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Seeing Colors Through My Eyes

Taking a closer look at colors in life.

By Patricia AriasPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

Beautiful colors I see in you and me, when I see colors, they make me happy brightens up my life! We all have favorite colors in our lives, the color red is of my delight, of course all the colors are beautiful without a doubt. with my Moleskine journal I will write about the beautiful colors that surround us in this beautiful Earth let me start: There are magical colors everywhere in the sky, the way the sun hits the light either brightens the sky's or dims the lights, but it does it with such delight to remind us that even as the evening is approaching but the sun must say it’s good byes, and it goes with such delight.

Showing beautiful colors in the sky’s, of purples, pinks, blues, oranges, golden ones too. Simply by looking up at the sky there are many birds that love to fly, we see different colors the variety is so amazing to gaze at such beautiful things that were created for us. Now if you look all around the colors continue to appear, the Trees the Flowers so much variety we get to pick a color of a flower because it exists. If it was just black and white that would not be fun our choices would be limited and that is not who we are.

We are not limited beings, we are humans with lots of choices realize that! You also have the colors in the ocean deep down there is a whole world to yet explore to navigate to enjoy! And yet we limit our thoughts they don’t go beyond what we are experiencing in the now! We have lost touch with ourselves with the colors of the world the magical places, the Rainbows the Glaces. We have opted to think of a hardship place where everything is Gray! That there is no meaning for today, when in reality if you opened up your heart Gray is not the only color to see, we see many colors this world has shown us in sight!

Then we look to ourselves the way we dress the way we present ourselves. The colors that we choose to wear some have a problem expressing themselves. There might be fear to speak so we declare what we wear. We get bothered when someone is expressing their colors. How can we accept each other by the colors we wear? Everyone is very judgmental in every way. A child was born with the color you were told to hate, an innocent child that was just born yesterday has the same right as you do! Imagine if you were not given that opportunity to live, just because you were born in a society where color rules over all!

Now that would not be loving, it would not be a harmonious world at all! And just because how you have grown and color was put in front of you and were told do not be friends with this color, this color is your enemy your rivalry! When did color become an issue? When did it become a contest? Or rather a Protest? With Hatred and Violence? Colors are not meant to be Divided but rather United! You grow up with these thoughts in your head that the world is not a peaceful place, but rather a chaotic one.

When none of this should exist! Just because someone has a different path does not make them less than anyone else, we all wear the colors of the world. Stop criticizing, judging you are just hurting others and yourself! Let’s just be, exist, make a difference in this world. Let’s not fight over color, rather let's learn from nature, the plants the animals that we see they are not at war with each other over a color that was given to them.

The colors are even mixed in the trees and the bees the grasshoppers you see. There are many different species in this planet wearing different colors and you don’t see them fighting divided because they say to each other I don’t like that red color you are wearing nor those rainbow feathers! They go about their living that is all they focus on, a path that was written in which we ask ourselves how do animals know what to do? How do plants know how to grow? Is simple really, is in their nature intuition they automatically know.

For their focus is on their path and what they bring to earth by existing connecting being one. They don’t focus on someone else’s life only they see a straight path up ahead, they are not pointing their fingers at others because is not why they came to convey. We all have this intuition inside this calling to follow our guide. So, help me understand as humans as we are, as intelligent as we are how come we are not at peace we are still at war with each other and not fallowing our own path but rather have an opinion about others? You see it doesn’t matter the color you wear, you came to this planet to enjoy life in variety! Start by putting negative thoughts aside.

Consider the many years all of these thoughts have caused pain in many many lives. Is time we start thinking different and put color aside, we are all human beings we all have the right to be here and enjoy life. Stop feeding hatred to new generations and change your own thoughts! In order for change to occur we must all do our parts, in having better thoughts towards each other no matter what we look like on the outside! Let’s not be Pathetic, but rather Empathetic cultivate that in your heart! Stop resisting on that anger that was implanted when you were young.

Those thoughts don’t belong to you. You have a choice and you know deep in your heart that when you choose hatred, it does not sit right in your heart! Rather listen to your soul your intuition and connect to that love within. Vanish away the way you once saw life and generations that passed. Because hatred is part of the past, let go of that past and live in the now realize that color is nothing but an accessory you wear to be able to walk in this planet and make a life up ahead. Humans are the only ones causing each other pain, for beliefs that no longer apply to this day!

How many lives have to end? How many tragedies do we have to face? In our lives to understand there is a bigger picture at play! We can stop this madness these wrong thoughts, misconceptions over all. We all have the birth right to be here, to exist, to explore, to enjoy, why these killings? These thoughts that we want to possess it all! No, we don’t possess anything over all is a misconception of the Ego. We do all this fighting for what? At the end of the day, you might depart and what did all that fighting do for you? It only shortens your life, now your family is grieving saying good bye to someone that could have chosen a different path.

We are all beautiful colorful in many ways, is time to respect each other and stop living in hatred because it doesn’t get you anywhere. Just because someone is different don’t be afraid your fears cause you to see things in a way that is hurtful without a doubt. Fear is a resistance within, due to negative programming from child birth to now, but deep down there is a love you cannot deny. Sooner or later, everyone will realize all this hatred was a waste of time.


About the Creator

Patricia Arias

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