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The Blind Man's Wisdom

Three Methods to Read Minds

By Romeo AcquahPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

"The Blind Man's Wisdom: Three Methods to Read Minds"

In order to read the thoughts of others, one must become acquainted with three crucial methods. These methods are of utmost significance, as mastering them will empower you to decipher and comprehend the inner workings of anyone's mind. Let me share with you a tale about Buddha, which illustrates the art of reading minds.

A long time ago, in a modest village, two brothers resided. The elder brother was blind and stayed at home, while the younger brother worked as a farmer. Unfortunately, the younger brother's fields were plagued by a multitude of animals, which were wreaking havoc on his crops. Faced with this predicament, he devised a clever plan. He realized that he could enlist the help of his blind elder brother to drive away these troublesome animals.

The plan was simple: he built a small hut in his field and placed his blind brother inside it. He instructed his brother that whenever he heard the sound of approaching animals, he should shout loudly, scaring them away. This way, their crops could be saved. The blind elder brother agreed to the plan, and they implemented it diligently for several days.

One day, a deer sprinted through their field, breaking the fence in the process. A king who was pursuing the deer also reached the field. The king's attention was drawn to the blind brother and he inquired, "Have you seen a deer here?" The blind brother, in response, said, "Your majesty, I am blind. How can I see a deer? But I can confidently tell you that the animal that fled from my field is not worth your pursuit. You are wasting your time."

The king was astounded by the blind man's statement and questioned, "Are you not deceiving me? On one hand, you claim to be blind, and on the other, you assert that the animal fleeing from here is not worth my pursuit."

In reply, the blind man explained, "O King, the creature you believe to be a deer is, in fact, a doe, and she is pregnant. As far as I know, no king hunts a pregnant doe. That's why I am confident in saying that she is not worth your pursuit."

The king was even more amazed, unable to fathom how the blind man could discern the deer's pregnancy. He inquired further, and the truth was confirmed by his commander. The king was astonished and decided to get to the bottom of this mystery.

The blind man proceeded to provide a series of answers to questions posed by the king, eventually uncovering the truth about the king's heritage. He explained that he had learned to perceive the thoughts of others through their actions, even without the use of eyes.

To read the thoughts of others, the blind man offered the king three fundamental methods. The first method involved paying close attention to a person's eyes. The eyes can reveal much about a person's thoughts, intentions, and emotions. Observing where their gaze falls, the size of their pupils, and the redness of the sclera can provide insights into their state of mind.

The second method focused on deciphering facial expressions. A smile, a frown, or raised eyebrows can convey a person's happiness, displeasure, or surprise. These expressions offer valuable cues about their inner feelings.

The third method delved into the language of gestures and body language. The blind man explained that hand gestures, postures, and movements can speak volumes. Simple actions like tapping fingers, crossing arms, leaning forward, or touching the face can reveal a person's feelings and intentions.

However, to effectively employ these methods, one must first quiet their own mind, bringing it into the present moment. Only then can they attentively observe and interpret the nonverbal cues that others unconsciously convey.

In summary, these three methods, when mastered, enable one to discern the thoughts and emotions of others with remarkable accuracy. By focusing on the eyes, facial expressions, and gestures, individuals can gain profound insights into the minds of those they interact with. Yet, the prerequisite for success is a calm and present mind.

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  • C.S LEWIS8 months ago

    this is great work you can also join my friends and read what i have just prepared for you

RAWritten by Romeo Acquah

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