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Life Lessons - Part 1

Words of Wisdom

By Jeanette MPublished 8 days ago 3 min read
Life Lessons - Part 1
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Honesty and Friendships: Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it will always get you the right ones.

Self-Perception: Don’t worry about what others think of you because everyone is thinking about themselves.

Comparison: Every second you spend comparing your life to someone else's is a second wasted.

Emotional Attachment: Avoid getting emotionally attached to anyone; people change, even your best friends.

Contentment: Learn to be happy by yourself. Relying on others for happiness makes you weak.

Progress Sharing: Share your progress, not your goals, to stay motivated.

Embrace Solitude: Don’t be afraid to be alone; it's better than being with the wrong people.

Reciprocity: The people who ask the most from you are often those who do the least for you.

Responsibilities: Take your responsibilities seriously, but not yourself.

Fear: Fear shows that you care; it isn’t meant to stop you.

Decisions: Don’t make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.

Pedestals: If you put someone on a pedestal, they have no choice but to look down on you.

Advice: People give advice based on their perspective; not everything in your mind needs to be spoken.

Integrity: Don’t do anything you’ll have to lie about later.

Perception: Light travels faster than sound; some people appear bright until they speak.

Happiness: Don’t look for happiness externally; it’s always inside you.

Self-Respect: You owe nothing to your younger self but everything to your present self.

Self-Care: Realize that you are your greatest obstacle.

Parental Wisdom: Your parents were right more often than you think; respect their advice.

Experience: Act like you’ve been there before; overthinking ruins the situation.

Perspective: When angry, ask yourself if it will matter in ten years.

Health: You only get one body; take care of it, and it will take care of you.

Truth: If someone emphasizes they’re telling the truth, they’re probably lying.

Control: You have power over what you do with your time today.

Authenticity: Play yourself, and you’ll never ruin a role.

Comparisons: Don’t compare your behind-the-scenes to someone else’s highlight reel.

Missing People: Missing someone doesn’t mean you need them back in your life.

Values: Choose a partner for their values, not just their looks.

Friendship: True friends speak good things behind your back and honest things to your face.

Letting Go: Letting go is hard but often the best choice.

Courage: Accumulate victories over fear to become fearless.

Priorities: Never make someone a priority who only makes you an option.

Self-Friendship: If you’re a friend to everyone, you may be an enemy to yourself.

Listening: Use your two ears and one mouth in that proportion.

Acceptance: Change is the biggest thing you need to accept.

Life Stages: You live multiple lives within one; embrace change.

Seeing Good: Life becomes easier and more beautiful when you see the good in people.

Inevitability: You can cut all the flowers, but you can’t keep spring from coming.

Actions: Let others’ actions speak for them; they reveal more than words.

Connection: Your actions create dots that you can connect later in life.

Persistence: Commitment gets you started, consistency gets you somewhere, and persistence keeps you going.

Love: You can fall in love more than once; breakups are often for the better.

Criticism: If someone tries to bring you down, it means you’re above them.

Promises: Don’t make promises you can’t keep; they may mean everything to someone else.

Exes: Going back to your ex is like putting dirty underwear back on.

Mindset: Keep an open mind and think like a scientist.

Purpose: You create your purpose where you are.

Gratitude: Be grateful for what you have and do good with it.

Wealth: Seek new experiences, not material things, to grow rich.

Action: Action breeds clarity; you must act your way into a new life.

Reflection: Life is a reflection of your mindset.

Happiness: Chasing happiness leads to misery until you realize happiness is the way.

The Present: All you have is now; make the most of it.

Advice: Seek advice wisely; know who to ask.

Ego: Drop the ego; gratitude brings beauty and happiness.

Forgiveness: You won’t forget bad things, but you’ll stop caring eventually.

Resourcefulness: Success isn’t about resources; it’s about being resourceful.

Fear: Fear limits most people; control and overcome it.

Courage: You can’t reach new horizons without leaving the shore.

Timing: It’s never too late to pursue your dreams.

Resilience: Don’t let others’ insecurities discourage you.

Challenges: Deal with challenges rather than dwelling on mistakes.

Noise: Build a shield against the noise of others’ fears and limiting beliefs.

Past: Don’t discuss your past with those who may not understand.

Effort: Your tomorrow can be different if you try.

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About the Creator

Jeanette M

Am a lover of stories as I learn from them.

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