverberated through the air terminal. As I rose up to leave subsequent to offering my regards, he got a handle on my hand.

"My child is biting the dust. After we organized his marriage in Bangladesh, he out of nowhere experienced extreme stomach torment. We took him to the specialist, and in somewhere around two days, we figured out he had disease. Probably, he has a year to live. We returned him to Canada for cutting edge treatment, however there's no expectation; the illness had concealed in his body. Presently, it's costly medication and exorbitant clinics for whatever length of time he endures. I'm taking all the cash we have. If it's not too much trouble, petition God for a supernatural occurrence for my child."

His flight was going to withdraw. He left with long, resolved steps, his eyes absent any and all tears, possible since they had all evaporated. I remained there, confused and shocked, with nothing to say.

In the span of a month, the child died. No wonder showed up to save him. The night I learned of his passing, I took a gander at his Facebook profile. His last status, posted two days before his passing, was a two-line explanation worth millions:

"On the off chance that you have a sound body,

Try not to whine to God about whatever else."

This strong account features the delicacy of human dreams and the unanticipated misfortunes that can break them. The ostracize family's careful quest for flawlessness in a lady and their ensuing plans were mercilessly overturned by an unforgiving spot of destiny. The dad's tragic predicament highlights a well known fact: life's arrangements are frequently disturbed by powers outside of our reach, and the genuine worth lies in wellbeing and the current second.

As we approach our regular routines, consumed by cravings for material achievement and amazing situations, we should recollect the ostracizer's last words. Wellbeing is an extremely valuable gift, and in its presence, we have the most significant motivation to be thankful.

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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    Hey, just wanna let you know that this is more suitable to be posted in the Fiction community 😊


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