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The Essence of Stoicism: Finding serenety in the modern world

For those who seek to live their best possible lives

By EunoiaPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
The Essence of Stoicism: Finding serenety in the modern world
Photo by Giammarco Boscaro on Unsplash

Stoicism 101: A preliminary exposition of Stoicism

In a world filled with uncertainty and chaos. Stoicism, an ancient Greek philosophy, endeavors to liberate us from the vulnerability to the capricious nature of the universe and instill in us a sense of composure and indifference towards it. It serves as a means of strengthening oneself for enduring peace of mind. However, it requires effort and often entails sacrifice. The stoic's task is to discern what is within our control and what is not, recognizing that the only aspect within our control is our response to events, not the events themselves.

It is evident that we possess the ability to exert influence over certain events, however, it is important to acknowledge that complete control over circumstances is unattainable.

Let’s consider a scenario in which you are at your workplace and your supervisor informs you that the espresso machine, which you rely on, is being removed. As a result, your daily complimentary coffee is no longer available. This situation would be quite distressing for most individuals. Your response to this situation is entirely up to you, as you have no authority over the presence or absence of the machine. You may choose to accept the change and move forward, or you may choose to dwell in the despair of losing your free coffee. The ultimate objective is to enhance your inner self, as depending on external factors for happiness leaves you at the mercy of an unpredictable universe that is beyond your control.

Stoic philosophers adhere to a semi-deterministic worldview, also known as compatibilism, which posits that every event has a cause, albeit sometimes beyond our control and that we can only control our actions.

Stoicism was a philosophy that was accessible to all, from slaves to the emperor of Rome. However, in contemporary times, many of us become preoccupied with material possessions and expect them to bring us happiness. We convince ourselves that the next acquisition will finally provide us with contentment, whether it be a new car, the latest smartphone, or an expensive watch. When we are unable to obtain these items due to financial constraints, we feel disheartened, as if the universe is conspiring against our happiness, and we resign ourselves to our fate. Nevertheless, the truth is that material possessions only provide temporary happiness. Cars break down, phones eventually malfunction, and even when our possessions continue to function optimally, we become accustomed to them, and our desire for something newer and more attractive resurfaces. This cycle is never-ending.

To escape the trap of consumerism, we must adopt a different attitude towards our purchases and the dopamine rush they provide. One way to achieve this is by practicing what the Stoics refer to as voluntary discomfort. This involves subjecting oneself to discomfort in something that one typically enjoys. The most common way to do this is by taking a cold shower instead of a warm one. Alternatively, one could continue to use their new phone until it is no longer functional, enduring the cracks and lags, and abstaining from purchasing the latest model when it is released, if this is too challenging.

The pillars of Stoicism:

The pursuit of wisdom lies at the core of Stoicism. Stoics advocate for the cultivation of rationality and understanding, which enables individuals to distinguish between what is within their control and what lies beyond it. By directing our energy towards what we can change, we liberate ourselves from unnecessary worry and frustration.

Stoicism also emphasizes the importance of courage in the face of adversity. The Stoics believed that challenges present opportunities for growth, and by embracing difficulties, individuals can strengthen their character and become better equipped to handle life's ups and downs.

Furthermore, moderation and self-discipline are central to Stoic philosophy. By practicing temperance, individuals learn to avoid excess and find contentment in simplicity. This principle serves as a reminder that true happiness comes from within and is not dependent on external possessions.

Stoicism advocates for the recognition of life's impermanence. Through this acknowledgement, one can cultivate a sense of equanimity by understanding that both positive and negative experiences are fleeting. This perspective enables individuals to value the present and detach from excessive attachments, thereby mitigating the suffering caused by the fear of loss.

In a world where external forces often dictate our emotions, Stoicism serves as a guiding light. Through the adoption of wisdom, courage, and temperance, and by directing our attention towards what we can control, we can attain serenity amidst the chaos. It is important to bear in mind that the essence of this philosophy lies in your daily choices and perceptions.

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