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My Ex Looks Away When He Sees Me (Why Does My Ex Avoid Looking At Me)

I want to tell you right now that I know how much it hurts to have to say my ex looks away when he sees me. It hurts like heck, and is the last thing that you ever want to come to the realization of. If you're in a situation where you're saying why does my ex avoid looking at me, then this might be the most important thing you've ever read.

By Lyra NoahPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

If you are still surprised your ex is trying to avoid you don't be. That's what they do, that's why they are your ex. Why am I saying this? I'm saying this because it's surprising how many people rant about how they don't understand why their ex is avoiding him/her. And until you accept the fact that you may have done something that led to your current predicament, I can't help you.

So snap out of it and read on as I'll give you 4 ways to get your ex back when they are avoiding you...

Give him space - One thing you need to learn is to stop resisting. If your ex is avoiding you, don't waste your energy and look pathetic chasing someone. Sometimes, that's all they need, time and space to think. I know every person is different but generally this is how it works. The more you seek him the more he will resent you. If you stop, he will wonder why and find out.

Send you're ex an email - Calling is not an option, you will just give your ex more reason to avoid you. If you send him an email though, there is very little chance it will not be read. This will also make your ex contemplate how you would have said all these things if you were right in front of him. The best thing about an email is your ex will certainly read it more than once. Meaning he'll think of you more than once as well.

Pick up a hobby your ex likes - If your ex likes to play bowling, there's a good chance there's more than 2 bowling places in your area so your ex can't say you are there because of him. You can even start going out and socializing, and be even more sneaky by becoming friends with your ex's acquaintances, so that you can start doing these hobbies with people that your ex knows. This will ensure that the word gets back to your ex.

Be more gorgeous then you have ever been - After the first three steps, this is the icing on the cake. He would want a part of the new you, so long as you can make yourself noticeably different than before, in terms of looks, style, and everything else. You may find it difficult at first, if this requires losing a few pounds, or doing a few things which you normally ignored or didn't like to do, but after some time, your ex will start noticing you, and then you will know exactly how effective this trick can be.

Discover How to Get Your Ex Back Even If They Ditched You

Is your relationship with your ex officially over? Are you desperately looking for ways to get your ex back? If you want to get your ex back there are a few things you must know in order to get your ex back without chasing him away!

When you're trying to get your ex back one of the first things you need to understand is that just because you want the relationship to work does not necessarily mean that your ex feels the same way. People break up all the time and if this is not the first time you and your ex have broken up before and all of you and your ex to a breakup and makeup, then sooner or later either you or your ex will leave the relationship for good if things do not change. Point, blank, period.

Regardless of how much you want to get your ex back they may be sick and tired of the relationship or how you view things and treat them. The best thing to do is fall back and not contact your ex for at least 30 days. If your ex is that the point of no return chances are you have pushed them too hard. So give your ex time to breath, and whatever you do, do not constantly call them begging for a second chance, this will only make things worse.

By giving them their space you will allow the both of you all time to reflect upon the relationship and figure out each person's faults and vice versa. It will also serve as a cooling down period. Many times when emotions are still fresh from a breakup you may say the wrong things to your ex and only ruined the chances of you getting your ex back.

So for the time being whatever you do, do not call your ex, do not text message your ex, do not send him love letters, do not e-mail, instant message. By not contacting your ex, your ex will start to miss you and wonder how you are doing. This is exactly what you want.

If you need help from outside person such as a family member or close friend then by all means get the help. It is best to seek the help of friends who would tell you like it is and not try to look things up and tell you what you want to hear.

But regardless of what your friends and family say if you really want to get your ex back then you're going to have to stop acting needy and obsessed with your ex boyfriend or girlfriend. As previously mentioned the best way to do this is to avoid all and any contact with them.

The last thing you want to do is show your ex that you are needy or obsessed when you're trying to get your ex back. This step takes the most discipline and self-control but it is crucial that you cut off all contact if you want to get your ex back. So whatever you do to not call them begging for forgiveness. This never works and makes you look desperate.

You need to do is find things to keep your mind off your ex. Pick up the old hobby that you used to enjoy. Go and hang out with the girls or homies when the weekend comes. Don't just sit in your room crying day in and day out about how your ex left you. This will only make things worse. The goal here to find something to do to keep your mind occupied and off of your ex.

During this time also try and figure out what went in the relationship. Was it your fault, was it something that you did or didn't do, are they the one to blame or is it a combination of the two of you.

If you want to get your ex back then you will definitely need to figure out what went wrong in the relationship. If there are underlying issues than they need to be fixed or addressed. If you and your ex get back together when the underlying issues have not been resolved then the relationship will not last for long. So it is the essential that you fix the underlying issues before you even attempt to get your ex back.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Ex Back Secrets


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