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My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me But Keeps Texting Me (Ex Keeps Contacting Me After Dumping Me)

Are you sitting there worrying, thinking to yourself my boyfriend broke up with me but keeps texting me, what can I do about it? If so I'm so sorry because that's a terrible awful place to be. Here's exactly what to do when you are saying my ex keeps contacting me after dumping me...

By Kelly LaceyPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me But Keeps Texting Me (Ex Keeps Contacting Me After Dumping Me)
Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

You think you found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. You date for a bit and even contemplate moving in together; suddenly your boyfriend tells you he needs some space to think and wants to breakup. What does this mean, you ask yourself. For most people, it means the end of a relationship and a time to move on. However, for many women, it's a time to ask themselves another question, "Does my ex boyfriend love me still?"

After all, what they heard is that their boyfriend needed space to think; he didn't say he wasn't in love with them anymore. If you're in this predicament, how do you know for sure what your boyfriend really means? How do you get the answer to your question, "does my ex boyfriend love me still"? There are several signs to watch out for when trying to make this determination.

Get Your "Does My Ex Boyfriend Love Me Still" Answer By Watching For Five Signs

Sign 1 - Your Boyfriend Still Calls, Emails or Texts You

When you breakup with someone, the last thing you expect your ex to do is to contact you. If you find you're picking up the phone with him on the other line, you can be sure you've got at least one hint to your "does my ex boyfriend love me still" question. When he uses any of lines of communication during the breakup, it generally means he still cares for you and wants to know that you are okay.

Sign 2 - Your Boyfriend Talks About The Past

When your boyfriend contacts you, does it seem that he brings up the good times in your past a lot? If so, then this is another small sign for the "Does my ex boyfriend love me still" question. For instance, he talks about restaurants you used to visit or movies you both enjoyed. When he does this, it means he's yearning to be next to you without outright saying so.

Sign 3 - Your Boyfriend Hints About Your Romantic Life

Another sign to your question is when he hints about your romantic life. Does it seem like he's wondering who you are seeing? If you answered yes, chances are he's trying to find out if he's got any competition. A big reason he is hinting around is because he'd like to ask you back out but don't want to hear that you're already involved with someone else.

Sign 4 - Your Boyfriend Treats You Like He Did Before The Breakup

Another sign to your question is your ex boyfriend treating you like he did before you broke up. Does he still do little things for you such as taking you where you need to go? Does he offer to help you out financially? Does he still give you presents every now and then? It's these little things that show that he's still in love with you.

Sign 5 - Your Boyfriend Has Changed For You

You may question, "Does my ex boyfriend love me still" but you can get the answer by seeing what changes he has made for the better, just for you. For instance, were there things that aggravated you about him? Did he smoke or drink? Did he gain a lot of weight during the relationship? Did he always seem to go out with his friends? These things can show you that your ex boyfriend is indeed still in love with you.

With these five signs, you can stop wondering, "Does my ex boyfriend love me still" and decide whether or not he is worth giving a second chance. You may find that even though you love him, you really don't want him back after all.

Text Your Ex Boyfriend Back

Learning how to text your ex boyfriend back isn't going to be easy. However, there are several tips on text messages out there that can help you get closer to winning your ex back and going back to the way things were in no time. Here they are:

1. Avoid sending nothing texts.

Nothing texts basically refer to text messages that don't really say anything and don't have any hooks that will make your ex boyfriend want to respond to you. Texts, such as "Hi" or "How are you doing" may be great texts to send to your friends on a day to day basis, but they won't help you text your ex boyfriend back - that's for sure.

2. Do not mention your past relationship.

Your relationship no longer exists, so talking about it might just elicit a negative response from your ex. So, what you have to do instead is focus on sending text messages that will make your ex look at you positively and open him up to the thought of getting back together with you and starting anew.

3. Do not hold grudges.

Forgive yourself and your ex for any mistakes that you might have committed when you were together.

4. Stay positive.

If you want to text your ex boyfriend back, you have to stay positive whenever you text him. Do not try and start a fight with him or talk about anything negative, for that matter.

5. Avoid neediness.

Do not send any text messages that will make you look needy or desperate in your ex boyfriend's eyes.

6. Set your goals beforehand.

Before texting your ex, make sure you set your goals beforehand. Think about how you want your ex to respond. Do you want him to laugh or smile? Do you want him to remember a certain memory or focus on the good times that you shared? Text him with a purpose.

Overall, if you want to learn how to text your ex boyfriend back, you have to come up with great and positive text messages that aren't pushy or demanding and don't pressure your ex into responding. In fact, it would be of the utmost essence to give your ex boyfriend an "out" within the first few text messages that you send, so he doesn't feel the need to respond if he doesn't want to. This is sure to help you get your ex back eventually.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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    KLWritten by Kelly Lacey

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