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By Jahzara the Savvy DivaPublished 7 years ago 2 min read

I’m often sent on an emotional roller coaster of bullshit and drama; a basis that lacks purpose and is filled with impersonal electronic disconnections. LOL, OMG, IDK, BRB, ROTFLMAO.

These random acronyms are lazily written emotions of short gestures of communication between individuals who’d rather socialize via text or on social network platforms. Individuals who base their status and popularity on the number of friends they have stamped on their profile. The politics of numbers and virtual engagements are a joke to me. I’m someone who values quality time and true friendship, who’d rather puke up notebook pages of a one-page typed letter than to feed all the hungry egos.

I love the intimacy between the stroke of my pen and crisp journal paper as the ink appears with each rhythmic vibration of mixed script and cursive. I love the external release of my inner thoughts and emotions about a particular person, event, or celebration. A note written to someone special just to say hello or thank you is obsolete. I am the first to condone and glorify the convenience of instant technology—but only to a specific 90-degree angle. My mind is quick and crafty so I will take advantage of our elaborate technology to send a detailed e-mail to those whom I’ve considered being worthy of my friendship. They're the ones I will set extra time aside to call on the phone and verbally exclaim HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MERRY CHRISTMAS, CONGRATULATIONS, and even saddened CONDOLENCES. The intimacy and personalization is eradicated when special moments are acknowledged with a text. It's amazing how many friends I used to call true friends are now categorized into the cold disconnected friend list box on my Facebook profile. Now they're sharing space with associates I’ve met in passing; whether at work or in other social settings. My Facebook page is really used to connect virtually with an unattached but socially integrated world of nosy people.

I don’t want to receive a HAPPY BIRTHDAY only on my wall from the group of people I’ve called my friends. Pick up the damn phone and interact with me. What happened to the personable interaction that created our realistic friendships? You’d rather minimize your interaction to less than 140 characters and tweet me your updated status. I'm not surprised though—the element of communication was never a strong foundation that molded our connection. Our history is full of partying, drinking, dancing, and capturing those moments in photos.

Guess what, followers . . . I’m unplugging the hype dream connections, disconnecting from the digital realm of social addiction. I'll de-friend my real friends and update my status to UNPLUGGED. So the next time your inner being wanders awake from the digital pack and you begin to crave human interaction, send me an old-school friend request. Reconnect with your pen or grab a connection from your landline receiver to engage and react through the revolutionary vibrations of laughter and auditory reception—shared between real friends. OMG, U R SO FUNNY, ROTFLMAO!

I guess a virtual world of digital interaction and social addiction is the best platform to fuel your socially connected false reality. I'm unplugging my profile, I Won't Be Back. PEACE!


About the Creator

Jahzara the Savvy Diva

Jahzara, the Savvy Diva is an author, writer and lover of words, equipped with aunique outlook on life...while dramatically pursuing happiness.

IG: @jahzara_the_savvydiva

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    Jahzara  the Savvy DivaWritten by Jahzara the Savvy Diva

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