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Reaching new clients by building relationships

By being a Human-Being instead of just a Human-Doing.

By Jeffrey KippelPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

I was asked the question: “how is business being done differently now and what is the best way to reach your audience”. This was recorded during a recent appearance on the Go Indie Now Show.

Before I dive in, I will give you some framing and reference. In addition to being the author of the comedy book The Ridiculous Adventures of Serbinand, I am also involved in the fitness, wellness and empowerment industries. More specifically, providing platforms and pathways for those with a message, innovation, and triumph to share. This is done through events, wellness retreats, conventions and workshops.

Together with my wife, we created the World Natural Sports Organization, back in 1998, founded the FAME Agency, produced the FAME World Tour and published The FAME Magazine.

​Our commitment was to revolutionize the unhealthy components of the bodybuilding industry of the early 2000's led to the creation of the "Fitness Model" industry which debuted at their FAME: Fitness And Model Expo events, the largest fitness consumer shows of its kind in the world. Soon the FAME world Tour became a destination event for the fitness and wellness industry, attracting enthusiasts globally.

​As a result of this drive to establish a healthy fitness mindset, people from all backgrounds, experience levels, age groups and ethnicities successfully transformed into bodybuilders, models, athletes. Many went on to become cover models, sponsored athletes, world champions, business owners, coaches, trainers and even celebrities.

So when the world “paused” and everything changed, it also meant that we needed to rethink the way we would do business.

We had to rethink our model.

Specifically, we had to rethink the the way that we were connecting with people.

What we found is that in many cases, was the shifting our focus on the building of relationships. Rather than looking at a macro model, where general promotions and marketing are the key instruments being used, we concentrated on putting our message in front of a smaller group of people with the goal of building relationships.

What I have discovered over my years in business, is that the strongest way for people to hold on to those relationships is by giving them a tremendous amount of value and letting them know who you are, as a person.

Why is this so important? Because people follow people. Yup, it is that simple. And if they're following you, then they'll typically look at the products, servicess, courses, events, retreats, books, etc that you are offering.

The key, I think, is building that relationship. Getting people to follow you, because of who you are, who you are being, instead of who, or what, you are doing. Present yourself as a Human-Being instead of just a Human-Doing. (I said it twice cause that is the key take-away!)

When people truly connect with you as a person, the likelyhood that they are going to follow you, engage with you, and stay loyal to you and your offering is so much greater. Think about the cost of acquisition and time required to attract that new client, customer, supporter or follower. Think of the cost to reach that person… it can be a direct financial expense or time, which is also an expense. Isn’t it best to position yourself in a way where you can stay in relationship for an extended time period? Maybe they are not interested in what you are offering today, however they may be in a day, a week, a month or a year from now. They may be inspired by what you shared and forward that post to their network, connect you with a friend of theirs or have a new awareness that connects them with you on a deeper level.

So that's where I've seen a big mindset shift. The tactic is more about about going ‘within’ and determining who am I, what am I providing of value and service to others. What is my message? What are my unique talents and abilities? Who can I connect to who can I build a tribe with?

And… go out and build those relationships and let it expand from there!

Hope that you found value in this article :) If you would like to explore this further or chat about anything I shared, reach out. You can contact me directly at: [email protected]

A Little About Me:

My name is Jeffrey Kippel and I am the author of the book The Ridiculous Adventures of Serbinand. It’s a blend of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Monty Python, Family Guy with some Star Wars thrown in. 

I am also an Ambassador for the rethinkFIT initiative which is all about spreading the message that being FIT goes beyond just strength and appearance, that it also includes mental, emotional, social, spiritual, financial and functional health too… and one of the ways I do this by being a mentoring & coaching people want to empower others to love better how they think, feel, act, look and dream.

My book helps to spread the message too as it is also about escapism, self discovery and growth, with a bunch of laugh out loud moments in between.

Search “Serbinand” on Amazon & Kindle and Audible or you can go to my to to get a sneak peek.


About the Creator

Jeffrey Kippel

Helping raise social consciousness with laughter, wellness & empowerment; with my comedy book, as a talk show host & as an ambassador for rethinkFIT.

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